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Rainbow factory Rp?

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Hey everyone, this is just an idea that I have.

Well, I liked the idea of rainbow factory, a lot. So I would like to involve a Rp of it with anyone else that enjoyed it.

The plot itself is still being thought out, but if you are interested, just leave a app below


Physical description (eyes, fur, mane, tail ect.)


Now, since it's tw rainbow factory, all OCs that are in will have already failed their flying test and on their way to their way to the factory. There will be a lot of dialogue, so heads up for that.

There will be no death in this Rp and it won't be grim dark. I realize that given the topic, I should have mentioned that before.


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Considering the subject matter this should be in the 18+ section.

You should clarify if the grimdark nature will be present or not... Otherwise I don't think this topic will last long.

Good point, I didn't intend for this to be grim/dark, and now I think it through, probably should have mentioned it. There wasn't any death or anything like that, and I'll change my original post now.

Also, I couldn't see a place to put OCC's for 18+'s and honestly, I didn't know.

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