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The Order of Chaos

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Chaos rules the land. Harmony and friendship have been long lost, the elements having been defeated and forced to live their new lives. They have been cast away, ever since Discord changed their personalities.

Little does Discord, the new ruler of the land, know, a rebellion is taking place. Ponies, griffins, and all creatures alike grow tired of his reign. They plan to find the bearers of the elements and return them to normal... somehow. Despite years of planning, nopony knows where the bearers are or how to return them to their former selves. Some ponies claim that they know the locations of the long lost, but many simply brush aside these notions.

New members are needed to aid in the search for the bearers. Although Discord's reign of chaos is strong and friendship is on its last limb, hope is strong that the elements will stop Discord.


1. Please provide a short description of your character, as well as why he/she is joining the rebellion.

2. Any race is allowed as long as you can provide a good reason for joining the rebellion.

3. Please use an appropriate response length to describe what you character is doing. However, there is no limit on your response lengths.

4. Please also describe what your character is doing in your first post.

That's it! But above all, have fun!

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Sky Write is a white pegasus with a light blue mane and tail, both outlined by a light purple. His cute mark is a quill in the writing position behind a pair of spectacles. He has a pure heart and is constantly trying to do the right thing.At least, that's how he likes to picture himself. His characters in his books are always the underdog, which is who he is.

He's always dreamed of being the hero. This could finally be his big chance! This could be the moment he's been waiting for his entire life! Sky has joined the rebellion and is now planning his journey in the search for the bearers of the elements with the other rebels who have just joined the cause.

"Alright," Sky's eyes narrowed on each of the ponies in his group, "the first thing we need to decide on is where we are headed. Perhaps we should ask some other ponies if they know anything."

But was that such a good idea? It's impossible to tell who's working for Discord nowadays.Just the other day, a pony was turned in by her best friend! Things have gotten ridiculous since Discord took charge. Nobody even has any idea where the princesses are; one can only assume it had something of Discord's doing.

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NightStalker is a dark pegasus with a dark purple and dark blue mane and tail. The colors for blending in the shadows. His cutie mark are two red eyes. He is mostly lonesome and will do the things that will mostly benefit himself. It will take a very long time to earn his trust, for he never trusts anyone, except his twin sister - Dark Elegance. She was the only pony he trusted and loved.

NightStalker usually doesn't care for anyone but himself. But when someone builds a relationship with him (with extreme patience), he would hold that pony dear to him and will always protect them no matter what. He joined the rebellion for two things: finding his sister (if she's alive), and to destroy Discord who took her from him.

NightStalker leaned against a wall, alone. He listened attentively to the pony known as Sky Write. When this particular pegasus asked where next to go, he didn't bother giving a suggestion. He isn't much of a leader and if in a group, he would rather listen then lead. Which is probably the reason he works alone and rarely goes to a group. But what other choice does he have? If he wants to find his sister, he's gonna need some help.

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Yin Yang (Nicknamed Yin) is a white unicorn with a black and white mane, the same color as her tail. She has silvery-gray eyes and a yin-yang cutie mark. She is clever and skilled at magic. Has a colorful personality, but is usually kind or in a bad mood.


Yin Yang joined the rebellion so that she could hopefully do something right for once in her life and to put her magic to good use. She hopes to find trustworthy friends and to prevent discord for doing further damage to Equestria.

Yin Yang stood, her ears pricked up and ready to take orders. She scraped her hoof against the ground and turned to the lonely pegasus leaning against the wall, then back at Sky Write. If these ponies needed help, she was going to give some.

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