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Now presenting Princess Bluelight (jump in)


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story line~ After bringing peace to the land, Bluelight was elected Princess of equestria and she suddenly disappeared. Bluelight looked around and spotted a pony, but you could see through her and yeah blah blah blah xD you get the point don't you?

Bluelight blushed when the guards called upon her to be the new princess of equestria. She stepped onto the stage.

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Drago:...(a silver earth stallion, with white and black mane, his eyes green...he was "resting" his eyes...until one of the guards woke him)

Guard:...hey...stay awake newbie, this is important event...

Drago:...oh right(rubs eyes and standa at attention)

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(Burnt Toast colored Earth Stallion with a coal black mane who runs the trains in Equestria) Full Steam:

With ceremony for the the new princess beginning, the train station was quiet with only the ponies who couldn't the day off to see the coronation or required ponies who could operate the trains still about.

"Ain' no pony show'n up fer awhile. Migh' as well tune up mah train."

Full Steam thought to himself as he looked over at the castle and then down to the train yard where the trains sat, waiting for when the party goers were ready to go home.

The morning rush had been particularly heavy due to the announcement of princess Bluelight's coronation so suddenly. Luckily for Full Steam, he had been tipped off by a few of the ponies at the castle who mentioned to prepare his engine ahead of schedule. Still, with the down time the stallion new it would be best to make sure that all parts of his engine were ready to go to prevent any problems that could delay the run across Equestria to return the other ponies back to their homes once the party was done. Once the Earth stallion was in the train yard, he walked along the sheds until he found the one labeled number seven. He pushed up the steel door to revel a large, black, western pull train. He then grabbed his worn Yolk and attached it himself which he then attached to the train. With a deep breath the train pony shake out his hooves as he kicked the lock off so that he could begin to move the train.

As Full Steam pulled out his train from it holding area, he listened to the sound of the steel wheels rubbing against the rails to make sure it sounded fluid and that nothing was grinding together. The large train gave a slight groan before it began to move nearly silently like a swan along a lake.

" Well she sounds fine. Still ah better take a close look inside just encase."

The pony thought to himself as he moved the train to the central hub of the train yard in a strong jog. The train followed easily making the turns and transition from track to track smoothly so that it ended up right on the repair track that would lead to the work shop near the castle.

After a few minutes Full Steam and his locomotive finally where in the repair shop making the large earth stallion let out a sigh of relief. The sound of muffled pony voices could be heard up above making Full Steam look up for a moment before he shook his head and went over to the tool box that the train ponies used to tune up there machines.

"Ah'v only got a few hours ta make sure everythings up ta speed. Ah don' got time ta dilly dally."

Full Steam mentioned to himself as grabbed the box and went back over to his train. As walked near the side of the train, Full Steam unlatched the main hull of the train that made the trains engine become exposed to the cooler air making it so that engine steam flooded the room. With the engine exposed, the train pony watched as each of the gears turned in unison even with the train in neutral. To an untrained eye the train seemed fine but to Full Steam something was off. He reached over stretching his hoof and powered down the engine so that the pieces slowed down until finally they came to a stop.

" Mah Pistons ain' up da speed. Looks like de need some oil and a good brushin'."

The stallion thought as he rummaged through the tool box until he finally found the small oil can and brush that he needed. In the back of Full Steams mind he knew it was going to be a dirty job, but Full Steam didn't worry after all his coat could hide dirt and oil easily, though maybe not the smell of engine oil.

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Bluelight was about to say something before the elements of harmony (no idea what else to do lol) lit up. After the bright glow disappeared BL was no where in sight

(Who wants to be priness celestia....?)

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Full Steam:

Suddenly, the entire castle had become quiet. To quiet for a party that was happening just a few feet above Full Steam and his train. The eeriness of the sudden silence made the Earth Stallion stop and look up at the bare brown bricks with a questioning glance.

"What'n tarnation is goin' on up der?"

He said to himself as his shifted his picton blue eyes back down to the piston that he had been working on. Each on the metal rods had a fresh coat of oil and the dirt had been mostly removed using Full Steam bandanna that sat around his neck now a dirty maroon color instead of the usually vibrant red that it normally was.

As he hopped down from the large machine he closed the lid of the engine with a loud bang that echoed through the catacombs of the castle underground as he put down the locks. Though the sound of metal hitting metal bounced around, the earth pony could make out the pitter patter of what sounded like hooves moving frequently above him making him look up again.

"Maybe some pony got a bid to carried 'way ad da party?"

He thought to himself as he wiped some oil that had gotten his cheek of with his hoof. Usually Full Steam wasn't the kind to meddle in what others were doing but since it was such an important day the stallion figured he could at least walk down the underground of the castle and see if maybe he could run into another pony that might know what is going on.

"Ah don' think id be wise fer me to go up to da main level covered'n grime. The Princess guards might not approve nor would they fer sure."

Full Steam thought as he scrapped his hoof that had the oil on it onto the brown earth before he started off down the corridors of the underground of Canterlot and the castle.

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Drago:(he was running) Princess!!!

Guards:...(they look around)

Drago:Princess!(he runs out the castle)..maybe...(he runs towards the middle of the town...he saw her) hey!

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Full Steam:

The Underground of the castle was much different then the cobble city streets of Canterlot. The Walls were a dark blue and were jagged and rough since parts of the wall were made of cave. The small amount of light that did get through was diluted and showed all of the dust that was in the air that made Full Steam put his bandana around his muzzle despite it being covered in oil.

"Ah wonder how many ponies actually do come down 'er?

He thought as he looked around hoping to find some other pony. Still, the farther the train stallion went into the underground the more he realized he wasn't going to find anypony. As he began to turn back to his train though, Full Steam noticed a small light that was out of the ordinary.

"Wha'n tarnations?"

He said to himself in a bit of whisper as he approached it. As he got closer the light started to get bigger and clearer until finally the stallions picton blue eyes adjusted to the light source and realized that it was a passage way out that had some ferns and large bushes that were covering it giving it the appearance of a small light that he had earlier seen.

Full Steam stopped trying to decide if he should go further. For all the stallion knew this exit from the underground could just lead to trouble for him.

"Well ah ain' get no where here."

The pony thought a he started to push away the vegetation. After a few moments, Full steam found that he was somewhere in the heart of Canterlot near the town square.

"Huh, this must be one of them secret entrances that da guards use to get back to da castle quickly."

Full Steam assumed to himself as he pushed away a few more of the branches to get to the city street.

With A final tug on a branch, Full Steam was out of the brush and back in the warm sunlight. Still as he looked around he noticed that a guard and a blue alicorn were heading back to the castle.

"I-Is that....Princess Blueligh'?! Wha's she doin' out here?"

Full Steam thought as he watched the two walking. She had a guard with her so it had to of been something important that brought her away from her own coronation. Still it did at least explain why everything had gone quiet earlier in the castle above.

"Ah bet Princess Celestia and Luna ain' to happy."

He thought to himself. Still, if the princess was out her the train pony had to head back to the castle and get back to work on his train since the party would more then likely resume once she got back.

"Ah'll jus' tail from behind. That way da guard doesn' think ah'm a threat 'er nothin'."

Full Steam thought as he began to follow the two back towards the castle.

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