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[Lore] Las Pegasus


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Las Pegasus - A Paradise in the Clouds




Within the rugged western regions of Equestria, the resort city of Las Pegasus stands as something of an anomaly. While the other cities of the Roughrider Ridge to the north and the young settlements on the Saddleveil Plains to the immediate south are built on a foundation of hard work, Las Pegasus is very much a city of leisure and play. With its unique personality and atmosphere, this cloud city has become one of the biggest tourist destinations throughout Equestria.


Las Pegasus is located at the southernmost point of the Roughrider Ridge, where the Allacor and Brambe mountains join and begin to taper off. Situated between two wildernesses--the Painted Pinto extending directly to the west of the city and the Everfree Forest standing immediately to the east--wildlife, sometimes dangerous, is not uncommon near the city. The land on which the city is built, while not as inhospitable as the surrounding lands is largely arid and rocky. Weather in the region is hot and dry most of the year, though cooler weather can be found in higher elevation areas of the city.


The city is set apart from others by its very particular design. As the name implies, Las Pegasus was founded by pegasi from Cloudsdale who, upon venturing west decided to piece together their own new cloud city. The Las Pegasus settlers were happy with the location and the work they had done building their new town, but found that the young Las Pegasus was not growing or thriving as they had hoped. The pegasi realized the city would not last and reach its potential unless it attracted more than just pegasi, and so it was decided that Las Pegasus would not be just a pegasus city, but one that welcomed all.


While much of the city stayed in the clouds, sections started to get built on the ground level and unicorns were convinced to move out there. These unicorns were employed by the city to perform cloud walking spells upon earth ponies and other unicorns who visited the city, enabling everypony to join the pegasi in the clouds. Hearing of this new city where they could come and spend time in the clouds, unicorn and earth pony tourists from across Equestria began to flock to the city en masse. Seizing the opportunity, industrious ponies began to build up various resorts within the city. The city experienced booming growth over a short period of time and has since become one of the most populous cities in the region, as well as a perennial pick for ponies after a place to spend their vacation.


Las Pegasus can best be divided into four distinct districts as follows:


Ground District - The largest sections of the city. As would be expected, the ground district includes the portion of the city built at ground level. This section is largely comprised of the homes of locals as well as schools, hospitals and a number of businesses. Very few of the city's resorts are located here. Cloud walking stations and balloon lifts are common here to help visitors easily reach other sections of the city.


Mountain District - This section, which is built atop the nearby mountains is seen as a bit of a middle ground between the more ordinary Ground District and more resort-centric Cloud Districts, and contains some of the same things that can be found in both. Expensive homes can be found here, as well as pricey hotels capitalizing on ponies who might wish to visit the cloud resorts but who don't wish to sleep atop the clouds. Some of this section's buildings are built high so that they can be directly adjacent to portions of the Cloud District.


Cloud District - As the name implies, this section is comprised of structures built from dense clouds. Large, luxurious buildings are built out of the clouds, many of which are the city's famous resorts. Entertainment is Las Pegasus' number one industry, and the Cloud District is at the heart of that. Here ponies can find casinos, hotels, theaters, restaurants, tourist shops and other various attractions to enjoy. It is the part of the city most ponies think of when they think Las Pegasus.


Upper Cloud District - The final district is a smaller second cloud level built high above the first. Viewed as precarious for all but the most bold earth-bound ponies, this section of the city is mainly the domain of those with wings. Here one will mostly find pegasi cloud homes similar to those found in Cloudsdale. Few resorts are found this high, but ponies interested in cloud surfing and other high altitude cloud sports still find their way to these upper levels for their fun. A weather factory outpost can also be found in the higher clouds, helping supply weather to the remote western regions.

~Hitchhikers' Guide to Equestria

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