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Friendship Bric-a-Brac [request entry]


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(Just a friendship building thread. Right now it's between my character Autumn and HoneyMoon. If you would like to have your character jump in, let me know first. Thanks!)

The day was bright and sunny in Canterlot. Autumn smiled as she turned the sign on Whinny Nack's Bric-a-Brac to 'open'. Just the day before she had made a couple sales to very nice ponies. One had purchased a geode Autumn had collected on one of her trips to the north. The stone was filled with purple and blue colored crystals and Autumn knew the pony who purchased it would always appreciate the stone. The other item was a bag of seeds that she had imported all the way from the land of the zebras! The pony who had purchased them was going to plant them in flower boxes outside her home in Canterlot. Autumn was excited to visit the flowers once they bloomed! If there was something she loved it was selling her bric-a-brac items to ponies who would look after them and care about them the way she did!

The copper colored pony looked up and down the street, wondering what ponies might come her way that day. She hoped to be able to make some new friends and maybe even tell some stories about the items in the shoppe! Autumn went back inside and began to tend to some plants she had brought back form near the sea side. She had them displayed in a window sill. Autumn began to sprinkle water on them with a watering can, and as she did so she hummed a little tune.

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The shop bell jingled as a small, blue and yellow earth pony walked through the door. Her eyes darted around the shop, taking in her new surroundings. As her eyes slowly adjusted to the dimness a glimmer of light caught her eye. Squeezing in-between an old ,dusty bookcase and a box of exotic looking sea-shells, she approached a glass cabinet of sparkling gems and her eyes lit up as she gazed at a rainbow of colours dancing before her. She wasn't really an expert on precious gems but she couldn't help thinking the sapphire coloured rock would really bring out the colour in her eyes.

She quickly averted her gaze. Whatever the price tag it was bound to be well over her budget, besides she wasn't here to buy things for herself anyway. Her eyes soon fell on the box of shells she'd passed just a second ago. She cautiously picked up an amber,spiral shaped cone. What strange sea-creature it had once been home to? Remembering how her mother had always said that when you listened to a sea shell you would be able to hear the sound of the sea, she lifted the shell to her ear and tried to imagine the waves crashing on to the beach back at shoe-saddle bay.

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Autumn heard the door bell jingle from her position behind the counter. At the time HoneyMoon had entered, Autumn was looking for a small locket she had gathered from a southern beach town. The pegasus was sifting through filing folders that were under the counter, her nose down and her rump up.

"Nope, nope...hmmmmm...nope." She continued to look, oblivious to the new shopper in her store. "Ah ha!" She let a small triumphant laugh out and righted herself on the bench behind the counter. She tugged her glasses down over her eyes and began to scrutinize the locket. There was tiny writing on the cover of it. "So interesting!"

It was then that she saw movement in the shoppe. She looked up, pushing the glasses back between her ears. There was a pony with a shell to her ear. Autumn smiled and spoke in a friendly manner.

"Can you hear the sea? That's one of my favorite things to do." She smiled. "Welcome to Whinny Nack's Bric-a-Brac, sorry I didn't hear you come in." She touched the locket that she had placed on the counter. "I'm Autumn Dawn, what's yours?"

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HoneyMoon stood there in a thought of trance, listening to the sound the sea swirling around in her head. She had become somewhat oblivious to the world around her.

"Can you hear the sea? That's one of my favourite things to do."

HoneyMoon jumped with a start. An orange coloured pegasus with a dark brown mane and bright green eyes stood behind the counter. "Welcome to Whinny Nack's Bric-a-brac . Sorry I didn't hear you come in." she said. I'm Autumn dawn, what's yours?".

"Um, I'm HoneyMoon thank you" she said, smiling sheepishly." And yes I was. I like the sound of the sea, it reminds me of home. I wasn't standing there for long was I?".

She held the spiral shaped shell up to face. "I was just wondering where all these shells come from. Somewhere a little more tropical then Manehatten,I expect." she said, laughing a little.

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(sorry for the delay!)

Autumn smiled. "No, you weren't here for all that long." She looked over her shell collection, noting every one. They all had stories, they all came from different parts of Equestria. She made sure to keep a running tally of shells she had sold so she could replace them with others.

"Yep, much more tropical than here. That one's from near Bridleback Shore, right where the coast meets the Suntrot Bay. I brought it and a few others back on a recent trip down south." Her eyes sparkled. She loved to talk about her collections.

"Oh, and it's nice to meet you HoneyMoon. Are you visiting Canterlot? Where are you from?" She picked up a pretty blue tinted shell and shined it on her coat.

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(sorry for the delay)

"I'm actually from Manehatten. I run a florists down there just a few blocks away from central park." HoneyMoon explained "I've always wanted to travel and I'm on here on a little, hmmm...shopping trip if you like.Though I doubt I'll be splashing the cash in some of those expensive designer stores.Its even more expensive here then it is back home!"

"I just thought I'd pop in here and have a look around as it looked...interesting. I promised my family I'd bring a little something back for them and this seems just the place" HoneyMoon said looking around.

Her eyes fell back on the box of multi-coloured shells,shining in the patches of sunlight that fell in through the shop window."Ooooh Bridleback bay, how exotic!" HoneyMoon exclaimed imagining the warm sunrays falling onto her back and the soft, silky sand underneath her feet. "Are you a bit of a globe trotter then? Travelling all-over Equestria picking up different-HoneyMoon paused trying to think of a word-...different Knick-Knacks."

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