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HoneyMoon [Ready]


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Roleplay type - World of Equestria

Name - HoneyMoon

Sex - Female

Age - Mare

Species - Earth Pony

Eyes - Sapphire blue

Coat - Bright Yellow

Mane/Tail - She has blue hair with a bright yellow streaks. It is styled up in to a bun with a floral crown and flows down her back. Her tail is long and twists around her back legs.

Physique- She is quite petite for her age. She is relatively good health as she spends a lot of time close to nature and tries to eat healthy.

Residence - Manehatten

Occupation - She volunteers as a gardener for Manehatten central park and owns her florists just a few blocks away.

Cutie Mark - Her cutie mark is a budding blue flower.

Growing up in the city, it took HoneyMoon a while to realize her calling was nature which was why she was one of the last fillies in her class to receive her cutie mark.

The day she was inspired was the day of the grand opening of Manehatten Central park floral gardens. The young filly went with her mother to go and see the beautiful flower displays . HoneyMoon was overwhelmed by the beauty of it all. She loved the bright colours and lovely scents. Most of all she loved the smiles on peoples faces that the flowers bought them.

As soon as she got home she got out every book on horticulture she could find and tried to read everything she could about flowers and plants. More than anything, Honeymoon longed to have a garden of her own but she lived on the seventh floor of an apartment block with the rest of her family so having a garden wasn't really an option. The closest she had to the fairy tale garden she dreamed of was a little flower box perched on the edged of her bedroom window hanging over the street below.

Everyday HoneyMoon got up early and tended to that flower box watering, pruning and preening at the leaves and petals to try and care for her precious flowers. Soon the little flower box was bursting with life, a little oasis of colour against the bare concrete walls of the apartment block.

One day Manehatten weather team had scheduled a particularly blustery day. Most ponies had locked themselves up inside their apartments to sit out the bad weather all except one sandy coloured pegasus filly who drifted sadly down the street with tears running down her cheeks. The poor filly had been being picked on by a couple of school bullies and as a result had managed to miss the school bus and walk home in the driving rain.

Suddenly HoneyMoon remembered that she had left her flower box outside on the windowsill and rushed into her room to go and get it. She raced over to the window but one big gust of wind and-THOOSH-the flower box was sent crashing down below and landed smash on the pavement just a short distance from the young Pegasus filly who just stood there, stunned . HoneyMoon rushed down the stairs of the apartment block and out onto the street.

"Ohmicelestia are you okay" Honeymoon said as she approached the filly. Honeymoon watched as the frown disappeared form the filly's face and was replaced with a sunny smile. HoneyMoon turned around and watched as the wind whipped up a tornado of petals that had fallen form her flower box making the grey storm clouds appear as if they were raining rainbow. It was then that she realized that even more important then the flowers themselves was the happiness that they bought ponies.

From that day on HoneyMoon and the pegasus filly, who turned out to be named Lilly-may were the best of friends. And that was how HoneyMoon earned her cutie mark.

History - HoneyMoon was born and raised in Manehatten and continues to live there to this day. Her mother, pallette was a local Unicorn artist and her her father, Chestnut was an Earth pony builder. She had one younger sister, Honeysuckle. Growing up she had the odd quarrel with her family but mostly maintained a happy relationship.

HoneyMoon didn't see her grandparents on her fathers side very much as they lived far away in Fillydelphia but she saw her mother's parents, Spectrum and Harmonica regularly and was even a little spoiled by them sometimes. She learned to be passionate about nature and volunteered to help out at Manehatten central park in her teens.

She opened up her own florists just a couple of blocks away from the park and uses her connection to nature as an earth pony to help tend to flowers. Her friends lavender and Lilly-May also work at the florists.

She hopes to inspire people to open up more parks and green spaces in the city so that young fillies and colts will not lose their connection to nature despite living in a metropolitan area.

Character summary - HoneyMoon is a very sweet tempered and gentle person but is not afraid to stand up for what she believes in. She is the daughter of an artist so has very good attention to detail and a creative streak. One of her biggest faults is that she is a bit of a daydreamer and can sometimes lose focus of the task at hand. She does also not cope well with no situations or people but is willing to put those things behind her and work on her flaws.

Her two best friends are Lavender and Lilly-May but she has number of more casual acquaintances from simply living in such a large town. She loves to make people happy and bring a smile to their faces and gives generously. She is not really a natural leader but certainly has her opinion on things and always tries to make herself useful.

She loves spending time with her family and helping out her mother with her art business. Her mother is a painter so she often comes to the park with her daughter to find a nice landscape scene to paint she also sometimes comes down to the floristry to do some sill-lives.

She hopes to someday travel all around equestria to see different types of wildlife from the lush meadows of ponyville to the flowing waterfalls of cantelot.

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Hello! I'm the Rph that's going to be assisting you with this application.

First off your app is adorable! I love the color scheme you have for HoneyMoon, and her cutie mark story is very cute! There's only two things that I think you could tweak to get this application sent on it's way!

For one we've seen in Rarity takes Manehattan that the town isn't a desolate, gray place void of color and life, your application seems to paint it this way and you might want to change it to reflect the show's canon for the place? It's a bustling and beautiful city by the sea, with various gardens, parks and fashions all to bring in color and beauty! (Here is a handy link to the lore for Manehattan so you can work with it!)

Perhaps since her cutie mark seems to be representing her ability to bring joy and color to other ponies with her flowers, the garden box could fall and shower a rather gloomy pony with the petals instead? :)

Could you also expand your character summary a tad? It tells us a lot about her friends but we'd like to know more about HoneyMoon! What she loves to do when she's not creating art, how she relaxes, goals and dreams?

You also seemed to have accidentally used the World of Equestria application instead of the Canterlot Chronicles one! Here's a quick link to it:Here

So be sure to fill out the additional areas and to remove the "Rp Type:Woe" from the top of your application.

Address these things and you should be good to go :D

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Could you do me a favor before I give you some advice for this app? Space her cutie mark into separate paragraphs please, the lump of text is a bit hard to read!

Also in World of Equestria roleplay we try to keep the sorrow and angst in our applications to a minimum or not at all, so could you please remove the mention of her grandparents passing? They don't have to be alive but I feel this app is strong enough to not dwell on the matter, as this is about HoneyMoon not her grandparents.

After the cutie mark story is paragraphed I can't wait to read it! It seems like you listened to my suggestion before!

(Ps you say "People" instead of Ponies a lot too so might want to fix that :D )

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