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'Facette' Thomi [READY]

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Roleplay Type: World of Equestria

Name: Thomi, alias Facette.

Sex: Female

Age: Young Adult

Species: Griffon

Eye colour: A stark gold.

Coat: A dusky chocolate brown bottom half, with a lighter brown plumage around her face.

Mane/Tail: Her dull white crown feathers are fairly short and styled into choppy bangs and ends. Her tail is typical, though the tuft of hair at the end is the same white her mane is.

Physique: She's the usual half-eagle half-lion griffon size, equal height to a pony of similar gender and build but slightly larger and bulkier in body. She's strong and lean in her musculature, sculpted by years of hard physical labor.

Residence: Currently lives in Manehattan.

Occupation: Mechanist and drummer.

History: Thomi was the smart one in her litter of peers in Talonpolis, the one who would always be tinkering around with things though she was no slouch when it came to horsing around. She was busy and active even as a child, always flying around from her own crude little inventions to sports and roughhousing with her friends, and she was usually looked up to by her peers as the 'cool' one, as her personality was quite solidly developed from a young age into what it is now, minus a few quirks and odd ends. Due to this fairly early maturity she was very quickly assured of her path in life being machine construction.

She spent her teenage years in between schooling and apprenticeships with various griffons, becoming strong of body on top of being strong in mind as she was called on to do apprentice work like hauling around crates of spare parts and various other bits of hard work. She maintained her easy personality and open mind throughout, and was thus intrigued by the idea one of her final griffon employers gave her of traveling to Equestria and offering her now well developed mechanical services there. She had developed in the interim into an excellent technician, capable of working with all manner of basic machines like pulleys and windmills. In addition she also continued to casually tinker around, fascinated by the idea of automatons that could make daily chores easier.

After she was out of school, she moved into Equestria and began to seek out employment. For a few years she worked in the industrial hub of Stalliongrad, where her services were well in demand. She became fairly well known among a generation of business owners in that city, for she was a reliable hard worker who was also easy to get along with. But she was a griffon, and eventually she determined that a change of location would be good for her health, as the cold and her did not agree very well.

She moved out south, worked odd jobs in frontier cities for a while. It was here, during a stopover in Appaloosa where she would meet the mare who would change her up-to then fairly simple life forever. Thomi had never seen a crystal pony before, so she was wont to strike up conversation with a certain Blank Stone. She learned of the mare's great artistry, and as much as she inspired the mare she was also duly impressed and a little inspired herself. Some of her friends in both Aquellia and Stalliongrad had been musicians, but she had lived a fairly simple life, and before hadn't really considered the idea of trying out a new career. Blank Stone needed her, wanted her; and Thomi felt the same in response. So the two struck up a partnership. Thomi would now be 'Facette', her partner's fellow in experimental music.

Now the duo travel Equestria while experimenting sonically, and while they do not always get along, they are both smart and inventive and as a result have great potential.

Character Summary: Facette is cool incarnate, a nice and polite griffon who is almost impossible to anger or rub the wrong way. She's very relaxed in demeanor, it is difficult to find her in a hurry for any reason even if she realistically should be worrying about the time. This can be both a good and bad thing, while it's of course nice to always be the calm and collected one sometimes she can be too lax and not give events the importance they deserve. She's quite cheeky, and with her intelligence wit and humor are not far from her grasp at any given moment.

Facette prides herself on maintaining an open mind, using her natural intellect to quickly learn things that friends introduce to her. She as a result has a variety of odd hobbies, she's a good dancer and drummer and she has an ear for music, not genius level by any means but certainly passable. She's not particularly stubborn, and sometimes she can be a bit of a doormat as she accepts things she should be rejecting simply because it's too easy for her to say yes. She's not dumb though, she'll normally be at the very least reluctant when roped into something she's not sure about being a good idea.

Facette can also come off as a bit cold sometimes, because of her cool demeanor she doesn't often get mad or unhappy on a friend's behalf. However she's not by any means a bad friend, and she'll be a shoulder to cry on, though not really the best. She's just awkward overall when it comes to dealing with difficult times.

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Hi FermataTheBasse! This app looks excellent! All of the required fields are filled (considering she's a griffon) and it is very well written. There is one question I must ask, though it might sound like a silly question. By 'typical' griffon, do you mean that she has the "half eagle - half lion' look like Gilda? The reason I'm asking is that in the past, we've had users app griffons with 'different' halves, such as half panther, etc. Just want to make sure what you are projecting as the overall 'species mix' of your griffon. :):)

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