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Hi All!

I'm Palisade, and I found this board while searching for suitable RPs for my younger sister to be on (so Google). To be honest I haven't been an MLP fan for long and later in age wise than most people watching, but better late than never right? At the moment I live in the Northwest and haven't really strayed from there. Erm, to be perfectly honest, I'm not new to role playing (just new to role playing ponies) and I'm pretty much open to any an all plots you may have in mind :) . So feel free to throw anything my way~, I am anxiously waiting to see what you have to say.

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Nice to meet you. :)

I'm not a major roleplayer myself, though there are a lot of people here that love to a lot. If I may suggest, you should go join 'World of Equestria'.

Also, one is never too old for Disney, so why should they when in love with My Little Pony? X3

Enjoy your stay here in Canterlot~

Kodokuna Haisha

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I may not know where you got your name from,but the minute I saw it I was reminded of the palisade cells in a leaf. :3

That was weird, sorry. But still, welcome to Canterlot and I do hope we get the chance to RP in the future!

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