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Coming Home!://Open to ALL Zebras!


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It was good to finally be home! Qua-Na loved Equestria and all it's wonders but it was time to return home for a while and enjoy the quietness and peace that only Unyasi could provide! She beamed and blew her bangs gently out of her face as her hooves trod familiar soil, instantly going to her favorite clearing that had the most beautiful array of plants and flowers in it.The Zebra let out a content breath as she sat down on all four legs, feeling the sun shine on her body, and smelled the familiar and exotic air of her home land..

She couldn't wait to return to her village and see her father and mother, she couldn't wait to mix dyes and do the traditional bead work and paint happy pictures!

But for now she was just going to rest and enjoy nature.. and hope that nothing happened to disturb her peace.

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