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Five-Star (READY)

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Roleplay Type: WoE

Name: Five-Star

Sex: Male

Age: Adult

Species: Minotaur

Eye colour: Yellow

Coat: Dark Green

Mane/Tail: Short military cut, both are dark brown

Physique: Thin and meak, even by pony standards. It looks like he never gets out of the house.

Residence: Manehattan

Occupaion: Owner of the hobby and wargame store 'Rush Tactics'

Cutie Mark: Not Applicable

History: Five-Star grew up in his parents' house in Manehattan, never seeing them all that much, since they worked high-profile jobs. He had plenty of friends there, but he was the only minotaur. Not that he cared, he had plenty of fun playing board games. When he was a teenager, he took his pocket money and bought all of the books for the RPG called 'Horns and Sorcery,' a game of minotaur make. He really liked it, but nobody in the area did, so he decided to start an RPG group. Several ponies came, and he found out how awesome RPGs were. Still, he yearned for a game that involved more strategy. Finally, he got his wish. On his birthday, several years after he started the club, all of the club members got him a present: Warhoof 40k. He teared up, for this was what he had always wanted. He had dreamed of getting this game, and it was in his hands. He played it all night long with the club members, and had an excellent time, winning every fight. That was when he knew: He would be a strategy gamer, and he would help others who wanted to be strategy gamers. He and his club members pooled together money and bought a small shop in Manehattan, where they stocked up on strategy games galore. They called the shop 'Rush Tactics' in honor of Five-Star's excellent wargaming strategy. The miniatures were pretty awesome, too. He' been working there ever since.

Character Summary: Five-Star is outgoing, exuberant, and generally a fun guy to be with. But, as soon as you sit down at the gaming table, he turns into a solid fortress of thoughts, not letting any emotion show. In between turns, he chatters as usual, but on his turn, it becomes serious business. Out of the gaming environment, it becomes clear that he spends far too much time inside. He is generally scared and distracted, though he tries to put up the 'happy' act as best he can. He's excellent at making friends, especially those who also share his passion for gaming. He has a serious, almost chronic fear of losing. He won't throw a fit if he does, but he'll go into a state of 'gaming withdrawl,' constantly pouring over book after book, often cycling through his whole collection 5 times. Eventually, he snaps out of it and goes back to running his store and gaming. His dream is to be the best gaming store in all of equestria, with hundreds of like-minded customers shopping there every day. He makes jokes very often, and gaming jokes whenever people will understand them. His systematic and calculating mind really shows to anyone who knows him well enough, but to others, he is portrayed as relaxed and sometimes not the sharpest tool in the shed.

What he enjoys outside of the gaming is another thing entirely. he is an avid painter and metal-sculptor, and has been taking blacksmith lessons. This began as a way to create minifigures that were not available, but has evolved into a fun hobby to do on his own time. He really enjoys sculpting things that exist in Equestria with an interesting twist, such as a dragon that breathes ice, or Nightmare Moon made out of cheese. He has found that this exercises his creative ability, and he has been creating more and more ever since he started. His prize piece is 'Manebattan,' a 1/100 scale model of Manehattan inhabited by fruit bats! It currently sits in a small and rather unknown museum near his shop. The whole sculpture is made entirely out of steel, and painted accordingly. He talks about it to anyone he meets who likes art.

He tends to enjoy the company of gamers more than anyone else, but he also likes people who help others. Good examples of these kinds of people are teachers and people who, generally, are just kind to others. He finds the company of more cynical ponies to be fun and appealing, especially due to the optimistic attitude of most ponies. He wishes he could see another Minotaur, but has been too busy running his shop.

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Anyone gonna check this out? If not, could I at least get an aknowledgment that this thread has been here, and maybe an approximate time when it will be? Sorry, but it's been 5 hours with 20 views, and no word as to it being noticed at all. Just making sure it doesn't slip through the cracks.

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Anyone gonna check this out? If not, could I at least get an aknowledgment that this thread has been here, and maybe an approximate time when it will be? Sorry, but it's been 5 hours with 20 views, and no word as to it being noticed at all. Just making sure it doesn't slip through the cracks.

Please be patient while a RPH reviews this app. The RPH team tends to review from bottom up to be fair to all users and apps.

Thank you for your understanding.

And I assure you that it won't "fall through the cracks" :D

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Anyone gonna check this out? If not, could I at least get an aknowledgment that this thread has been here, and maybe an approximate time when it will be? Sorry, but it's been 5 hours with 20 views, and no word as to it being noticed at all. Just making sure it doesn't slip through the cracks.

If your application is ready for review, please change the [WIP] tag in the title so that it says [Ready], and one of our RP Helpers will review it when they have time. :)

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Thank you for your patience! This is a pretty good start for a WoE app, but there are a couple of things I need to comment on before this app can be approved:

  • Can you explain why your OC was left at an orphanage? Why wasn't he adopted by someone else in his family? Unless those questions can be answered satisfactorily in a way acceptable for a light-hearted setting as FiM, we really prefer that users refrain from having their WoE OCs live in an orphanage as part of their backstory.
  • In general, the Character Summary focuses too much on your OC's wargame hobby. Please consult Rarity's Simply Fabulous Application Form for tidbits on how to expand on Five-Star's personality.

Once you make the needed changes, I'll be able to move this app along upwards. :D

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Thank you for making the required edits, but the character summary is still somewhat undeveloped. We know nothing of what your OC likes to do outside of his occupation and hobby, what sorts of people he likes or dislikes, what he isn't skilled at doing, and so on. Typically, the ideal WoE character summary is around two-three paragraphs or more; each paragraph focused upon a particular subject matter (like the body of an essay) and not just a random disjointed collection of factoids. I hope this gives you a better idea of what we expect from character summaries. ^_^

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Bellosh is absolutely correct. It's all about quality control, wot wot?

I personally recommend checking out our accepted applications area to give you an idea of how various applications are constructed, and why we approved them. I know this is frustrating, but it will be worth it once you create an awesome character. Keep up the great work!

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