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The Seeds of Rebellion(Private)


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Black chuckled, "Your domain? I know of an Elemental Unicorn who makes you look like a newborn foal compared to an Ursa Major. Sombra was a black-magic user, child's play magic made from evil forces to combat against Alicorns which ended in their defeat."

Trax sprinted along the wall and jumped onto Thunders back and kicked off him sending him away from Kane. Octavia scaled up the side of the wall, carrying Autumn and setting her down next to Kane, she stood with Trax as they faced the power hungry Thunderstrum they once helped train alongside Killjoy. "Enough Thunder, you are throwing away everything Killjoy taught you, how can you say you are her blood if you dishonor her like this?" Trax asked in a nonthreatening tone.

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((Dude, when Thunder eventually dies, I just thought of an amazing scene we could do))

Autumn slowly stood up with Octavia's help. Kane glared at Thunder, his gaze daring him to try both him and Trax.

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Black let the flames envelop around him, "No Rune, if only you knew your true future, and how shortcoming it will be." Ice pulsed from Blacks body, freezing the fire around him and then froze all the way onto Runes hands giving him fourth degree frostbite. The frozen fire separated as Black rushed forward grabbing Rune by the horns and flying up the mountain, dragging Rune along the way making a rocky wake up the side. Black let go, letting the momentum carry Rune up just above the tip of the mountain, Black then went above Rune and swiped his wings making an X shaped ice storm slash across his chest sending him crashing into the mountain top, landing inside a cavern leaving a skylight.

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"Remember her teachings, her love for who you were, not this monster you've let yourself become." Trax inquired. "Her death was hard on all of us, she was a true friend and we hold her dear to our hearts, but you are tarnishing her legacy and leaving it scared by your madness. Scootaloo killed her self because she couldnt bare to see you become this, your own apprentice can barely hold herself together because your actions sent her into a state of deep depression. Meanwhile we're all still trying to wrap our minds around all this, your killing Killjoy's memory, please stop!" Tavi cried out, tears welledup, Killjoys face seem to reflect in her eyes.

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Thunder's flames flickered then died, he took off his helmet and he looked like the old Thunder. He fell to his knees crying "stop it...please" he said putting his hooves over his ears. "just stop..."

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Rune's body returned to normal inside of the crater. He wearily stood and lit his horn up. "You will pay." he said under his breath as he disappeared.


I don't know how familiar with World of Warcraft you guys are, but whenever we eventually get to Thunder's death, we could base it off this scene. Thunder's good side would be Arthas and Killjoy's spirit could be like his father. Ignore the rest of the video. How does that sound?))
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Traxs eyes flashed with sympathy, "Thunder, you are a warrior of just and honor, taught by one of the strongest ponies I've ever known. No pony wants to see you like this, this madness and hatred, I know she taught you the exact opposite." Tavi stepped toward Thunder, "Come home Thunder, we can work this all out. Look me in the eyes, you killed my only daughter, but Trax and I forgave you. Just as Kane forgave Black, he knows your pain and he is stronger for it." She said sweetly. Suddenly, Vi appeared in front of Thunder, in which only he could see her. "Be strong my friend..." She said before disappeared.

Black crashed into the spot where Rune vanished, back in his normal form, "Another time then." Suddenly a pair of glowing blue eyes appeared in the darkness followed by a low catlike growl, Black smirked as he faced the giant Snow leopard, "Here kitt kitty, been meaning to pay you a visit." Black summoned forth his black ice great-sword and charged forward.

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Dark saw the battle happening below him as the pegasi Sentinels returned to Canterlot.

Several unicorn Sentinels were slowly feeding magical energy into Shining Armor, his broken horn sizzling. "Horn repair magic is risky, are you sure this is a good idea?" Cadence asked hesitantly. Blade nodded, having seen Twilight do it before. "It is indeed risky, but an injury this grevious needs to be fixed."

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Azure pointed his hoof down to signal for a dive, as he did the other Sentinel pegasi followed. Azure came down upon a Separatist officer, using his axe like a guillotine beheading the officer. "Eliminate all hostiles, with extreme' prejudice Lads and lasses." He said cutting through another.

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Dark hurled his polearm down into a soldier and landed on top of him, yanking it out from his corpse. He then swung it into another nearby soldier.

Rune sensed Thunder's mental struggle. He tapped into the shadows and sent messages to his mind. "Don't listen to them. They are liars! Do what you came to do! Destroy them!"

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A Black fiery mist poured out of Thunder and formed into a demonic like figure and blasted Tavi away"He is mine, your pathetic words will not overpower me!" It's voice sounding like Thunder but full of hatred. The figure flowed into Thunder again and after about 10 seconds of agonizing screaming, the dead flames reignited around Thunder as he got up and glared at the group with flaming red eyes. "nothing will stop me from destroying your wretched kingdom" he said coldly before vanishing.

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Kane sighed as he watched the Separatists retreat once Thunder was gone. He kneeled down and nuzzled Autumn. "We've won the battle, but I feel things are about to turn for the worst." he said.

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Thunder appeared in front of Rune and smirked at the sight of Rune's frost burns. "not so easy is it Worm?" he said holding out the vile of Kane's blood.

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