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Soul said nothing, he just stared at Killjoy with a confused, yet hostile expression. "Was she about to attack me?" he thought. He didn't even realize he was touching the hilt of his sword. He shook his head, dismissing any thoughts of that. "It's alright. We should go report to the princess." he said.

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Star had stmbled on the Republican site and saw the corpse. yeah, Killijoy already knew they were there. so she picked a random hard thing from a tree and threw it at just the right angle that the solider it hit would think the pony next to him threw it. she watched the pony she had hit yell at another pony. she did the same thing to a few others. it was complete chaos everypony yelling at everypony. that'll keep them until Luna gets there.

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Killjoy looked at Soul "I told my talent was being a soldier...even though that talent drove me to the point where I enjoyed the suffering of others." she said regretingly "It's just who I am now...it isn't going away anytime soom..." she said as she saw the gate to Canterlot ahead.

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Killjoy sighed "breeding into ponies and slowly going mad are too different things though" she said as she entered the castle, she walked up the stairs to Luna's room. Killjoy knocked and then entered, she kneeled to the princess and spoke "your grace...The Republic were spotted in the everfree, we got one of their scouts to talk, the Republic have a mass of about 500 strong Princess."

Luna had a serious look on uer face after hearing the news "I see...they plan to attack the city soon."she paused for a second "it matters not...a hundred soldiers on the walls of Canterlot can defend against a thousand, let them come." Luna said as if angered

Killjoy quickly got up "Yes your grace...I will rally the Nightwatch at once" she said as she left the room in haste

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Soul also bowed to the Princess as she spoke with Killjoy. "Your highness" he began, "the Everfree is near the town of Ponyville and possibly other small settlements. Should we provide some defense for them as well?"

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Luna thought for a moment "I guess thou art right...when all the Nightwatch get back to canterlot, I will command Killjoy to put segments of our forces in the neighboring towns...my main concern is Ponyville though, the neighboring towns are farthur away."

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Star's ears pricked up. hard to tell with all the fighting but she could hear it. the horn. she smirked. she grabbed one last hard thing and flew above the fighting. she threw it at somepony. they looked up. "what in the..." the solider said. others looked up to "who do you think threw the first one?' she asked catching a hard thing that was thrown at her and threw it back. then she flew to canterlot castle. using the nightwatch trap door again.

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"just be patient." Killjoy said as she saw some Nightwatchers gather in the courtyard "I think we have around 300 ponies in the night watch" a guard flew in and gave Her a message, she opens the letter "we are to split our forces to guard the neighboring towns, Ponyville is our main priority." Killjoy sighed and took out a map "We will set 200 here" she points to ponyville. "and 50 in the two neighboring towns"she looked up "Ponyville is a horrible defense point...we are going to have to build walls around the town...Ponyville must be fortified if we are to defend it successfully." she said sounding frustrated. "pray that they don't attack this ni-" stopped as she heard what Star said "your actions may just end us all..." she glared at Star, just about ready to strangle her

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"We don't have much time then." Soul responded. "If we don't get Ponyville secured soon, it's going to get smashed." He looked towards Ponyville in the distance. Then he slammed his hoof down in anger. "You know what I just realized? Princess Sparkle and the Elements of Harmony are in Ponyville. If it gets taken over they could be captured....or worse!"

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Killjoy thought for a moment "evacuation...I want all ponies out of Ponyville and the neighboring towns and bring them here!" she yelled to the Nightwatchers. "one they are hehind our walls, we will just fortify Canterlot's walls...move!" The Nightwatchers headed out the gate and into the towns.

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