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Silence is Golden ((Full))


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((Testing out an OC idea I had named Golden Silence, a mute unicorn stallion))

A beautiful day; bright, sunny, warm, vibrant, full of life, energy, and ponies voices among other sounds. It made for a great scene, something you may see in a painting, but then again, Ponyville was almost always worthy of painting because of the... the.... well the...uhm... it's hard to put to words. Just... the General feeling it gives. The ponies are very kind and polite, the building architecture is genius and simply amazing! The bright colors that seemed to radiate through the town gives it a positive vibe, you just can't be grumpy or sad when you're here.

Golden Silence set to work, first setting up his canvas stand, then carefully positioning a blank canvas onto it. He took his faithful 'paint plate', essentially a white dinner plate he uses to hold and mix his paint. He took out his favorite paint brush which had a unique size and quality to it that made it useful for most paintings, and it was a paint brush he had since he was a foal. He took out his paints, and carefully dabbed them onto his plate, making sure not to mix any (yet). Finally, the golden unicorn stallion was set and ready to go, and began to paint the scene infront of him, sugar cube corner, or his favorite place to get his daily chocolate cupcake.

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((may i join??))

Starwing had been trotting all over the town trying to find something to do. She had been almost everywhere in the town. She had thought of going out of town to Canterlot but she figured she would stay here. She was trotting down the road when she saw a unicorn painting something. She trotted up behind him to see what he was painting. He was painting sugar cube corner. She wondered why someone would be out here painting at this time of day. She had been looking back and forth between the painting and the actual scene when many ponies started to stare at her. "Oh, sorry," she said when she knocked over one leg of the canvas. "I didn't mean to do that," she said trying to sound as sincere as possible. This was a new pony anyways. She had never seen him around town.

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((Sure :P)) Golden recoiled back in surprise as his focus was suddenly broken when a clumsy mare tripped on one of his canvas legs, causing the canvas to give out and fall paint first. He stood there for a few moments, feeling different emotions stir in him quickly, a mix of anger and shock. He looked at the mare, his face painted with an annoyed expression, well, until he heard her say 'sorry' and explain she didnt mean too. He looked over her body language and her face; she seemed genuine enough, he thought, accidents happened he supposed. He sighed, closing his eyes for a few moments to expel any lingering anger, not wanting to upset the pony, then opened his eyes, smiling. He pats her head, his way of saying 'I forgive you', then takes out a spare canvas, picking up the stand again, and placing the canvas on it. He looked at the mare, then back the building, then back at the mare. He had a brillient idea. Using some magic, he gently pushed the mare into his art scene, putting a hoof up to her as if saying 'stay'. He began painting once more.

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((I would'nt mind joinging, i'm new to roleplaying))

Thunder Strum is walking down the street when she saw a mare standing awkwardly infrom of gold stallion who looks like he is painting her infront of sugarcube corner, this sparkes Thunder Strum's curiosity and so she goes to see what is going on and as she approuches to finally view the painting, it is exactly what she thought. Thunder Strum asks the golden stallion "why are you painting in the middle of town aren't you afraid somepony might trip over your canvas stand?"

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Jumped as the new mare spoke, causing him to splatter some pink paint on him. He looked down at his coat with wide, surprised eyes, but then just sighed and let it go, this was becoming a wierd day. He looked at the mare and shook his head, answering her question after his accident, then goes back to painting on the canvas.

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Thought for a moment, not really sure how to go about answering that. He could show her his medical card, which identified him as a mute, but that would mean he would have to go through his satchel trying to find it, distracting him from his work, possibly making him more frustrated... or he could simply nod, and continue to work, saving time and frustration, and so that is what he did.

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((Double posting to show you that I saw your RP shadow :P )) His ear twitched as he heard a new voice from the side of him, asking him if he was new here. He turned and looked at the unicorn mare/stallion/colt/filly, shaking his head 'no'.

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Simply shrugged at the question about who he was painting, because he didn't know the mares name. Then his attention glided over to Ice, who was doing some weird gestures with his hooves. He didn't know what the hay he was trying to do, but it was probably sign language. He looked at the two ponies infront of him, an idea forming in his mind, an idea which caused him to slowly grin. Again using his magic, he 'guides' the two of them infront of his canvas, doing the same gesture he did with the first pony, which was an extended hoof telling them to stay. He smiled approvingly, then began painting once more.

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He pointed to where Icestorm once was, then pretended to paint on his canvas while giving Icestorm a frustrated look. He then put up his hoof, pretended to write something on it, then pretended to give it to Icestorm. He seemed like he was trying to convey some sort of messege.

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