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The Lunar Republic[See OOC to join]


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The stallion's sceams could be heard all throughout the forest. Woodland creatures were fightened by the sound. Soul looked on as the stallion suffered. This was nothing new to him, for he had seen plenty of horrors like this before.

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Luna was looking out her balcony when she heard Magic come in "what is it Magic Shine Doeseth thou need anything?"she asked

Killjoy then slowly pulled the knife out "now then...if you wish to keep your other eye and still be able to gaze upon Luna's beautiful night...tell me what you are doing here."

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Luna stared out the window again "by the sound of it...they hath it under control, but how about thou go see thine councilor...I bet she wouldst enjoy thine company." she said softly

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"well...I think I broke it..." Killjoy said looking at the Stallion "hmmm I have a job for you Republican." she said picking the Stallion up and walking him to the edge of camp "I want you to go back to where you came, and tell them that we will be waiting for them..." she then shoved the stallion.

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"I have a better idea." The stallion said abruptly, pulling a small knife from his armor. "How about you kiss my plot?" he said before plunging the knife into his throat, killing himself. "For....the....Lunar....Republic...." Was his dying breath.

"Coward...." Soul scoffed.

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"well then...looks like we have to send the message ourselves...come on, lets go find the other Republicans" she said dragging the lifeless stallion with her. "if I was Republican...where would I be...?" she looked down and saw the black cape "ooo I like the cape, I'll be taking that...you won't mind will you...of course not...you're dead, so thoughtful though" she said sounding not too right in the head as she took the cape and clipped it on her armor.

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"Over here maybe." Soul called from a few feet over, peering over the edge of a cliff. Down below was a large regiment of ponies estimated to number several hundreds wearing the same dark armor and heavily armed.

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Killjoy looked down and giggled quite creepally "well I suppose they want their scout back" she said as she rolled the corpse off the cliff, hearing the armor clank and bang against the rocks all the way down. "lets go Soul...Luna will want to hear about this" her voice not right either.

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Soul looked down at the marching ponies for a moment, trying to resist the temptation to go kill more of them. "So it begins...." he said under his breath. Finally he turned and followed Killjoy. "I will make them pay." he thought.

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"My third war has started" she giggled again "it isn't even my birthday..." she said grinning sadistically.

((yes Killjoy is a Sadist if you havn't noticed by now lol))

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((no...just killing things well...turns her on so to speak...like just killing anything. She has no hatred for whom she fights, her talent is just mass destruction))

Killjoy looked at Soul and thought of torture as she bit her lower lip, her pupils constrict giving him a sadistic look as her mind buzzed with the madness of her...nightmarish pleasure.

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Killjoy was trying so hard to resist hurting Soul...her mind imagined all the things she could do, her left eye started to twitch rapidly. Sweat dripped from her forehead as her hooves shook, she wanted to see him scream in agony...well her other half anyway. She tensed up and tried thinking of different things in hopes to stop the madness and calm down, after moments of shivering and twitching, it all slowly stopped and Killjoy sighed and closed her eyes "Sorry...I get...not right when I see death." she said.

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