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Keystone [Ready]

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Roleplay Type: World of Equestria

Name: Keystone

Sex: Male

Age: Stallion

Species: Unicorn

Eye colour: A very natural shade of gray, not unlike well-maintained stone.

Coat: Keystone's coat is a very dull, velvety shade of red, and it tends to stay rather short, both by its nature and Keystone's decent grooming habits. While he certainly doesn't pride himself on it, he feels obligated to keep himself at a presentable condition. A good first impression is important, and all that.

Mane/Tail: Like his coat, Keystone's mane is well-maintained, combed, and cropped. Being the mane, it certainly is longer, but certainly no longer than you're average stallion. In regards to colour, his mane actually matches his eyes quite nicely, although his hair is arguable a more rough colour. Usually the majority of it is kept under one of his hats he's so fond of, except for the sides and bangs. His tail is fairly much the same, although a more attentive pony might notice he keeps slightly less neat than his mane.

Physique: Keystone is very much the average pony that others might compare themselves too. Not for lack of effort, though, as Keystone has made many an attempt to beat the statistical average of a trap he's fallen into, but usually that's to no avail. So, until further notice, one could remarkable unsurprised by Keystone's physique.

Residence: Keystone doesn't actually have a permanent residence, instead preferring to travel between various cities. Lots of towns have need of new buildings, so it would only see fit that lots of towns would have need of Keystone's talents

Occupation: If there's one thing Keystone is proud of, it would be his rather successful career as an architect. Well, okay, technically he's still studying, but a hands-on approach still counts. What better way is there to learn than with experience

Cutie Mark: Keystone's cutie mark is a small stone arch comprised of five trapezoidal blocks of stone, the uppermost one at the center of the arch being noticeably larger than the other four. This mark represents Keystone's natural talents when it comes to the design of a structure, and his ability to mentally construct and plan out a standing structure. Besides the literal, the arch - as a standard form of support - represents his fairly stable personality, freestanding and independent.

History: Keystone was born in Manehatten, as the only foal of a rather successful business pony and the owner of a restaurant. Due to the decent success of both of his parents, Keystone spent a good deal of his early childhood either at a local daycare for young foals. Not that he was ever upset by this; on the contrary, he enjoyed the he spent there making decent amounts of childhood friends and playing with the toys. A personal favorite of his were the blocks.

In school, when he was old enough to take part, he did surprisingly well. He was decently social, and was pretty much on par with most of the lessons, and he never worried much about earning his cutie mark. Sure, it was important to him, but he reasoned there wasn't much rush until the rest of the class starting getting theirs; he was never really competitive about it. Then, one day, the teacher gave out an assignment on building toothpick bridges, reasoning that it was a simple and fun arts and craft project. Enthralled by the project, Keystone took as more of a challenge, and with a glimmer in his eye, he furiously started doodling on paper. In about ten minutes, he had sketched out an actual blueprint for a design. Admittedly it was rather crudely drawn, and in crayon at that, but still pretty impressive for a foal.

When it came time to actually build it, Keystone was certainly a few steps ahead of the class, mainly because he had a plan that he stuck to with a one-track determination. Eventually, when he finished, he had a bridge that was not only larger than everypony else, but it could actually support his weight! Well, it could kind of support his weight. He stepped on it to test it and it held steady for a good five seconds before the glue holding it together collapsed, but that's besides the point. The main point was that he had developed a passion for building, and by the end of the day, he had earned his cuties mark, and there was much rejoicing.

As he continued to grow, his passion for architecture simply grew alongside him. It became fairly common to find him either at the Manehatten public library reading from a stack of books on the subject, to just wandering the streets and surveying the skyscrapers. In addition, when he matured a little, he began to help his mother (the restaurant owner) out by working as a waiter at her diner. He wasn't strictly old enough, and it wasn't really a family run business, but his mother reasoned it would be an excellent way to test out his independence and responsibility. And although he did have troubles from time to time with customers, he managed to carve out a fairly stable reputation both in his family and among the patrons. The experience certainly matured him, and helped with his pony skills.

Eventually, the time came when he signed up for the Manehatten University, where he took an architecture class (logically) and a class on basic unicorn magic. Why a magic 101 class? Mainly because Keystone thought it would be a waste to not do it, as he was, you know, capable of magic being a unicorn and all. When all was said and done, Keystone spent a good few years studying his chosen subjects, until he started to feel a tad bottled up. Manehatten has great arcitecture and all, but when there are actual fantasy castles carved into the side of a mountain, skyscrapers aren't simply enough. So, eventually he made the decision to take his studies abroad, and along the way see if he couldn't actually find a job as an architect.

Character Summary: Keystone is a very stable, dependable kind of stallion. Although he's fairly lighthearted and quick to crack a joke or lighthearted comment, he tends to do what he says he will, and he makes doubly sure that's true for promises. When doing what he's been asked to, Keystone also makes sure to discover the intent of the task he's currently on, and from there may not strictly uphold the technicalities of the deed if it gets in the way of the spirit of things. Keystone pays attention to minor details, but only when they compliment the major ones - anything less and he starts to ignore technicalities.

Socially, Keystone is decently outgoing, and always eager to meet new people. Problem is, he also tends to be fairly quiet and thought driven, which can make him seem a lot shyer than he is. He'll certainly be willing to hold up a conversation although said conversations tend to dwindle into a series of pauses. It also doesn't help that Keystone is rather fond of sarcasm, and while his comments aren't biting and he by no means ever means harm, they can come off as unkind, or perhaps uncaring.

In terms of faults, Keystone's biggest one would be pride. Not that he's egocentric, or insufferable, because he isn't. However, he reacts rather emotionally to perceived insults, and his temper can become startlingly short when his previous or current work is thrown into the mix. Its quite noticeable when this happens, because he tends to get incredibly defensive about the subject.

In addition to personality, Keystone is also fairly decent with spells. Most of his expertise pretty much comes down to telekinesis, of which he has a basic understanding, but he's also fairly talented with spells that can identify various substances such as minerals or metals. These help immensely in his job where its always useful to know exactly what you're building a house with. Aside from these two subjects, Keystone doesn't rely much on magic and most of his studies from Manehatten have escaped his knowledge.

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Thank you for your patience! While first apps are usually the hardest for new RPers, you've done a pretty good job with this OC. I'll like to see this guy in WoE very soon. :)

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