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"Fine." Soul said, opening his wings and flying inside. He rubbed two stones together on a nearby stick until it caught fire. He took his makeshift torch and continued exploring the cave. "Where are you?" he said to himself, when he bumped into something large and furry. He looked up to see he was staring right at the massive Ursa Major's face. It gave an annoyed growl as it stood to it's full height. Soul drew his sword and expanded his wings. "Let's go then." he said to the beast, determination in his voice.

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Killjoy just stood there outside the cave knowing an Ursa major is too much for them, because Twilight was even afraid of the Ursa Majors, and she was a powerful unicorn, now even more powerful since she is an alicorn.

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((Oh I know, don't worry. I'm not going to be that guy. Lol))

Soul flew quickly up in the air and darted towards the Ursa's chest. He stuck his leg out and kicked it in the chest with full force. The Ursa growled in pain, but quickly got over it and began to attempt to swat Soul out of the air.

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Killjoy sat down and brought out a pipe and started smoking it, she heard the growling and voices and just smirked, knowing any second now, the two ponies will be flying out of the cave in retreat.

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Soul ignored Star, and kept dodging the massive beast's claws trying to swat him out of the air. He landed on it's shoulder and began to stab into it with his sword. The Ursa violently began to try and claw at Soul like he was a flea.

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Killjoy puffed on her pipe and yelled in the cave "You are going to piss it off, It isn't doing much because it doesn't see you as much a threat...but if you annoy it long enough, you are going to be sorry!"

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Soul was getting nowhere with his current strategy. He then had another idea: he would use his special talent. He flew down to the ground and his eyes glowed. His body then suddenly went limp and fell to the ground. The Ursa sniffed his body curiously, wondering why it was no longer fighting him. His spirit floated out of the cave and towards the sky. Suddenly clouds began to slowly cluster together.

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((Yeah I guess that is kinda innacurate. I just put that he could do that in his bio just to have a special talent/cutie mark covered. Ok, I'll do this.))

Soul wasn't getting anywhere, but he was to prideful to admit he was wrong. He flew to the roof of the cave and began kicking stalagmites down, several of them landing on the Ursa. A large one fell on it's head, and the Ursa wobbled in place for a while. Finally it turned away and laid down in the back of the cace. Soul carefully walked up to his and put his ear to it's chest. He could heard it's thunderous heartbeat still going. "Good enough I guess." he said. He walked out of the cave to the others. "It's not dead, but it's asleep again."

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