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A disaster waiting to happen. [Open!]


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OOC: I was bored. Not mention I'm just trying out a few personalities to see which fits ^^ Please do join in!

Desiree Joy pushed her long brown mane out of her eyes as she surveyed the kitchen table in front of her. Spread out in a colourful array were all sorts of ingredients and cooking apparatus. The individual scent of each was tempting and pleasing to smell. However, to Desiree, the only thing she smelled was a disaster.

"Oh Desiree," The young mare mimicked in a mocking voice, "I have to go watch my sister's performance at the talent show. Could you be a dear and help me with these muffins?" She rolled her eyes before stepping forward hesitantly and nudging a sack of cocoa powder with her nose. "Why did I have to say yes?" Desiree snorted, having accidentally got some up her nose. "Oh de- Achoo!"

The jerk from her sneeze sent her stumbling back a few paces, and her rump banged into the other counter, knocking an open sack of flour to the floor. "Oh bother, I need to- Achoo!" A cloud of white rose up to meet her face as she tottered unsteadily around the partially obscured vision. Finally, when the flour settled down, she could see what a mess she had made. The floor looked like the winter snow had come early, and the counter was an absolute mess. Flour coated every apparatus like a stubborn layer of dust.


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As spoon spin was trotting by a house she notice a white cloud coming from inside why is there a cloud inside a house wait cloud can't go this low I shehould go check it out to see if anypony need any help thought spoon spin as she trotting those the house and look though the Window

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Desiree waved a hoof in front of her face as she trotted through the mess in search of a broom. She found one and looked about the kitchen. Where to begin? If she cleaned the floor first, the flour from the counters might fall onto the floor and ruin what work she had done. If she started with the counters, and anypony kicked up the flour from the floor...

Sighing, the mare decided to start with the windows. As she raised the cloth to the glass, she caught an unexpected glimpse of a partially obscured pair of eyes outside. Desiree shrieked in surprise, stumbling back a few places. It was a few moments before she managed to calm down enough to open the front door. "Sorry about that, you scared me quite badly." She apologized somewhat sheepishly as she smiled at the newcomer.

"Anyway, what brings you here? I'm afraid that if you're looking for my cousin, Cinnamon, she's at the talent show." Desiree remarked, standing aside to let the mare in- if she dared to come in, that is. "About the mess, you caught me at a bad time."

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No I was just wondering what cause that white cloud I saw and now I see it look like a flour tornado hit this place I never saw a mess this bad since I tried to help rainbow dash cook do you need help cooking what every you are trying to make or if you don't want my help let me help clean and I will not take a no for helping clean after two ponies are fast then one and even if one of those ponies arw a unicorn which I am and I own a restaurant so I know a lot about cooking

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"Rainbow Dash cooking? That must have been hilarious to witness." Desiree giggled, stepping back into the flour covered kitchen. With a jerk of her head she gestured to the (thankfully) mostly unharmed ingredients on the counter. "I'm helping Cinnamon with her Triple Chocolate Muffins, but I wouldn't mind a bit of help with the cleaning and the cooking. If you don't mind that is!" The earth pony started to wipe off the windows with a hoof as she looked back at the unicorn. "Could you start with the counters please? I'll go on with the floor next. Then maybe we can finally start baking."

She chattered animatedly while she worked, only pausing for breath or to wash the cloth. "... I mean, you can't just plant the flowers next to the cactus, it looks plain weird! Do you get who I mean?" The mare by nature was a chatterbox, and often wouldn't stop talking unless she wanted the other pony's opinion or was told to be quiet. Wether it was a curse or a gift, she hadn't figured it out yet, but it certainly meant that when she was around, there would be no boring or awkward silences.

"Well, it looks like the kitchen's clean, so we can get going with the cooking." Desiree surveyed the now squeaky clean kitchen with appreciation and headed to the cookbook. "So uh, what do we do first?"

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"yea when it was done baking it roar at us ir was scary have you ever have a cake roar at you I think not"said spoon spin if I mind I won't ask."ok I will start with the counters then I will get some of it off the ceiling"said spoon spin walking towards the counters."ok now the kitchen clean we need the cook book and make sure we have all the needed ingredients"

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"That's weird," The mare remarked. "Cakes just don't come alive and roar. Maybe some unicorn was playing a joke on you two."

"Well, Cinnamon left all the ingredients and the cookbook here for me." Just to make sure, Desiree checked through everything. She paused, however, when she came to the almost empty bag of flour. "Though we may be a little short of flour." Was it possible to make muffins without flour? Or perhaps there would be some sort of substitute. Perhaps Cinnamon might have a storeroom or something. "Why not you start with the rest first? I'll go look around for the storeroom."

With a somewhat harassed smile, Desiree skidded out of the kitchen.

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