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{Ready} Whiskful Thinking


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[colour=#282828]Roleplay Type:[/colour]



Whiskful Thinking




Younger Stallion


Earth pony

[colour=#282828]Eye colour:[/colour]

Creamy mocha


Vanilla white


Adorned on his head is a newspaper vendor hat. His mane and tail is caramel and fuzzy, as if it were stirred not shaken.


He is skinny colt with short snout and long appendages, with eyes that seem to bulge out from curiosity.


Besides his parent's abode, he lives in various inns across Equestria and sometimes, but very rarely, in his own portable house.


He churns his own ice cream and serves it across where ever he goes.

[colour=#282828]Cutie Mark:[/colour]

His cutie mark consists of a diagonal whisk with four four-pointed stars scattered above and below it. I means Whiskful has the innate ability to mix things through thick and thin, like ice cream and whipped cream. So far, he had stuck to these two products for his career path, though he has the potential of other deserts.

Whiskful Thinking has always found new ways to fuel his imagination. He never liked being bound on what things are, but liked the potential of what things could be. Because of this, he never liked the traditional toys given to him; it seemed far too limited for him. A stuffed toy or action figure, for example, would be just that, but a simple whisk could be an alien antenna or unicorn horn. On multiple occurrences, he tends to keep steal these 'toys' from his parents. There are spares for this reason.

One school day and for some strange reason, he brought his whisk to class. It was weird holding such an inappropriate utensil for education, but never he had doubted his intuition, the domineering quality of his personality. Still, the others didn't mind. They had better things to do than worrying about him. They came, they saw, and they looked away.

He wanted to know what this whisk was for, yet couldn't quite grasp the purpose behind it. When his teacher came in however, his mind became blank. It was no ordinary day; It was ice cream day. A day that decided destinies... to him.

"Ice cream lab is today clas-..." A sudden of eruption of pre-pubescent voices flooded her ears which a stare downwould quickly reside. "....Make a group of three and you will get your bag."

All the colts and fillies celebrated for this once in lifetime event. Whiskful was the most excited. Out of them all, he loved ice cream the most.

To make ice cream, they only had to make sure the cream freeze evenly. It was one simple action: Shake the bag. The only problem was the shaking itself. Every non-unicorn pony had trouble shaking their plastic bags with their mouths or hooves, getting dizzy or cold limbs after every couple turns shaking the bag.

"Why can't we just leave it, doesn't it make the ice cream already?" Whiskful asked

"We have to mix the ice cream, to ice the cream fully... I think." The teacher didn't know what she was talking about. She never made ice cream before.

"Mix, Why didn't you say that before?"

"It's pretty much the same thing..." She rolled her eyes.

The realization was instant. He remembered what his whisk was for. It wasn't a stroke of luck but a stroke of destiny he believed. With a "Daa-na-na-nah", he took out his whisk and started slowly churning. He whisked away, working his way into his becoming desert. The cream got thicker but it never stopped nor slowed Whisk's pace. It was perfect. He had never experienced such concentration in his life, being distracted for most of it.

Whiskful's stare lost its bulge for the moments following. For the first time, his face flushed out it's airiness and stiffened. He was serious. Nothing distracted him, not even a slight flash of light. It didn't occur to him that he had earned his cutie mark till he was done. When he did figure it out, ironically, he was more happy about the ice cream.


Born of Pots 'n Pans and Dreamboat Star, he lived in the humble stateside of Stallion grad in an average and slightly-dusty townhouse. As an only child, they took care of him with the utmost importance and nurturing behavior, never leaving him alone. It came to the point where 'Bring-your-colt-to-work-day' was almost everyday. At least, in the slight smothering, they taught him the ways of their world... in opposing perspectives.

Dreamboat Star, a therapist who works her magic in and on dreams, taught his little colt that dreams are the most powerful things you can have, they can make you or break you; The opposite was true for Pappa Pots, hard work was his forte and was to busy to dream. Poppa Pots taught his young colt to work hard and keep his goals simple and to always be content with the way things are. Despite his parents conflicting ideologies, he tried to try to follow as closely as possible to his parents conceptions... with some difficultly.

At Whisk's cutie mark conception, they rejoiced. Dreamboat and Pots rushed to buy the tools necessary to help their son. His parents didn't buy the same gifts or at least try to compromise. The mother gave his son 3 cookbooks based on all things he could make out of cream and cold providing him the inspiration to become the best around. Pots gave him the tools necessary, whisks vats, ice cream, etc. They were good and ready to . Ironically, their colt surprised them. It was because he was wearing a simply-made vendor hat he made by himself, a symbol of his independence.

Years had past and the parental hoof faded with it. He was doing well in his business It was high time for him to leave and embark on his own journey. His parents knew the inevitable separation and accepted the fact sooner because of this. Whisk wasn't the type to get the ball rolling. they needed to nudge him in right direction.

This was the last time they came bearing gifts. His mother brought a stick with a polka dotted rag to symbolize the adventure ahead and a family picture, for good measure. His father bought a ice cream wagon, big enough to live in but light enough to carry. At last, his parents were ready; Whisk, be prepared.

The conversation was simple, he needed to go. Whisk was also prepared, he knew a long time ago this would happen. This was the best advice (his heart believed in his parents). After all that's been said and done, he left with seeming reluctance, riding off into the distance... with a tear to his eye.

Character Summary:

Whiskful Thinking was a recombinant of both his parents personality traits as well as traits resulting in the nurture of it. Like Poppa Pots, he was a hard worker, but the lack of initiative plagued the fact; Like Dreamboat Star, He was a dreamer, yet the lack of faith in himself also diluted that fact. Often times, he wonders what his parents would do, instead of thinking himself. Independent thinking becomes his greatest weakness, often having to seek others for advice on his travels. Though these are true, his tenacity rivals that of a mildly lopsided rock in a medium wind.

He is very sociable pony... when behind the counter of his ice cream wagon. His greatest insecurity is thinking that ponies judge him badly, a mindset that deters him from time to time from proper sociability, usually leading to awkward situations between and among the ponies he meets, even friends. Luckily, he warms up easily to others. Unlike most ponies, he has a certain airy feeling to him, light heartening in any given situation.

Whiskful is very open pony, he has no secrets for himself, just the secrets given to him. He is naive at times and easily tricked.

Change is always on his mind, when he speaks to others about himself and his occupation. This would be useful to him.... if wasn't only thinking. He has trouble keeping promises to himself when it is something he's uncomfortable with. It takes weeks for him to adjust to any strange, unknown being added to his daily task.

In summary, Whiskful can inspire his friends and strangers with his optimism. He tends to run with his imagination with perceptions, misconstrued or not. He shows how logic can't always be truth and how the heart knows best.

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Hi MisterRe!

Although this app is still in WIP status, I feel the need to council you about the size of your font on your app.

It's simply too large. A font size of 14 pt will do nicely, I would advise you to adjust your app's font size accordingly.


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pfft. Sorry

Hi MisterRe!

Although this app is still in WIP status, I feel the need to council you about the size of your font on your app.

It's simply too large. A font size of 14 pt will do nicely, I would advise you to adjust your app's font size accordingly.


pfft. sorry. I thought it was too small.

Fixing quickly

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Hi MisterRe!

Examining your app, it shows a lot of promise. All of the required fields are filled, that's a good thing.

However, this app does seem to have quite a few grammatical errors in it. One example in this sentence: "On multiple occurrences, he tends to borrows these 'toys' with asking his parents and often this would get him in trouble." I think you meant to write "borrow these 'toys' WITHOUT asking" here, correct?

Also, I feel the need to point out that one cannot produce ice cream using a whisk as their primary kitchen tool. To truly make homemade ice cream, churning is a must and this kind of churning motion would be extremely difficult to make with just a whisk. Now whipped cream can be produced with a whisk (and normally is by chefs) but not ice cream.

And there are no 'trucks' in the WOE. The common rule of technology for WOE RP is that if we haven't seen it in the cartoon, then it doesn't exist. So, sadly, there would be no such thing as a 'ice cream truck' in Equestria. An ice cream WAGON? Yeah, that could exist, but not a truck per se.

I would suggest that you reread this app very carefully, correct the grammatical errors and other things mentioned above. This is a great character concept, just needs a bit more work to make it acceptable in the WOE RP.


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Hi MisterRe!

Examining your app, it shows a lot of promise. All of the required fields are filled, that's a good thing.

However, this app does seem to have quite a few grammatical errors in it. One example in this sentence: "On multiple occurrences, he tends to borrows these 'toys' with asking his parents and often this would get him in trouble." I think you meant to write "borrow these 'toys' WITHOUT asking" here, correct?

Also, I feel the need to point out that one cannot produce ice cream using a whisk as their primary kitchen tool. To truly make homemade ice cream, churning is a must and this kind of churning motion would be extremely difficult to make with just a whisk. Now whipped cream can be produced with a whisk (and normally is by chefs) but not ice cream.

And there are no 'trucks' in the WOE. The common rule of technology for WOE RP is that if we haven't seen it in the cartoon, then it doesn't exist. So, sadly, there would be no such thing as a 'ice cream truck' in Equestria. An ice cream WAGON? Yeah, that could exist, but not a truck per se.

I would suggest that you reread this app very carefully, correct the grammatical errors and other things mentioned above. This is a great character concept, just needs a bit more work to make it acceptable in the WOE RP.


I'll fix it up :) . Darn my grammical non-sense. Wooo!
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MisterRe, I just noticed a minor Application Rules violation. Users are only permitted to have one Ready status app and one WIP status app at the same time. You currently have two apps (this one and Mr. Re) that are set at 'Ready' status, so one of those apps will have to be moved back to WIP status until the remaining Ready app is approved.

I do apologize, I should've noticed this earlier. This is not a major problem, but it does need to be addressed.


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MisterRe, I just noticed a minor Application Rules violation. Users are only permitted to have one Ready status app and one WIP status app at the same time. You currently have two apps (this one and Mr. Re) that are set at 'Ready' status, so one of those apps will have to be moved back to WIP status until the remaining Ready app is approved.

I do apologize, I should've noticed this earlier. This is not a major problem, but it does need to be addressed.


Sure, i'll fix it right away :)
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How is work on this app coming along?

By the way, since "Mister Re" has been approved, you are free to switch this app back to "Ready" status, if you wish.


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Thank you for finishing this app. Somehow, your font seems to have enlarged itself again. As I stated earlier, a size 14 font will be fine. You did fix many of the grammatical errors in your text. I have consulted with the resident 'chef' on the Staff, and she says that it is possible to 'churn' ice cream with a whisk IF you use a chilled bowl and could manage to keep it chilled during the mixing process. Though our 'chef' did also add it would be much easier to use a crank-churn, it is possible to create ice cream with a whisk. This app is very close to acceptable, so if you'd kindly make these changes, it should work.

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