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A New Adventure [CLOSED]


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There once lived a colt, who had many talents. But he still didnt have a cutie mark. He always dreamed of having one, and always thought he next day was the day he will get a cutie mark, but he thought that for months. His name was Dashing Blade. He lives in a foresty place where he was hoping to make a town at. His parents past away a few years back and left Dashing a depressing 3 years. Once the new year came, Dashing was having the greatest luck... Dashing wakes up suddenly from a nightmare he had. After the new year came, Dashing started to get these mysterious nightmares of Equestria being destroyed by some evil creature. Every time he would get one, he would try to figure out who, or what it was. But he was never able to, until now. Right before he awoke, it laughed, and somehow sounded familiar."Those need to stop happening." Dashing says. Dashing ignores the nightmares and doesnt tell anyone about them, just like if he is sick, or something. Dashing trots out of his house whistling to the intro song to my little pony, when suddnely he hears rustling in a bush nearby. When he walks over to it, here was nothing. More rustling came from another bush, and Dashing leaped at the other bush and found another pony...(someone picks up the story from here)

By the ways this is what Dashing Blade looks like


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After Dashing leaped on th bush, all he found was an old book. He then took it inside and began to read it. The pages were heavily damaged with moss, sticks, and water, so Dashing could only read this from the book,"New adventurers must rise, and take down the evil beast before he devoures all of Equestria. The ponies who get nightmares of this happening are the chosen ones to stop Dis-" the last few letters were tore off and every page was the same, but those letters were always ripped off. Dashing then knew its his destiny. Dashing then packed up everything he would need for his adventure. Then he ran into the forest, not knowing where he would go. Then suddenly he trips over Shining Star.(someone continue story)

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