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The Seeds of Rebellion(Private)


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Thunder stood up and stretched his wings "maybe you should pick a new line of work." he said tauntingly with a smirk as he lifted off and flew towards Canterlot.

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((Coming face to face with Black again in a war zone? Thunders power will only keep him alive for so long, he hasnt gone through the ritual yet for him to be at that strength. He'd be welcoming death with open arms.))

Black summoned forth an icy blizzard taking out the Separatist pegasi and smothering the flaming bombs. H transformed back into his half-pony-half-dragon self and struck out against the onslaught of Separatist knights.

"Thank you Kane, Tavi and I are not as young as we used to be." Trax said with a grateful nod to them both. Tavi smiled in appreciation.

Azure and the 32 other Pegasi Sentinels lifted off towards Canterlot. Azure was taking note of Darks rage, which might prove him unworthy to be one of them. Sentinels are trained to ignore madness and anger for giving into it is signing your own death, like Thunder has done to his life.

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"What are you talking about? You don't look a day over 25." Kane joked, softly nuzzling Tavi. Autumn smiled at Kane's love for his family. The Separatist forces had been forced off the walls and out of the city, and the fight continued just outside the city.

Dark was calm now, flying with the other pegasi. He glided next to Azure. "I know you're disappointed in my rage. I'm sorry, but it's something I have little control over. If there's anything you know of I can to to contain it, I'll do it."

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After a while a battling, the 7,000 soldiers that fought at the Empire were now marching towards the battle. Thunder was not to far away over looking the battle.

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Black walked calmly through the smoke of battle facing the 7,000 Separatist troops, "Warning, forecast for today is cloudy, with a chance of a slight breeze," Black spread his wings, shards of ice resonated from them as he moved them back, "Ice Dragon, ARCTIC STORM!" He roared gusting an icy blizzard with shards of ice the size of longswords.

Tavi nuzzled back, "Please, I look like I could be 30." She said jokingly. "Yeah, and I look 17." Trax started sarcastically, he shut his mouth after getting a threatening glare from Tavi.

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Rune groaned. "How can you conquor Equestria if you can't even defeat a dragon? Insolent foal." he scoffed, taking off towards Black to create a distraction.

Kane saw the other Separatist army approach. "Look who came out to play." he said upon seeing Thunder.

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Thunder raised an eyebrow "have fun dieing...foolish mule" he said flying towards the walls and landing in front of Kane. "been a while Prince Kane...hope you fight better than Shining and the Guardian of the heart." he said coldly

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Thunder chuckled "you know you can't win against my Kane, but I admire your courage." he said pulling out his sword "all I want is some of your blood, not a lot...just give me a few drops and I'll go."

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Black raised an eyebrow at Rune, "Ah, Rune, you cant possibly be challenging me. I'd give you a chance to run, but we both know you dont deserve to live." His tone turned cold, frost resonated from his horn and wings.

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"Nothing is free, Thunder. You'll have to take it." Kane said, no traces of fear in his voice.

Rune smirked. "Such ignorance. Now you will see the power of the Shadows." His horn lit up and his body was wrapped in shadow magic. It grew larger and larger until it as close to Black's size. Finally the shadows unraveled and Rune was now a giant demon. He gave a mighty roar that resonated throughout the battlefield.

((Just imagine a ponyfied version of the Balrog from Lord of the Rings :P))

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"what's wrong Kane...Afraid to get a little cut?" Thunder said laughing as he struck down hard on Kane's sword causing him to fly back a good distance.

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Black narrowed his eyes as he looked up at the demonized Rune, "Somepony's been a busy be, if you werent ugly before, you sure are now." He looked around at the battlefield, their fight was going to transcend the scale of destruction, they needed a bigger less populated area. "Alright ugly, lets dance in snow." Black flew at Rune summoning a blizzard storm around him and crashed into the demons chest then lifting him off the ground and took him towards the Snowy Mountains.

Once they were in the mountains, Black slammed Rune into the side of a familiar mountain. Black flew backwards giving himself distance then transforming into his full dragon form giving a mighty roar, "Welcome back to the mountain where your cowardliness defined your families legacy and all it ever will be, running away with your tail between your legs. I know what your doing with Thunder, and what your going to do to him once the ritual has been complete, I have eyes and ears on both sides of this useless war."

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Rune just smiled and chuckled evilly. "You think that I am evil, but you confuse evil with the destruction of those lower than oneself. Were you not the one who first succumbed to the shadows? You were too weak, Sombra found you a easy target." Rune let out another demonic roar as he blast fire from his hands at Black.

Kane quickly returned to his feet. Autumn appeared behind Thunder and drew her bow, pointing an arrow at the back of Thunder's head. "I will end you if you lay a hoof on him."

((Don't kill her please, I need her))

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((hmmm....she did kinda buck up, but fine.))

Thunder looked back "so...you decided to turn against me for a colt, how...disappointing." he said quickly turning around making a gust of wind to knock her back.

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Black blew an icy blast disintegrating Runes fire and freezing his hands together. "I was weak, just as you are now, but I've transcended to greater strengths not even Sombra could reach. If you say that I was weak when Sombra influenced me, doesnt that make you weak now?"

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Rune's hands lit up and broke away the ice binding him. "Fool. The Shadow stole you because you were weak. I embraced it on my own, mastered it, made it my domain."

As Autumn was knocked back, her arrow was released and it struck Thunder's leg. Kane saw the opporitunity and used his wings to leap up and kick Thunder in face.

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Thunder winced at the arrow striking his leg, Thunder then grabbed Kane's leg and threw him into Autumn. "I'm getting what I came here for...your attempts to defend yourselves from me are foolish!" he said as he pulled the arrow out.

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"Well see here is the problem..." Thunder started as the shadows surrounded him and he was gone. A second later appeared behind Autumn "I...hate archers." he kicking her off the wall. Thunder then took out his dagger and sliced Kane's arm. The blood dripped off the dagger and into a vial. "If you like...we can continue this fight, just know you will most definitely die."

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