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Cinnamon Swirl (Ready)

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Roleplay Type:



Cinnamon Swirl or Swirls as a nickname







Eye colour:

Orange with flecks of brown


Chocolate brown


Curly, light mocha coloured with darker streaks


A little on the thick side, other than that pretty much normal




Owns a small bakery where she makes cinnamon rolls, cinnamon cakes, cinnamon cookies, etc.

Cutie Mark:

One cinnamon roll

As a young foul, Cinnamon Swirls was bad at making the usual cupcakes and cakes, even though she loved to bake. After a long day of experiments and reading cookbooks, she made was is know as a cinnamon roll. She found that she was quite good at these, and made many to which she shared with her class. She had found that later that evening as she washed up, she found her cutie mark to be a cinnamon roll.


As a young foul she wasn't that good at anything except for a few things. Her parents were often away on business trips, for they owed a bread making company. Cinnamon Swirl lived with her grandmother. She had pretty much a normal life growing up, nothing too dramatic happening.

Her family was very supportive of her growing up. Her mum, Sweet Bread, her dad, White Bread, and her grandmother, Crumbs, was who she grew up with. Her parents worked as the bosses of a bread company, while her grandmother is just a retired employee. Her parents did try to convice her to join the business, but soon gave up, Cinnamon Swirl wanted to own her own bakery.

At school, she was quite shy but did have friends. Cinnamon Swirl in school was considered a 'goody-goody', she hated to mess up and be embarssed in front of the class. She did keep up with her studies making A's, B's, and the occasional C.

In her filly years, Cinnamon Swirl was eaisly stressed out by tests, but still had good grades. Her friends and her went shopping a lot, which would calm her down a bit. She learned how to make more treats with cinnamon and loved to share them.

As soon as she became a mare, she kissed her family and friends goodbye and moved to Canterlot, hoping to start over. She bought a small bakery and sells all of her cinnamon treats. She normally stays in the bakery, but once in a while go outside to gather ingredients, or just enjoy the day.

Character Summary:

Cinnamon Swirl still is a bit shy when it comes to meeting new people, but still makes an effort to become friends with everyone. She does stress out when getting big orders, but handles it well if her friends help her out.

She is really good at baking with cinnamon, but she can never seem to get frosting perfectly. One day she hopes to bake for Princess Celestia and Princess Luna.

She is a little slow with jokes and often stares into space. She loves to have sleepovers and go shopping with people that are her friends. You can often find her head in a book, she loves a good love story. Cinnamon Swirl isn't the best at sports, but enjoys playing with her friends. She also hates cold weather, and bundles up in lots of coats during winter. She has a weird obsesion of buttons and collects any she sees.

Cinnamon Swirl is really kind once she warms up to you and really is looking forward to meeting new friends!


This is her.

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Hey there! First off Welcome to Canterlot! This is a great app in the making and I think it can pass very easily with just a few tweaks into WOE!

1: The Cutie mark: The cutie mark story actually makes very little sense, Cinnamon Buns arn't a cake, they are a roll of dough with cinnamon and Sugar rolled into the dough, sliced, then baked. So you might want to tweak the story to more accurately explain how cinnamon buns are made :D

2: Her history is really REALLY not WOE, In Equestria they arn't going to abuse and tease a pony like that, and a teacher is certainly not going to just forget that her student exists, there seems to be no basis for this bullying so I suggest you remove it and make her character lest angst driven.

3: Her Antisocial behavior: While Antisocial ponies are something we have, she seems absolutely unable to interact, we try to pull people away from making overly shy characters that avoid social situations, and honestly someone that shy with so little people(Pony?) Skills would have a very hard time running a business.

4: You are going to want to make her a Mare instead of a Filly, a Filly is about the age of the CMC so your character wouldn't be old enough to leave home, let alone run her own business!

Welp that's all I have! Let me know when you have made these changes and then I'll look this application over again :D

Once again Welcome to Canterlot and we look forward to your staying and being part of this community!

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