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Sugar Mint ice cream and sweet shop (open)

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[colour=#7f0000]"I, uh, er-"[/colour] his mother? Well of course she would be proud of him! She was Unicorn! He had just defended her honour! Did not the blue pegasus realize this?

But then, none other than the Hoity Toity entered the shop. Rather than heading straight for the ice cream, the fashionista had the audacity to criticize Hammer Spark's cherry-stem-tying skills.

[colour=#7f0000]"Well hey now,"[/colour] Hammer Spark said, beginning to defend himself [colour=#7f0000]"I think I did pretty well for a first attempt. Or a 27th as the case may be. I tied a cherry stem into a kno-"[/colour]

At that moment, the Earth Pony pulled from his mouth a miniature prancing earth pony made from cherry stems.

[colour=#7f0000]"I duh- What did you- How- HUH?"[/colour] Hammer Spark stammered. He was impressed.

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[colour=#6699cc]"Pfft! Really? Who the hay orders cinnamon whirl ice cream? I think my grandmare does. Go for something more bold, old timer. Then again, you're probably a chicken. Hey kid, cancel that order. This stallion wants a scoop of scorching chilli swirl."[/colour]

" [colour=#b22222]You're right, missy - I've been holding back on myself 'cause of trying not to pig out too much this summer, but now you've lit the Stark spark[/colour]! " the earth pony grins, glancing at the ice cream maker from where he stood and licks his lips, his mind conjuring many a combination that'd rock the world and split mountains like nopony had ever seen...or tasted, even.

"[colour=#b22222] I'll have...and make sure you get this down, very critical balance here... [/colour]" he pauses, tweaks his shades and clears his throat loudly.

" [colour=#b22222]A Double-chocolate-raspberry ripple drizzle-mochalatte-candyfloss-cherry fondent-tiramisu-strawberry sundae-apple pie-vanilla supreme...[/colour] "

A small tap of the hoof in thought, too absorbed in his flavour choosing to notice the fashionable arrival.

" [colour=#b22222]And a coffee...with a donut - eat in, 'cause I ain't going out there with snacks[/colour]! "

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Rainbow twisted her muzzle in disgust, sticking her tongue at the inventor. Her attention briefly focused on Hoity. He was one to watch out for with a tongue that could do such marvels. Too bad he wasn't a pegasus. She turned her attention back to the crude stallion, smirking.

[colour=#6699cc]"Ugh, that doesn't even go together! I dare you to just eat one spoonful of the scorching chilli ice cream. Double daring do dare ya!"[/colour]

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The Hoity Toity smirked, brushing off his shoulder with a [colour=#666699]"Hmph!" [/colour]as he slipped his little creation into his saddlebag as a keepsake.

[colour=#666699]"The marvelous talent of the Hoity Toity knows no bounds. Now, shopkeep! This tacky little store does nothing to please my impeccable tastes. Hopefully your ice cream will be different. I would like to sample what you deem your best flavour. Chop chop! I am a busy stallion."[/colour]

Hoity sniffed pretentiously at the other earth stallion and his order.

[colour=#666699]"Cursed with no sense of fashion or taste of any regard and still so pleased with oneself...for shame."[/colour]

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Hoity Toity grew very, very still and quirked an eyebrow, his expression growing deathly calm as he sized up the loud shop owner.

[colour=#666699]"Nopony dares command The Hoity Toity to silence."[/colour]

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"Ooh arn't we bossy today?" With a poof the Mini incarnation of Chaos appeared, smirking as she moved to perch atop Hoity's head.... "You ponies are so much fun! I'v never seen such a display of Chaos!" She poofed away from Hoity and hugged Rainbow Dash, whom was best pony and deserved love, "Mhm I love you, you are my favorite!"

Another poof and Pandora was behind the icecream counter, and proceeded to make a MASSIVE Icecream cone! One of each flavour, before easily pushing the whole thing in her mouth, chewing and swallowing, she beltched and a flock of doves came out of her mouth "Ooh my excuse me!"

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" [colour=#b22222]Sounds like somepony got out of the wrong side of the bed this morning[/colour]! " Poni mutters under his breath, raising an eyebrow as the store owner seemingly attempted to exhert some sense of control over the scene, but for the most part it seemed as though the scene was running riot over the shopkeep.

And then the dragonaquus showed up...and for the first time during this little fiasco, he had no words - this was hilarious, and a little surreal!

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" [colour=#B22222]You're right, missy - I've been holding back on myself 'cause of trying not to pig out too much this summer, but now you've lit the Stark spark[/colour]! " the earth pony grins, glancing at the ice cream maker from where he stood and licks his lips, his mind conjuring many a combination that'd rock the world and split mountains like nopony had ever seen...or tasted, even.

"[colour=#B22222] I'll have...and make sure you get this down, very critical balance here... [/colour]" he pauses, tweaks his shades and clears his throat loudly.

" [colour=#B22222]A Double-chocolate-raspberry ripple drizzle-mochalatte-candyfloss-cherry fondent-tiramisu-strawberry sundae-apple pie-vanilla supreme...[/colour] "

A small tap of the hoof in thought, too absorbed in his flavour choosing to notice the fashionable arrival.

" [colour=#B22222]And a coffee...with a donut - eat in, 'cause I ain't going out there with snacks[/colour]! "

puts what was ordered on the counter "h-here!!"
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Wow! The little shopkeeper had a pair of lungs if nothing else. Part of him was inclined to agree with her - the shop had gotten very noisy very quickly. But shouldn't she be pleased about having good business.

Hammer Spark shrugged, licking the last of the ice cream from the bowl Rainbow Dash had given him. He had eaten not only half of her sundae, but his own cone, and 27 cherries and was starting to have a bit of a stomach-ache. That wouldn't be good for training tomorrow. He was about to leave when a - a - Draqonaquus? entered the shop.

Suddenly the swordspony was seized with a sense of duty! She appeared to be here to cause trouble, and the shopkeeper seemed to be quickly losing control of the situation. But despite being a Sergeant in Celestia's army, Hammer Spark well and truly had no idea how to handle the situation.

And there were doves everywhere.

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As a white feather from one of the doves landed on his nose, Hammer Spark suddenly knew what he needed to do! He dashed from the shop, ignoring his bellyache, and headed straight for Canterlot Castle where he knew he would find just the pony needed to take care of the mess at the little Ice Cream shop.

Much to his relief, he didn't have to go far, because he very nearly ran headlong into just the pony he was seeking...


Such a beautiful sunny day in the shining capital city of Canterlot. Celestia had spent all day working on piles and piles of paperwork and legislation and quite simply, the ruler of Equestria needed a break so that she could just go for a walk through the streets of the capital city, with only a few guardsponies for company. She was enjoying the cityscape so much that she barely took notice of the large Unicorn stallion who nearly crashed into her.

[colour=#7f0000]"Your highness! I believe chaos has returned, and is wreaking havoc on a small ice cream shop not far from here! I came to you as soon as I could!"[/colour]

Chaos? Ice Cream? This couldn't be good. [colour=#B774C5]"Lead the way,"[/colour] she nodded to the soldier, who immediately took off at a gallop, with Celestia in pursuit.

When they arrived at the sweets shop, the place was indeed in chaos. Doves filled the shop, and a young draqonaquus seemed to be delighting herself by making trouble. Celestia also recognized one of Twilight Sparkle's friends, Rainbow Dash, in the mix. To the Princess' relief, it wasn't Discord causing havoc, but a youngster she recognized as Pandora. She didn't want to rule Equestria, Celestia knew this. She was only looking to have a bit of fun. In any case, fixing the damage should be easy enough. She winked at the rather forlorn looking shopkeeper, hoping to reassure her that everything would soon be back in order.

The Princess turned the entirety of her attention back to the young troublemaker. [colour=#B774C5]"PANDORA!"[/colour] Celestia said, sternly, looking around at the mess. [colour=#B774C5]"What are you doing? Explain yourself, young lady!"[/colour]

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Pandora flinched at the loud booming voice of the closest thing she had to a motherly figure , glancing over, having taken a single scoop of strawberry icecream, and was holding it with her hooves, licking her cone adorably "Hi Momma!" Waving with her free hoof.. "I didn't do nothin it was a mess when I got here so I thought I'd stay and play too!" She flew over to hover in front of the princess, offering her a lick of her strawberry cone with those big ol doe eyes..

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With one flash of her magic, Celestia removes all the doves from the room, sending them to frolic and play in Whitetail Woods, presumably. She smiles at the young spirit of chaos, taking her offering of Strawberry ice cream. After taking a lick and smiling at the shopkeeper's acknowledgement of her status, a formality she's grown accustomed to after a thousand years on the throne, she turns back to Pandora.

[colour=#B774C5]"That may be so,"[/colour] she says, and looking around the room at the ponies in the shop, Celestia almost believes her. Hoity Toity? Rainbow Dash? Poni Stark? What were they all doing here, and what had they done to make the young mare trying to run an honest business so frazzled? Surely Pandora wasn't entirely to blame. [colour=#B774C5]"And I know you're only looking to have a good time, but you really shouldn't have eaten Chocolate Mint's ice cream without paying for it, and you definitely shouldn't have brought all those birds in here,"[/colour] says the Princess gently. [colour=#B774C5]"Do apologize to the young mare now, won't you please, Pandora?"[/colour]

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Her ears drooped a tiny bit and she glanced over at the shop keeper "M'Sorry Miss Icecream lady I didn't mean to make a mess!" Well too big of one anyways..She waved her hoof to summon her purse, putting a few bits on the counter, before poofing her purse back into the icecream, glancing up at the Princess again now sitting on her hind legs.

"Like that Momma?"

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The Princess smiles sweetly at the young Draqonequus' effort. It is more than satisfactory for now, so praise must be given where praise is due.

[colour=#B774C5]"Yes,"[/colour] smiles the Princess, [colour=#B774C5]"Exactly like that."[/colour]

[colour=#B774C5]"Now,"[/colour] she says, turning her attention to Chocolate Mint, [colour=#B774C5]"How are you, little one? You seem to be a little bit overwhelmed. Had a busy afternoon I take it? You must make good ice cream to attract attention from this bunch,[/colour] she gestures at the other ponies in the room. [colour=#B774C5]"Tell me, what's your very best flavour? I would certainly love to try it myself, just so I can see what all this fuss is about."[/colour]

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[colour=#B774C5]"Of course! I, too, tend to get upset when ponies are rude and speak out of turn. I completely understand your frustration,"[/colour] the Princess says, as she is reminded with a shudder of her daily meetings with her advisers. No pony in Equestria should be subject to a rabble like the one that lot puts up.

[colour=#B774C5]"And chocolate fudge peanut butter blueberry smoothie? That sounds,"[/colour] well, disgusting actually, but if she's sure it's her best flavour, [colour=#B774C5]"delightful! One for everyone, if you don't mind! I'm sure that's bound to be a favourite for Pandora especially,"[/colour] she says, giving the Draqonequus a wink.


[colour=#7F0000]"Nooo!"[/colour] shouts Hammer Spark from where he's standing behind the Princess, already subject to the beginnings of a terrible bellyache. [colour=#7F0000]"Ah, heh, um, that is, I've already had more than enough ice cream for one afternoon, your majesty. You understand, of course,"[/colour] he recovers with a sweeping bow.

The raiser of the sun simply laughs. [colour=#B774C5]"Of course, Sergeant Spark, I understand, completely."[/colour]
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