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The Seeds of Rebellion(Private)


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Thunder just stood there, waiting on something to happen "one of us, if not both...will die today. So why hide yourself?" he called out.

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Thunder did the same by thrusting his sword forward, but felt the icy spear enter his body. shadowy mist vortexed around and then dispersed showing the old thunder gritting his teeth at the pain. "didn't expect us die this way...right old friend?" he asked with a slight smirk as he saw his sword in Black. "I'm finally free of the insanity..."

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Black felt the warm steel spear into him, blood trickled from his mouth, "Next time be stronger for yourself and others, hatred can be a dangerous thing if you let it consume you, trust me I know from experience." Black stumbled back as he took the sword out. A vision of Vi appeared behind him calling his name to only him, he walked slowly and struggled for breath.

((Ever seen the Gladiator ?))

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((yes I have))

"and I..." Thunder coughed up some blood. "forgive...you." he said falling to his knees. "I don't think I'll be thinking you later." implying he's going to tartarus, but a light shined in his eyes and Killjoy's spirit came down in front of Thunder and held out her hoof. "I don't understand...you want me to come home?" Thunder asked as a tear ran down his cheek. "of course, you made mistakes but you that armor you wore that was supposed to protect you....only destroyed and took over your anger and drove you to madness. Deep inside you wanted nothing but an end. We can be a family again." Killjoy said softly. Thunder smiled "then let us go mother." Thunder said before taking his last breathe and falling to the ground.

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Blade, Kane and Autumn approached Thunder's body. Blade kneeled down and closed Thunder's eyes. "Rest easy, my friend." Blade said, forgiving Thunder. Kane sighed and Autumn nuzzled up close to him. The elemental army began to fall apart and die without their leader around. "He has caused us a lot of pain, but he was a good pony. He will be honored." Kane said.

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Black stumbled aimlessly, "Vi, im.... Coming .... Home." He said as he reached out and fell trying to touch the apparition. Suddenly Azure appeared catching Black before he fell dead to the ground. Azure laid him down softly, "Rest in peace old friend."

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Kane looked at the two dead ponies. "It's finally over...." Was all he could say. He sat down and closed his eyes and they began to tear up slightly. "As long as I'm prince....this will never happen again. No more civil war, no more tampering with shadow magic, no more strife. I will fix Equestria."

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Radz looked on a a distance, a great sense of guilt seems to have been lifted from her heart. For the first time in 16 years, Radz smiled.

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Twilight approach Radz and put a hoof on her shoulder, hiding her overjoyment that the mare she taught magic for many years, her faithful student, was finally smiling. "I've been waiting to see that smile for 16 years, dear."

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((Epic time))

Trax and Tavi stood next to Blacks body, tears dropped from their eyes, Azure stood emotionless but on the inside he shivered in sadness.

Far away at the base of a volcano, Storm opened his eyes, a flame burned in them. The snowy had left when Black had fallen. Storm looked around yawning and stretching, "Jeez, that was something I tell ya, cant wait to get back to everypony else." He said as he walked out of the cave.

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"We need to go." Blade said. "We have a country to rebuild. We also need to do something with the bodies. We can't leave them here." Kane sighed. "You're right...." he said quietly, Autumn staying close to him.

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"We'll bury them along with everypony else, at the Castle of the Two Sisters." Trax told them walking up, Tavi at his side and Azure carrying Blacks body on his back.

Storm walked out of the cave, a smile lit across his face, "One year sure does a lot of aching to my ba-, huh?" Storm froze in his tracks, Red and Black cloaked Unicorn stood in the middle of the path, his face hidden by the hood. Storm took a battle stance, ready to defend himself. Suddenly a Black and Dark Purple cloaked Unicorn Stallion landed with dragon wings on a rocky pillar to the side, a Brown and Light Brown Unicorn Stallion followed in the same way, then a White and Gold Mare, Blue and Dark Blue Mare, a Yellow and Black Stallion, a Green and Light Green Mare, a Grey scale Stallion, and finally a Light Blue and Silver Mare. All of them were off to the sides on rocky pillars facing Storm, their faces hidden by their hoods. Storm felt an icy breeze amongst the hot winds, memories and word chants raced through his mind, the truth about his father caused a single tear to fall from his chin. "Get out of my way, or I'll roast you alive." He shouted angrily, but nopony moved an inch. "Prove it then, Storm Flare." The Red and Black cloaked pony spoke in a rough voice, Storm stepped back in shock then he stepped forward sucking in air, "Fire Dragon.... ROARRRR!" Storm blew a blaze of flames at the cloaked pony, engulfing him in fire. Suddenly the fire was sucked in, the Red and Black cloaked Stallion was swallowing his flames, Storm backed up in pure shock. Then every one drew in a gulp of breath and all of them said the chant, "Fire Dragon," "Shadow Dragon," "Water Dragon," "Sky Dragon," "Lightning Dragon," "Iron Dragon," "White Dragon," "Leaf Dragon," "Rock Dragon," All of them chanted simultaneously, then bent their heads forward, "ROARRRRRRRR!" Fire, Shadow, Water, Wind, Lightning, shrapnel of Metal, a beam of Light, razor bladed Grass, and a blast of sharded Rock, all these elements were blown at him from the cloaked Unicorns. Storm watched helplessly as the barrage came at him, the reflection in his eyes were clear as day, "NOOOOOOOOOO!" A flaming vortex surrounded Storm and spun up in a funnel of fire, the elemental blasts were sucked into it and diverted upwards into the sky. As soon as it was over Storm fell unconscious to the ground, in a moment of fear he uncontrollably summoned a flaming vortex to protect himself, but in the process drained himself of power and collapsed in a state of weakness. The nine Cloaked Unicorns gathered around him, "Hes an Elemental Unicorn alright, Black Frost said there'd be two, Storm Flare and Snow Flake. One down, one to go." The Brown cloaked Unicorn said in a gruff but snarky voice. "Black served the order well and will not be forgotten. Come, let us go, its time the Elemental Order rose again." The White and Gold cloaked Mare told them in a sweet but firm tone. The Red and Black cloaked Unicorn picked up Storm and the Elemental group strode in the direction of Canterlot.

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Blade scooped Thunder into his back and followed the others. Kane noticed Radz had appeared and was somehow different. "I'm glad to see you made it through the battle, Radz." Kane said, happy one of his oldest friends was alright.

Snow wearily made her way back inside the walls. She wasnt harmed during the conflict, but giving her power to help Black was draining to her.

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Radz sighed "just wished there was a way to save them, I just hope they are happy now." she said taking Thunder's helmet "sadly the ponies of Equestria will remember him as Thunder the tyrant...and not the Thunder we all know."

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"It doesnt matter what they think, we knew him, and thats all that counts. Good to have you back deary." Tavi said coming up to Radz.

Suddenly an astral image made of an icy cloud appeared in front of Snow, it formed into Blacks old pony form, his eyes regular. "Snow, I was supposed to teach you the ways of the Elemental magic you possess, but Im afraid you will have to learn alone as I did. There are others like, seek them out, ask them about your power and they will teach you what you need to know to get started. And one last thing, Storm already knows about my fate, be there for him will you. Farewell Snow, The Ice Element." He told her gently before evaporating into thin air.

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Snow sighed at this revelation. It would be hard learning ice magic without Black, but she wouldn't give up. She would find the other elemental unicorns and master her craft. She returned to the city and waited for Storm to return.

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"Rogue, head to Canterlot and pick up our newest member, extreme measures may be taken."

The Black and Purple cloaked Stallion slowly walked towards the still ruined walls of Canterlot, the landscape still reeked of the recent battle, the dark Stallion walked around any bodies that lay in his path.

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Snow stood on the castle wall, looking out in the distance, hoping Storm would somehow soon be home.

The group reached the Castle of the two sisters with Thunder and Black's bodies. "Well...I guess we should start digging." Kane said in a sigh.

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Guards at the gate approached the strange Stallion, suddenly they all dropped to the ground unconscious, the Stallion simply kept his pace as he passed under the wall and into the city.

Trax and Azure were about to start digging when Blacks body floated into the air, a Light Blue and Light Grey hovered in the wind, "Do not fret, Black will be buried where we choose." The Mare told them before disappearing with Blacks body. Trax and Azure were stunned by it, Tavi gasped, "Who was she?" Trax suddenly had a horrifying thought as he turned to Azure, "Back to Canterlot Now, Snow's in danger." Azure nodded and the two flew off in bursts of speed.

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Snow noticed a stallion entering through the gate and walking amongst the citizens trying to clear the destruction. It almost seemed like he was looking for something. She remained on the wall, watching him suspiciously.

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The Black and Purple cloaked Stallion paused and turned around to face Snow, he took one step then faded into shadows. Appeared behind Snow on the wall, "Come peacefully and we'll have no quarrel." He said in a brisk even tone.

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