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And Now, For Something Completely Different! (Come one, Come All!)


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John Cleese, a tall and gangly grey stallion, casually paced the training room, the look of sheer anger and determination written upon his face.

He then suddenly turns to his pupils, and shouts "Alright! Now, for today's session! As you all know, I have been training you all in self defense for the past few weeks. Today, we are going to review how to defend yourself from a fiend armed with fresh fruit!"

A groan escaped from a snow white mare, Veronica Emerald, who said "But we've done fresh fruit for the past nine weeks! Show us to defend someone armed with a pointed stick!"

Cleese shouted "Pointed sticks?! Oh, thinking we're all high and mighty, eh?! Fresh fruit not good enough for you, eh?!"

Veronica flipped her long pink mane, and said nothing, looking around to her classmates for help.

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OOC- Of course, as long as you don't mind nonsense ^3^

"Sharp swords?! What kind of amateur are you?" John Cleese responded. "No, today we will examine how to defend oneself from a passion fruit! Right, when your assailant--"

"We've done the passion fruit!" Veronica said in exasperation.

"What about cherries?"


"Red AND black?!"

"YES." Veronica looked at Bluelight, as if asking for support.

"All right, then..." John paused for a second. "BANANAS. We haven't done them have we?!"

"Aww, I was hoping he wouldn't notice the bananas..." Veronica whispered to Bluelight.

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"Right, then! How to defeat a fiend armed with a banana! First, you must force him to drop the banana! Then, you eat the banana, thus disarmin' him, and rendering him helpless!" The ridiculousness of the entire situation was causing Veronica to want to bash her head against the wall.

"At least we aren't doing cactus or sponges...or mangoes in syrup." Veronica whispered in the midst of Cleese's rant.

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OOC-- Martial Arts. Only thing is, Cleese gets a little...sidetracked. Told you it was nonsense 030

"For the same reason I joined: I have nothing better to do." Veronica responded as Cleese went on to great lengths, writing complicated equations.

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"Oh, my, another one who knows it all!" He looked at Veronica. "Is this your partner in crime?!"

Veronica's eyes widened, and realized just how embarrassing this was for her. "N-no...."

"You think you know how to defend against bananas?!"

"But suppose he's got a bunch?" Veronica whimpered from beneath her hooves.

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"Shut up!" Cleese said.

Veronica then got up. and took initiative of the distraction. She hid herself outside, just as Cleese said "Hey! Where'd you go? Are you stalkin' me with raspberries?!"

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OOC-- Ah, very nice indeed! Veronica happens to be of adulthood with a winged microphone as a cutie mark. Just in case you were curious.

Veronica looked back to Bluelight, and called out quietly "Can I at least have your name?!"

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