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And the forests dream eternally ((see ooc for details))


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Cobalt flicks his ears, hearing someone near him, "It's not a matter of getting noticed by anypony. It's a matter of getting noticed by the right ponies. Anypony might just wish for you to go away, however the right ponies will want to inquire more about you, become friends, all that good stuff. Sometimes, the right ponies find you rather than you find them."

He smiles, chuckling a bit, being reminded of a couple of his friends. He soon finds the library and precedes to look for a certain set of books.

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He sighs, "I may have been born in Canterlot, but I don't have the mindset of the others." His accent seems to be a mix of everywhere. It isn't snootish like Canterlot's, it isn't country like Ponyville's, and it doesn't seem to be city like Manehattan. It doesn't sound western like Apple Loosa either. It sounds to be a mix of everything.

"Your necklace. It's special, yes? I feel a magical power within it." He says, "That in itself should be something to wonder about."

He looks around the books in the library, half thinking about the necklace and half thinking about the few friends he has.

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Midas heard this, and felt a little guilty over thinking about stealing it. But that thought quickly went away. He already had a skull amulet he had stolen from this place, and he wasn't going to stop there. He opened his mouth and an ice-blue fog came out. It shrouded the room he was in, the library and other rooms in the vicinity. He quietly yawned and set an invisibility spell on himself, and once again set out towards Cobalt and Star.

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( again, i was asleep :P)

Peaches noticed the dissapearance of everyone and decided to find them, she gets bored when she's alone. After trotting along the huge castle, she caught sight of the three ponies she was looking for. " Hey guys! " She says quite shyly "Whatcha guys doin?"

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Midas quietly sent a gravity spell and climbed across the ceiling, looking down at Cobalt, Peaches and Star. He wasn't tiring at all from his spells, being quite good at magic from practicing for 2000 years. Creeping quietly, he took out a small ball and lowered it quietly to the ground using a levitation spell. Then, put on a small metal mask that covered his snout. The ball began spewing out black gas, then suddenly sputtered. Dang, Midas thought. The sleeping gas bomb was empty. Lifting it back up quietly so nopony would see it, he searched his cloak for another one. They might notice something was up after feeling a slight bit tired, but not asleep.

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Midas cursed under his breath. Then he remembered something, just hoping that this world didn't have measures against it. He began chanting quietly, his horn glowing a pitch black with red outlines. Midas's eyes glowed, but only slightly under the invisibility. Midas tried to send out a beam from his horn, but nothing happened. This world had curse protection. He growled, trying to think of something else.

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"Interesting..." Cobalt says to himself, "I don't know as much about magic about your mother, but enchanting jewelry and clothing sounds like it'd be easier for those to experience some abilities unicorns can have. I might as well tell you how my parents..." He pauses, feeling slightly fatigued, he then looks around, "were when I was a colt..."

He says things with more caution. He grumbles to himself, "And I came here to look for books..."

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Midas drops down silently, reversing the gravity spell. The other pill he had eaten in Equestria had finally taken effect. He wasn't a clumsy regular unicorn anymore. He was Midas. Creeping silently, he mimicked Star's voice perfectly. "Well, I think books are for losers," he said when Cobalt wasn't looking, acting as if Star had read his mind and insulted him.

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He looks around, "Two voices, similar to each other, but each speak in different ears..." He looks around, seeing Star right beside him, then he looks to the other side. He doesn't exactly like being fooled.

"Show yourself. I don't take kindly to this prank." he grumbles under his breath. He doesn't want to do it... but, "I suggest you duck, Star."

Suddenly, the Library Books start flying from the shelves, just flying at each other, making a huge mess on the floors.

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He didn't exactly expect this. He gets pelted with a few books, but he manages to make a small bubble shield that'll last for a short time. Due to all the books flying at him, the shield won't last against much of them. All he can hope is for someone else to intervene.

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Midas summoned at least three dozen small golden daggers. Then he flung half of them at Cobalt, weakening the shield until it nearly broke. He flung the other half at Star, who had no shield.

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Magic Shine threw a potion at Midas. It was a potion that when was touched, would freeze a person. "I heard you didn't call my name. Great that you didn't notice me, but I noticed you. Thats why I was potion brewing."

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