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Fashion Forward! (Open to all fashion fabulous!)


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It was time now for a new change, Cashmere loved making his saddlebags, it was a passion that he truly loved! But as he grew mentally as well as talently he was really starting to understand what his special talent meant, it wasn't just sewing and making BAGS, rather he had a talent for making things custom and special for a individual pony! Something as special and unique as the pony themself! So now he was in Canterlot! On the look out for new fabrics and such to expand his horizons, he had made himself a few outfits for occasions but had never truly been confident to make anything for anypony else! And he certainly didn't wish to compete with Miss Rarity and her boutique! So this was mostly a getting his hooves wet sort of of deal..

Some inspirational pony or fabric to get the creative juices flowing! Someone so unique that their very presence beckoned the stallion to make them an outfit just for them!

Plus in Canterlot he was a nopony so nopony back home would laugh at him if his outfits weren't that good..

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