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(Poetry) Let The Woman In You Come Through


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I didn't write this poem, but I think it rings true. It sort of reminds me of the Brony community, or at least, it makes me think of those who like the show and are afraid to admit it.

You're holding it in because you're a man who never cries

I'm not as tough as you my friend,

But since you ask for my advice…

Let the woman in you come through

She's trying to let you know she's there

She colors everything you do

And the man in you gets scared

You like to dance, I've seen you dance

When you thought no one was there

I've heard sorrow in your voice

While you laugh like you don't care.

It's hard to hide your gentle side

It's a lonely way to be

Take it from a friend who knows,

An old, old friend like me,

You'll fight to prove that you're a man

You'll fight to prove you're right

You work hard and you play hard

And you stay up late at night

Working hard's a way to hide

From the dumb things some folks say

But holding tenderness inside

Is only throwing it away

So you tell me that I'm crazy

And I know you don't like kids

Especially little sissies

Yeah, I know you never did

But I've seen you with the tough ones

The ones others all condemn

And you that they're the frightened ones

And you know 'cause you're like them.

Let the woman in you come through

Be a different kind of brave

She'll show you love's the difference

Between a free man

And a slave.

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