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Crimes Irony (Private)


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Wolf looked up to the building, his enhanced vision showed multiple targets and what looked like four big shots. "I count about 20 tangos and 4 big guns,"

((how many hostages))

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"Kane and I will take one side of the building and secure the hostages, you guys go after the big guns, we do it at the same time." Wolf suggested puling out his grapple gun.

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Blast looked at Wolf "that would be a good plan...but knowing ghese guys, the hostages will be right in the middle of the entire group. Shock and awe will be our best weapon." he said shooting the grappling hook to the roof and hooked on to the line. "I suggest flash banges and precision shooting." he said zooming up.

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Blast smirked. "loud of course."he said positioning himself above the targeted window.

Radz was on the roof top scanning the exits "in position."she said

"ready to make the ears ring downstairs" Thunder said over the radio

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"Exactly" Blast said jumping then coming down on the window making it break. Blast rolled and threw two flash bangs in the middle of a small group of 5 soldier. When the loud pops were heard Thunder's breaching charge went off and more flash bangs were thrown. Blast raised his M16 and shot one round that hit one of the soldiers square in the head. Thunder and the team rushed and fired at the enemy.

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Kane shouted in rage as be squeezed the trigger of his M4, easily tearing through targets. Blade jumped behind cover near the rest of the team and unleashed a storm of bullets from his SAW. Headshot waited patiently for orders on who to pick off.

((Hey guys, I started a kind of sequel to Blood Harvest if you're interested. I figured Trax had his own plan for the story but since he won't be around much I was going to use this as a filler RP))

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((ok and go easy, these guys the team is facing are hardcore. So none of them will be easy to kill))

Blast took cover behind a wall wincing at the bullets zooming by. He then threw a flash bang by a lot of windows "get ready with those rifles....field of view is about to be increased." he said over the radio as the grenades exploded causing all the windows in near by to shatter. Radz grinned as she aimed through her scope, she saw a soldier popping out of cover to fire, as soon as he dide Radz fired and the bullet pegged the man right between the eyes.

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Headshot picked off two more. "Hunting season is open." He said to himself with a smirk.

Blade and Kane kept the attack up, showering bullets down on the enemy. Despite the strength of their attack, the enemy troops were hard to kill.

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Wolf headed down a corrorder to flank the enemy but was met with bulky arm out of no where sending through the drywall into what looked like an office. A giant man with a weird tactical mask paced towards him, Wolf stood up shaking off the debris, "Alright big guy, you wanna throw down, lets thrown down!" Wolf and the big man charged foward, their fist making contact with eachother and the cracking of knuckles sounded.

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Kane punched an enemy in the face, knocking him back and drawing his combat knife, jabbing it into his heart and killing him. He felt his adrenaline and rage slowly rising.

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Maelstrom entered the room where the fight was, he pulled out two Desert eagles and started emptying the clips at Blast. Blast quickly got into cover again before one of those massive rounds hit him. A woman with Pale blue hair walked in where Thunder the rest were and pulled out M-TAR and gave covering fire for his allies. A Big burly man in heavy body armor wielding an M240B was unloading right beside the Woman. "Cezura, wonder how much time it will take for these kids to run...I bet five minutes, only because they are little tougher than the usual trash." he said smirking. Cezura chuckled "getting soft Crimson? I challenge the bet and think it will only take two." she replied. ((someone be the fourth leader please.))

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((big guy is the other fourth))

Wolf slammed into the wall and sat back to it, the big man stood a couple feet away from him, "My name is Kavek, and you are going to die." He said in a deep monotone with a British accent to it. Wolf glanced around the room and saw some interesting features, "Hey, Knock knock?" Wolf asked as he coughed. Kavek just looked at him emotionless, "Whos there."

Wolf: "Have-a-nice..."

Kavek: "Have-an-nice who?"

Wolf: "Have a nice fall." Wolf drew his sword in an instant and stabbed the floor, a series of cracks opened under Kavek and crumbled under his weight, Kavek fell through the floor and was buried under the rubble. Wolf struggled up, and looked down to make sure he was buried, "Nice playing with ya." He said with a smirk. Wolf ran out back into the hallway, he came behind a man and woman he didnt recognize, "Hey I jus- and your not who I thought, well this is awkward." Wolf said correcting himself as he quickly fired a couple rounds before ducking for cover.

((Wolfs behind Cezura and Crimson, dont do anything to him, Kaveks got him.))

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The bullets hit Crimson's back but the armor stopped the bullets. Crimson looked behind him and chuckled "better hide Little man." he said quietly looking forward again keeping up the fire.

Maelstrom reloaded his Eagles and popped out to fire again. Blast had to take cover again, it seems that Maelstrom was just targeting him. "come on out Blast Beat, It's been a while old friend...still protecting the lies of the government!?" he said laughing. Blast winced at hearing his name being said. "d@mn...he remembers me, and what lies?" He then thought of the Shadow War. "he couldn't possibly know..." he thought to himself.

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Wolf thought about how he could take these two out when he noticed Kavek walk out into the corridor down the hall from him, Kavek looked the opposite way first then looked straight at Wolf and pulled out two drum magged automatic shotguns which he now aimed at Wolf. Wolf winced, "Son of Bi-" His voice was cut off as the roar of the blasting shot guns fired at him, Wolf dodged down the hall leading away from the firefight and sprinted down it, Kavek walked up and was behind Crimson and Cezura. "Careful, these ones are more resourceful than the usual." He said to them before firing off a couple rounds down the hall at Wolf who jumped high over a cubical space to dodge the rounds.

Wolf lay flat on the floor as they buckshot blasted around him, "Blast, if I live through this, I'm gonna bite your finger of-" He winced as he felt his left leg burn from a buckshot tearing through it, "Buck it, I'm taking your whole hand."

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Kane drew his second combat knife and began to shred his way through the enemy. His adrenaline was rising faster and faster, and he could feel the sheer rage boiling. "No...must stay calm...can't transform now...." He tried to tell himself as he sliced through another.

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"Kane, i'm speaking to you through wolf telepathy, I can smell your rage from here, you need to calm down or it'll trigger a forced transformation. Think of a that one person, think of her now." Wolf spoke to Kane through a telepathic link that all packs have when a bond of trust has been established.

((Wolf and Kane can take Kavek together? Kaveks a big brute thats like a mono-toned emotionless Orgrimmar.))

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Kane stopped and shut his eyes, thinking of Autumn and her beauty. He immediately felt more calm and more focuses on the task. "Ok...I'm ok. What now?"

((Orgrimmar is a city, bro. Are you referring to Garrosh Hellscream?))

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((Yea, big red orc guy.))

Wolf ran through the cubicals dodging more rounds from Kavek, he dove behind a couple knocked over desks, "I need you over here, use the shadows and disappear." He spoke to Kane again through telepathy.

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Kane shut his eyes, trying to focus. He found himself fading from eyesight and becoming like a shadow. He darted through the room covertly, approaching Wolf and Kavek.

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Maelstrom laughed "lets just say you weren't the only one to make it out alive!" he yelled out firing more shots. Blast's eyes widened "what...how did I not know? He's a guardian!" he thought gritting his teeth. "I thought I was the last...he deserted all of us when the wolves attacked, a coward." Blast growled and popped out of cover despite the heavy gunfire and popped off a few rounds before ducking down again. The bullets grazed Maelstrom and made a large cut on his left cheek. "seems your aiming is a bit off, did all those years make you sloppy Paladin!" Maelstrom taunted.

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