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New Construction (ENDED)


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Gerrard paused, unsure of what else could be done. He made a thoughtful humming sound before glancing over to the professor. You could increase the amount of windows on the floor level and accent the strength of the design by staggering a few extra pillars about the layout.

"You can also add transparent floors between the first and second floors, but that would require a great deal of planning and money to properly execute. You can budget another 30 percent cost and a month of building with your strict guidelines, he explained with a chuckle. Gerrard was a talented architect, but there was only so much he could do to light up the first floor of a building.

"What are your thoughts Harshwhinney? Your name will be on it after all," the griffon added with a chuckle as he let her decide to pull the trigger.

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"Well, I think that maybe," Ms. Harshwhinney said before the words Gerrard spoke got through to her Earth mare mind. "MY name, on the building? WOW! MY NAME on the building! YES! That would make me famous!"

"Now vait a minute, fraulien..." Professor Krashkop pleaded, "I tink you are not understanding..."

"Harshwhinney Hall! I like the sound of it! Harshwhinney Hall! We could have that engraved in the cornerstone! Then have a big ribbon cutting ceremony! OH it will be GLORIOUS!!"

Now the Professor was dumbfounded. Was Ms. Harshwhinney's imagination running wild? Could she be reeled back in soon?

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Gerrard let out a sigh as the greedy mare twisted his words for a shot at glory. He covered his face with a talon and shook his head before glancing over to his friend. "Harshwhinney, I would advise against searching for glory. People are more apt to remember failure than success. I don't think Princess Celestia would approve of you trying to take the spotlight of such a big event for yourself, Gerrard commented in a warning manner to her.

"Please be the voice of reason Professor. Our appointment is about to run over my dear. I don't think you want to to pay overtime for my consulting," he commented aloud in an attempt to stop the rampaging mare.

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"I tink you are going a bit overboard, fraulien," Professor Krashkop said to the blonde mare. "Herr Grayfeather is right, if you try to seek too much glory, den dee Princess could FIRE you on dee spot!"

The rambling mare instantly stopped when the words 'fire you' were spoken to her. That is what it took to snap her back to reality fast.

"Oh my," Ms. Harshwhinney said, looking very embarrassed as she calmed down. "I suppose I got a teeny tiny bit carried away, didn't I?

"Dat is an understatement, frau Harshvhinney. Now vee need to get back to dee task at hoof! Gerrard, do you have any further suggestions or ideas for dis project?"

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Gerrard smirked and hopped into the air, flapping his large black wings as he hovered in place just above the ground. He heard the two ponies banter back and forth and had to laugh when the mare admitted she may have gone overboard. "Yeah you did go a little bit overboard," Gerrard commented with a smile spreading his talons far apart as he revealed what he really thought.

"In regards to the project, I think our current design is satisfactory. It is better to roam a little bit beyond the established norm. There is always a risk of over designing a building and nobody wants to be that person," the griffon explained thoughtfully while he glanced over to the pair on the ground.

"Anything else?" he added, folding his arms while waiting for any parting words.

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"Nein, old friend. Veee have accomplished much today," Professor Krashkop said as he waved to Gerrard. "Aveedasaine, Gerrard! Unless you vould allow me to treat you to supper. I know dis fun little place in town vhere day serve authentic Germaney veener snitzel und fine apple strudel too!"

"But what about ME?:" Ms Harshwhinney whined, :"May I come along?"

"Vell, it if it ok vith Herr Grayfeather, den it vill be fine vith me," the Professor said as he looked back up at the airborne griffon. "Vhat do you say, Gerrard?"

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Gerrard paused for a moment, the griffon having a proverbial sweet tooth. He opened his black maw to accept the offer, the griffon getting interrupted by his least favorite earth pony in town. The flying architect gave Harshwinney a passing glance before clearing his throat.

"Ah, I would love a serving but it appears that our third wheel is flat. I'm gonna hold you to that offer friend, just another day. Farewell friend, till next time," Gerrard commented with a smirk as he waved goodbye to his pegasus friend.

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"Goodbye, mein friend!" Professor Krashkop shouted up to the departing griffon as he then turned to Ms. Harshwhinney. "You vere quite rude to Herr Grayfeather!"

"ME? RUDE?" the orange Earth mare yelped defensively.

"Javol! Dis vas embarrassing! You should know better den dat! I am very disappointed in you!"

"Disappointed? Well I never!"

"I can believe dat! Aveedersane, Fraulien!" the elderly Pegasus neighed as he flapped his wings and flew off.

"I am NEVER rude! I am the perfect pony! I will prove it!" Ms. Harshwhinney shouted as she collected the building plans and walked away.

(End of RP)

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