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Pokemon Kanto [1 open]

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"pidgey dodge it" he said pidgey atteampt to move out of the way but the battle was showing it toll on pidgey and it hit pidgey still got up but a one good hit will KO pidgey "ok good pidgey now use sand attack" he said and pidgey flew into the air a little to kick up some sand and push it towards poliwag while poliwag was still in the air and can't really move it hit poliwag

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Pinto could see that Poliwag was having trouble now, and there were only a couple of options available. "Poliwag! Use another water sport!"

Poliwag landed on the ground, a little scraped up but still with a fighting spirit.

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poliwag bubble hits and KO pidgey pidgey also falls out of the sky and has Xs over its eyes "good job pidgey you deserave a good rest" he said as he called pidgey back into its pokeball "that was a very good fight also i have something for you" he said as he walk over to pinto "take it all i i want you too" he said as he reach into his pak with his magic and brought out 200 pokebucks "you two have a good joureny also my name is sam" said sam ((ok the way i am doing levels is i will determind how long it take and when it levels i will tell you so you know it can gain XP by battles and other pokemon stuff that i have not decided on yet so exp is a lot easily to get in this then in the game))

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(Okay, sounds good.)

"Oh, uh, okay, thanks Sam, you too." Pinto said, a little confused at being given money. After Sam had left, Pinto and Poliwag were ecstatic. It wouldn't have been very polite to be so happy in front of Sam. "We did it Poliwag! We won our first Pokemon battle!"

"Poli! Poli!"

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as skyzipper walked over to congratulate his friend, charmander ran up two them and started cheering

"good job, you did well, i can tell your happy? cant wait for my first battle" He said as he congratulated his friend on a great victory

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"Thanks Skyzipper! I'm sure your first battle will be just as great! Oh, we better get moving again. That battle took up some traveling time, and we don't want to be out here after dark." Pinto remembered, taking on a little more of a serious tone.


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skyzipper nodded and started to walk towords there destination. As he was walking charmander was talking to poliwag

"CHAR char charmander" he was saying

"wish i could understand him, then we would know why they only can say there names" he said jokingly

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"Sometimes I feel like I know what he's saying, even though we don't speak the same language. I know you and Charmander have just met, but I'm sure you'll understand him someday!" Pinto said, smiling at Skyzipper.

Poliwag looked to Pinto, then to Skyzipper, nodding with a "Poli" as Pinto finished talking.

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SSkyzipper ran to catch up two his friend but char was falling behind

"come on buddy" he said to char as he picked him up and gave him a ponyback

"Its getting dark" he commented with char lighting up the area a bit with his tail

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Sky smiled as they walked toward the pokecenter, hoping that there would be rooms avalible

"lets hope that there is some food there, im starving" he said as he saw the center, during this walk charmander had run ahead hoping to get some chow

Char charmaner

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((it only know sccratch and growl right now it will learn the others as it levels up)) the attack it rattata it regain it balence and attack with a tackle and hit chamaner ((i also trust you read on how i will do the battle and levels when pinto was battling))

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