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Rise began to make his way down the path out of the forest, on the lookout for changelings or any other threat. He was weary and banged up from the trek into the forest and the hive, but was still ready for anything.

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After walking for a good while, Rise finally emerged from the forest and was a few minutes away from Ponyville. He was halfway down the path when fatigue finally took hold of him. He kneeled down on the side of the path and tried to catch his breath.

Dawn had turned away from the white pony and was skimming through another old lore tome.

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He stopped when he realized something. Pulling his retractable sword out from its spot in his bags, he began swinging it. The blade fell straight off the hilt.

Changelings. Idiots probably used to to chop wood.

He throws the hilt aside and moves back into Ponyville. Surely they would have a forge, and he found that they did when he made it there. This time he didn't even put his hood up, and instead ignored the looks he got in reaction to his metal body.

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Arrow walks around and holds different armor pieces to test weight,"Nope...Nope...Nope...Hmmm..." He stops to see a set of dark black armor.He goes over to check the weight,"Hmm...This could work..." he says as he starts putting on the pieces and notices the helmet,"This won't fit over my shades..." he says as he sighs,"I guess it's best that these don't see any bloodshed...Yeah...He probably wouldn't want that..." he says to himself as he takes off the sunglasses,put on the helmet,and place the face piece down to cover ever inch of his body but his wings as he notices a weird set of blades connected together,"What in the world?" he says to himself as he checks the weird weapon."I wonder..." he mumbles as he slides the object onto his wings to fit with blades going with his feathers and longer blades sticking out towards the front.

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"What could you possibly offer me that I don't already have?" Dawn said to Light, putting the tome he was reading down.

"Still a good ways to Ponyville..." Rise said, dead tired. He slowly got up and continued on.

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For the first time, Dawn was intrigued. He had forgotten about the Elements of Harmony. They would surely bring about his destruction. "What do you have in mind?" he finally asked.

Rise finally made it to Ponyville. He noticed the Canterlot and Crystal guards still stationed around town, keeping a lookout and protecting the town. He was completely spent of energy from traveling and fighting. He sat his things down by the fountain in the town square and sat against in. "Finally....made it....." he breathed heavily.

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Reverb stood silent and distant. Whilst Chaos let out a troubling sigh, "It's far too much to explain at the moment, but here's a good place to start..." The mare through back her hood, revealing the mutated form of a half-pony, half-changeling. "I am the one called Chaos. Outcome of an experiment in which the blood of Chrysalis, Queen of the Changelings, and that of King Sombra's was mixed together. Part of me follows Chrysalis, another Sombra, and another my creator... Celestia..." A grin tugged at Chaos's lips.

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"Ok." Arrow says as he walks over to it and places them in there,"I'm ready now."'

"Oh my." Charles says,very shocked of the mutation."I've never seen anything like this." he states as he gets closer and observes different parts of Chaos' body.

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