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Architect for hire!

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Or something along those lines, anyways.

Point is, I recently had my first OC approved and passed through the system, and I'm itchin' to get started. Problem being, I need somebody else, because RPing with myself is just writing fanfiction.

So, to describe my character: link

If you're not in a link-clicky mood, the short version is Keystone - Keystone being the OC's name - is traveling around Equestria as an architect, looking for jobs, a few friendly souls, knowledge, and any combination of the three thereof. So, if anyone reading this has an OC in need of a new house, or just wants to interact with a decently traveled pony, don't hesitate to reply!

Oh, and feel free to ask about details or post ideas and the ilk. Knowing is half the battle :)

Edit -- Welp, I'm an impatient man. :razz: I went ahead and created an open thread here, if anypony is interested in that.

If anyone would still like to reply with different ideas, I'm still open like a book. Well, open like an open book.

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