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It Takes A Thief[OPEN]

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Dodger practically skipped through the streets. Oh yes, today was a good day. The sun was out, bright and shining—but not too hot. There was a slight breeze in the air, drifting the wonderful food scents from the shops and vendors to his nose. He was even up early, surprisingly, and ready to get a head start on the day.

Hmm, now for breakfast. Dodger walked by one of the vendors, leaning over the stall ever so slightly as he tipped his hat to her in polite greeting. Or, so it seemed. Behind his somewhat large hat, Dodger had managed to pilfer two rolls—a nice breakfast indeed.

Now, something to wash it down... He glimpsed some ponies looking intently at some items at a souvenir stand—tourists. Edging closer, he pretended to look at some produce a couple of stalls away. He carefully reached inside one of their bags with his magic, lightly feeling around until he felt the familiar round shape he had been looking for. Slipping them out, he set the bits on the ground, just as a test...but no pony had seemed to notice. The market was getting busier and more crowded. Perfect for Dodger.

He slid the coins along the ground, moving them little by little as he moved to a closer stall to pretend to look at a different item, all the while glancing at his prize. He'd already stashed the rolls inside his hat nearly as soon as he got them. He'd have to spend the bits now before anypony noticed. He couldn't very well steal what he wanted when his hat was already occupied.

Turning around, he saw the bits on the ground. He walked over to them nonchalantly, glancing around as if he was looking for a particular stall. Then, he bent to pick them up, like nothing was the matter. Once he'd acquired his prize, he promptly trotted over to an apple stand and purchased a few apples

After that, he made his way to an alley, where he could keep an eye on the marketplace while he ate, watching the hustle and bustle of the city.

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