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Coral Gem [Ready!]


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Roleplay Type: WoE

Name: Coral Gem

Sex: Female

Age: Younger Mare

Species: Unicorn

Eye colour: A bright cerulean

Coat: Coral's coat is rose red all over, and she often wears a plain white locket that contains a picture of River and her.

Mane/Tail: Her mane and tail are dominantly black, with streaks of red occasionally. When left to hang they are long and wavy, their tips almost touching the ground. However, Coral likes to keep the two of them braided up neatly and tied with two small plain red ribbons.

Physique: Coral is lean, though she's far from being willowy like some other mares. Swimming with her sister frequently as well as hunting for beautiful shells for her work has given her a fair share of strength.

Residence: Trottingham

Occupation: Jewellery Making/Selling. Coral owns a small jewellery shop near the lake called Merpony's Baubles. The shop has a decently sized apartment above that she and her younger sister live in.

Cutie Mark: A pearly white conch shell threaded through a silver chain. When Coral was just a young filly, she loved spending hours combing the beaches for beautiful shells. Once collected, she faced a dilemma as to how to keep them all together. Seeing a tourist's necklace gave her an idea and she found an old piece of string to tie them up with. On the way home, several of her friends had stopped her and complimented her on her 'necklace'. That was the start of it all. Coral fell in love with the idea of making small trinkets with pieces of shells and such. She spent long hours looking for pieces that would compliment each other, and longer still to thread them together.

Coral had a teacher she loved very much in school, and wanted to make her a necklace for her birthday. But an ordinary piece wouldn't do- definitely not! But how could she make it special? Coral racked her brains and drew numerous designs and made many necklaces. Yet, each didn't seem to be right. The day before her teacher's birthday, she grew so frustrated that she took a walk on the beach to clear her mind. It was then that she stumbled upon her biggest find ever- a pearl. Coral used up a good portion of her night to complete the necklace. The next day when she presented it to her teacher, her teacher was stunned by the piece of art. Small but elegant white and pink shells bordered two periwinkle shells. Sandwiched between the shells was the pearl. It wasn't extravagant like the others, but it was simple yet charming and complimented her teacher's personality perfectly.

Soon after, Coral began to get requests from friends and even older ponies for her to make them something, and she happily obliged. It was then that Coral realized that making these made her happy, unique even. So it was that right in the middle of making a necklace for her sister, she got her cutie mark.

History: Coral grew up with her parents in Seasaddle Bay, quite happily as well. Back then her parents often spent their times with her and took her out on trips to the beach. Her parents were supportive of whatever she did, although they didn't spoil her. Much. By nature Coral was a sociable person and had many friends in school that dulled the agony of learning. Okay, maybe school wasn't that bad but Coral had no patience for the written word. She managed to scrape past primary school and entered secondary school.

At the start of her schooling year, her parents had River Song, her sister. Both parents didn't let on to Coral how their family financials were strained because of their second child as they didn't want to worry her. Father and Mother loved the two of them immensely and didn't want them to ever want for anything. So they worked hard to earn enough to let the sisters live in relative comfort, although sadly and indirectly alienating them in the process.

Once Coral was done with secondary school, she even enrolled in the Canterlot University of Design, to even her own surprise. For the next few years she worked hard to perfect her art. Over time, she gained many acquaintances to call her friends as well as some small recognition for her talents. After University she started up a small business in Seasaddle, and from there she saved up enough to bring her and River to Trottinham, with their parents blessing. Even though she had a nice life in Seasaddle Bay, she found herself pining for a quieter life, one that wasn't so hectic. At first she was hesitant, but after she saw how River seemed to echo her sentiments, Coral moved them almost immediately.

Now in Trottingham, she reopened her business and even expanded it to make use of river stones and small glass balls as well. Here she found her own circle of friends and has been living there happily since.

Character Summary: By nature, Coral is a very motherly person that puts the needs of others before herself. Even so, she won't hesitate to give advice when she thinks somepony needs it. Coral is a great listener and can be sympathetic if needed. She's patient and slow to anger. However, she's fiercely protective over anypony close to her heart and oft becomes irrational when it comes to making sure no harm comes to them.

Other than that, she's quite social and loves to have people around to talk with. Even so, that doesn't mean she's a gossip and frowns upon any rumours or those who spreads them. In fact, because of this, Coral has little patience for liars and values those who tell the truth. She's also big on trust and gives anypony the benefit of doubt- unless they've lied to her or broken a promise before. Because of this, Coral is known as a very reliable and trustworthy pony.

One of her faults is that she's not a very neat person. Coral doesn't mind if half the table is cluttered up, because she can always use the other half. She doesn't mind if there's a ribbon on the floor because it hasn't tripped her yet. In fact, the only reason the place is clean is because her younger sister can't stand the mess.

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This is an AMAZING app, River! Well written, complete, concise, very enjoyable read! Clear Cutie Mark story and very nice background history! Excellent work! :D:D:D

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