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Pokemon Kanto [1 open]

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Skyzipper smiled as he thanked prof twilight for the pokemon and items and turned to leave the lab

"well pinto, where to first?"

((i have played all pokemon games after pearl and diamond, i have emerald, if thats what this is, but i dont know how the citys go in order))

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(Well, based on my assumption, and the fact that this is Pokemon Kanto, this is the region from Pokemon Yellow, as well as Leaf Green and Fire Red I think. I believe it's also the same region Ash and Pikachu first started out in. So, we start in Pallet town, then Veridian, Pewter, and so on. I'll post a map.


This is the map of the region.)

"Well, isn't it obvious?" Pinto asked, pleased that he knew where to go. "Our first stop is the Pewter city gym!"

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Skyzipper laughed at the fact he dident know that

"Well, what are we waiting for? lets go and get that badge" He said jokingly(to lazy to get rid of purple) as he turned and prepared to run

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as skyzipper slowed down to let pinto catch up, he felt his pokeball open by it self, he turned and saw his charmander out of his ball

"da hell? i dident let you out?" he responded confused

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When Pinto caught up to Skyzipper, he noticed his Charmander was out of it's Pokeball. "Hehehe, looks like Charmander wants to come out and play, eh Poliwag?"

"Poli!" Poliwag replied cheerfully, waddling up to Charmander.

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"That's a good idea. From what I've read, Pokemon love being out of their Pokeballs. Right, Poliwag?" Pinto asked his friend, smiling.

Poliwag turned from looking at Charmander long enough to reply with a cheerful "Poli" before returning his attention to Charmander.

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"Hahahahaha" Pinto couldn't help but laugh hysterically at Charmander startling itself. It obviously wasn't let out of it's Pokeball very often.

Poliwag seemed delighted to have a friend. He was smiling and wagging his tail wildly. When he calmed downed, he started talking to Charmander in a mixture of polis and wags.

(It'll be a while before I post again, I've got stuff to do.)

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Charmander, once he stopped startling him self, started to respond to poliwag with his own chars, happy to have his second friend

"ha, when these two are ready, we should continue into virridian city, we should get there before night"

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"A Pokemon battle?" Pinto asked, perplexed. He had never been in a Pokemon battle before, and he wasn't sure whether or not he should let Skyzipper handle this, but then he thought 'why should I? I'm no pushover anymore!' "I'll battle you!" Pinto said with gusto. "Let's go Poliwag!"

Poliwag leaped forward with a determined look on it's face. "Poli!" This would be Poliwag's first battle ever, and Poliwag wasn't going to let Pinto down!

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((ok as in all games your started pokemon will be at level 5 poliwag knows bubbles and water sport i will decide if it hits or not and how i will do that is i will find the move hit chance online and detimed if it hits base off of that)) "a poliwag intersing chocie well i choose my only pokemon pidgey" he said as he use his magic to throw his pokeball to send out his pidgey

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"Come on Poliwag! Hit it with another Bubble!" Pinto yelled encouragingly.

Poliwag was having a difficult time seeing. Some of the sand had gotten in his eye, and the world was slightly fuzzy because of it. Poliwag fired off a spray of bubbles in the direction of the Pidgey.

(I think one thing we need to keep in mind here is the openness of the battlefield. The Pokemon games are, after all, just games, and were even featured in the show as "training simulators". I think if we want this RP to be more story driven we need to take the environment into account. I only bring this up because I remember a lot of people yelling "dodge it!" in the show. So, what do you two think?)

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((yea that is a good point but right now there aren't a lot of trees arounds)) "dodge it pidgey" he said and the pidgey the attack miss "ok now pidgey use tackle" he said then pidgey flew up a bit to get some speed and then took a nose drive to poliwag and hit it ((i won't make one sideed macths when the pokemon are closes in levels so some attacks will have to hit))

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"Poliwag!" Pinto cried as his friend rolled across the ground. (I know this isn't really what the move's for, but again, environment. :) ) As Poliwag got back up Pinto had an idea. "Poliwag, wash off the sand with Water Sport!"

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poliwag shot a burst of water into the sky it expolde and it soak everything in the area washing of the sand and making eveybody wet "well i guess that worked but i won't give up yet pidgey use tackle"he said so once again pidgey took a dive at poliwag

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((soz if i take awile to respond, i have school again so im busy most of the day))

As Skyzipper watched his friend fight his first battle, he notticed that poliwag wasent having the easyest time

"Come on you two, you can do it"

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