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Meet Thunder Dash


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Whazzup everypony, my names Thunder Dash.

[colour=#282828]Things I do[/colour]

[colour=#282828]1. Pianist (14 years)[/colour]

[colour=#282828]2. Saxophonist (6 years)[/colour]

[colour=#282828]3. Guitarist (Self-taught + some small lessons)[/colour]

[colour=#282828]4. Martial Artist (3rd degree black belt)[/colour]

[colour=#282828]5. Bowler (4 years in a league)[/colour]

[colour=#282828]6. Swimmer (2 years)[/colour]

[colour=#282828]7. Composer/Arranger (3 years)[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Here are some amazing things about me[/colour]

[colour=#282828]1. I have perfect pitch (The ability to name a musical note just by hearing it[/colour]

[colour=#282828]2. I can play over 30 songs by ear on the piano[/colour]

[colour=#282828]3. I can see auras[/colour]

[colour=#282828]4. I can move somepony without touching them physically[/colour]

[colour=#282828]5. I can calculate the beats-per-minute of a song without the use of a metronome[/colour]

[colour=#282828]I am very friendly and love to roleplay, so expect me to be active in that area. [/colour]

[colour=#282828]Well that's all for now. [/colour]

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