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The Seeds of Rebellion(Private)


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Thunder winced "Enough!" he yelled pulling the shard out and launching back at Blade. The shard tore trough his shoulder and pinning him to the wall almost impossible to pull out. Thunder sheathed his sword and start limping towards the heart.

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Snow was afraid, but she wasnt about to let his family fall to Thunder. She hopped on the transport and rode it towards the empire.

Dark's beserker rage was tearing through the enemy. He could do very little to control himself at this point. All he cared about what's destruction.

Kane looked to a nearby soldier and nodded, and a series of trap doors opened beneath the Seperatist soldiers, causing them to fall into massive pit traps of sharpened wooden shafts, impaling the enemy soldiers.

Blade smirked as Thunder approached the Heart. Little did Thunder know Blade has found his pendant again. With his free hand he put it back on and it glowed. The Crystal Heart suddenly exploded, it's shards stabbing into Thunder. He had fallen for the decoy, and the real heart was still hidden. Blade used the pendant to fade out of the trap and reappear frees.

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Thunder finally arrived at the heart. He took a deep breath as he saw there would be no resistance...all the forces were protecting the walls. Thunder grabbed the heart and suddenly the whole city went dull and lifeless. A black mist formed around Him and was gone.

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((but My plan was that Thunder just used his army as a distraction...it will take Thunder forever to reach the heart if it is hidden...especially now that he is crippled in both flying AND walking...sheesh))

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((ugh....I wouldn't even know where to look and he wouldn't be able to fight any tougher ponies...so pray tell...what would you have Thunder do in his condition?))

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((who said war was fair?))

Azure fought on against the oncoming Separatist forces.

Deathstroke decided things were not to be wasted, "Blow the wall now." He ordered angrily. An archer shot a flaming arrow at the bombs near the wall, Trax and Octavia had no other choice but sprint away out of the blast zone, a second later a section of the wall was demolished in an explosion. As Separatist troops advanced towards the hole they stopped in surprise as the smoke cloud was blown apart, Black walked forward. "Let me tell you a secret......." He began with a smirk, "Ice Dragon.... ROARRR!" Black said taking a deep breath then blowing out an icy storm and obliterating the first wave of attackers. A Royal Knight came up to his side, his shocked expression hidden by his helmet, "Thats just cold." Black raised his eyebrow with a smirk, "Exactly my point."

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((well I didn't know if she had or not, that was why I was confused.))

Thunder entered the the throne room and looked down the long hall to where cadence was. "hello deary..." he said taking his helmet off showing his insane grin. He limped towards her "you have something that I want." he said in a taunting tune then laughing.

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Shining Armor stepped in front of her and lit his horn up. His shield spell opened up and blocked off half of the room. "You're not getting near the heart.....or my wife."

Snow rode the transport towards the empire, frantically worrying. "Please, please, please, be ok." she begged, worried for her family.

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Thunder's faced turned serious "is that so...give me the heart and I won't...such a pretty face shouldn't be...ruined." he said with a grin. He then put on his helmet and burned the wound on the back of his leg shut so he can be combat effective. "killing a prince wasn't part of the plan...this choice is yours."

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"The Crystal Ponies need the Heart to survive. Are you willing to let an entire race go extinct for your own personal gain?" Cadence interjected.

Snow hovered over the battlefield and saw Blade stuck to the wall. "Dad!" she cried out, lowering to her father.

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Thunder laughed "oh I'll only borrow it for a minute princess...they can last that long can't they? All I want is the heart...and I'll take my army and leave."

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"No." Cadence said sternly, casting her own shield spell to reinforce Shining Armor's.

Blade looked wearily at Snow. "Snow....my sweet Snow. You're back....." he said, putting a hoof to her face.

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Thunder growled "Then I'll take it from you!" he said walking to the outside of the magic field. Dark mist surround his body as he walked through the field. "I have already defeated the Guardian and I will not be stopped by you pathetic attempts to stop me!" he yelled

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Black sensed an overwhelming emotional distress in Snow, "Snow, your powers feed off of your emotional state, use it as fuel to your abilities." He whispered to Snow through an icy wind. Black looked at a group of oncoming attackers, his horn lit up with a black frosty arua, "Ice Dragon, Ice LANCE!" Summoning forth a barrage of icy spears at the attackers, tearing them to shreds.

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Kane saw Black appear, obliterating may attackers. "Well, well, look who it is. Nice of you to join us." Kane said as he cut through a Separatist.

"Hold on father, I'll get you out." Snow said as she heard Black's voice. She used her new ice powers to freeze the crystal holding Blade to the wall and then shattered it. "Snow.....Thunder is taking the heart. He'll harm the Princess....I have to stop him."

Shining Armor stood between Thunder and Cadence with the Heart, refusing to move.

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Black knight stood in font of the lines and blocked the ice spears with their shields. "Push forward!" one of them yelled as the other knight yelled out their battle cry and hastened their pace.

Thunder's walking speed quickened as he unsheathed his sword readying himself for a great fight. "they say you are the best fighter in Equestria...lets test that fact!" he said in an angry voice.

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Shining Armor grimly drew his blade. If he died today, he died defending everything that made his life worth living.

"Father, you are too injured." Snow said, trying to help Blade. And image of Moonshield appeared nearby. "Gleaming Blade....if you lose the heart, do not think you failed. For the greatest of our line found their glory in returning the heart rather than defending it. Fight on, Guardian." Moonshield held his had out and healed Blade just enough for him to fight. Snow was surprised by this but didnt have time to ask questions. "Come on, there is still a chance to save the Princess."

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