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"Come out lil doggy, one shot is all it will take," Kavek taunted still emotionless as he bashed through broken debris, his gaze rested on a desk, Wolf waited quietly behind a desk as he could hear Kaveks footsteps come closer. "Or you can take two or three shots, your choice pup..." Kavek said out loud aiming his automatic shotguns at the desk.

"Now would be good Kane.." Wolf thought out loud.

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Thunder and the team proceeded up the stairs after killing the six soldiers guarding the entrance. "Blast wasn't joking when he said these guys were hard, lets be quick before those two catch up." Killjoy said looking back down the stairs making sure they aren't following them. Thunder heard the large firefight happening beyond the door "stack up." he said as Killjoy went on the left side of the door as The two rifleman lined up behind Thunder. they nodded as Killjoy opened the door for Thunder and the rifleman to storm in guns ablaze before hitting cover, they gave suppressing fire for Killjoy. She quickly ran and dived behind cover next to Thunder "I see Blast, lets get to him." she said darting between cover as the team followed. Maelstrom laughed "looks like your friends have come to die by your side...How adorable." he said. Cezura and Crimson got up the stairs right after Thunder and team got to Blast. "fast ones I see...too bad they can't out run bullets." Cezura said in a taunting tone. Crimson smirked "lets just get this over with." he said raising his gun to fire upon the team Cezura go next to Maelstrom. "having fun with the other Guardian I see." she said firing at the others. "just doing some catching up." Maelstrom said with a grin.

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Kavek grunted in with a slight flinch forward but swung around hitting Kane away with one of his shotguns, Wolf vaulted over the desk and went to kick Kavek in the back but the brute quickly dropped his shotguns and grabbed his leg and slung him into the wall. "Now there are two dogs who need a beating, but you will not survive this particular beating." Kavek told them in his mono-toned voice.

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Kane grabbed his M4 again and cocked it, glaring at Kavek. Despite being in his normal form, he let out a vicious roar at him. Thinking of Autumn was starting to fail him, and the transformation was getting harder to stop.

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Kavek instantly threw threw a knife curving it into the rifles center barrel. Wolf growled sensing Kanes rage. Kavek glanced at both of them, "There is something ....... different about you two, your behavior is more beast-like than human, maybe because you are not?" He asked out loud, Wolf rushed the brute, Kavek backhand him flat against the wall, Wolf felt the wind sucked out from him, then Kavek took him out and twirled him in the opposite direction and full out hammering Wolf sending him crashing through debris, Wolf slid till he was close to a window, blood trickled from his head and and left leg. Wolf struggled up weakly, Kavek walked up to him and without saying a word, spartan-kicked him, Wolf was sent through the window and down. Kavek turned toward Kane, "Its your turn boy, dont make this hard for yourself." He said tonelessly as he walked toward Kane.

Outside, there was no body on the ground, a white furred werewolf clung to the wall with its claws snarling viciously. Wolf looked up upwards with his right eye glowing red, a scarlike patch of black fur ran over his right eye, his left eye was a bright blue. It is said that when a werewolf becomes an alpha of his or her own pack, their fur will change to express their leadership within the pack.

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Kane dropped his weapon and smirked as he body convulsed and his eyes glowed. He grew in size and fur covered his body. He transformed into his werewolf form and glared at Kavek, giving another beastly growl. "Such....weak....prey......." he snarled.

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Blast held his head as the Robotic voice yelled "Wolves in the AO, purge the unclean immediately!" it barked out. Blast growled "D@mnit those fools are going to ruin everything!" he said to himself. He then closed his eyes. "Wolf can control it...Kane is the one to go out of control. Wolf...better put a leash on him fast...or I will." he thought. Maelstrom paused and heard the same Robotic voice "you have some dogs with you I see...going so low to team up with filth!" he yelled out a he ran to wear Kane is. Blast growled and ran another way to cut Maelstrom off. "keep them busy!" he ordered to Thunder. Thunder nodded and started firing.

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Kavek paused, "So I was right, you two really are dogs, Maelstrom told me about his earlier days with TRINITY. But, I am prey that can fight back, come lil doggy." He taunted still tonelessly as he flipped out a combat knife and rushed Kane kneeing him in the gut then left hooking him in the face and finishing with a slice and spin kick combo.

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Kane grabbed Kavek by the leg and threw him against the wall. He then rushed him and hurled a powerful punch at him before bringing his other claw around, slashing three deep woulds in his chest.

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Kavek grabbed Kanes wrist, "You dont even know who your fighting with, I have gone through trials that would kill any other human beings or beasts." Kavek brought his right leg up and pulled down on Kanes wrist bringing him to a knee, Kavek brought his leg down smashing Kanes head into the ground. Kavek cracked his neck then kicked up Kane and punched him away. "Your friend died easily, I doubt you'll be any different pup."

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Despite his rage, Kane felt a strange connection with his new form within him. He felt more in control, and thus stronger. He stood back up and growled, running to Kavek and gashing him in the face with a claw before slashing more wounds into his chest and then grabbing his neck and hurling him over his head and slamming him onto the ground.

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Kavek grunted during the hits, he wrenched free and sliced Kanes arms and legs then kicked him upwards into the ceiling, Kavek positioned himself under Kane with his knife to drive it into Kanes chest. Suddenly a flash of white sent Kavek flying through a pile of desks and a wall, Kavek stood up and winced slightly looking at the white werewolf. Wolf stood with his arms folded glaring at Kavek, his bushy tail swayed occasionally, "I will not die and watch helplessly as my pack-member is killed, you underestimate a werewolf's power when it fights alongside its fellow members, for that mistake you will die." Wolf said coldly and bravely, a certain sense reached Kanes nose, the sense of the presence of an Alpha.

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Kane suddenly felt something strange when he saw Wolf. He felt a sense of admiration and respect, as though he had known Wolf as an authority figure his whole life. He looked back to Kavek and snarled. "Let's finish this whelp." He growled.

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Kavek nodded in agreement, "Yes but I have a feeling I will not be alone soon." He told them sparely. Wolf narrowed his eyes, he could smell Blast from here but another scent resembling Blast drifted over him, Wolf growled at the menacing smell, theres another Guardian here and not a friendly one.

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Maelstrom suddenly popped out of no where and did a flying kick into Wolf before grasping him the neck flipping wolf over slamming into the ground, he then flipped away to make distance. "Kavek, havn't I told you stray dogs are dangerous...?" he said with a smirk. Blast got there shortly after and glared at Maelstrom. "activate Lima Protocol." he whispered. The robotic voice came into his head. "Anti Personnel systems engaged. Threat level of target...High, caution is advised. D@mnation...Authorized." Blast pulled out his knife. Maelstrom tilted his head and grinned "you wanna go old man...fine, I'll throw down. "Activate Lima Protocol!" he said as his face went serious, then pulled out his knife. last looked at Wolf and Kane "get out of here, he kills me...he will definitely kill you both. help Thunder and the others."

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Wolf stood up and shook off the debris, "You are too quick to underestimate us, we will deal with Kavek." He said with a low growl. Kavek clenched his fist and charged the white werewolf, Wolf waited till he was close then spartan kicked Kavek sending him through a row of office rooms. "Take him." Wolf barked his order to Kane as he folded his arms again.

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Blast watch Wolf and Kane go after Kavek. Blast then looked at Maelstrom "too bad you are on the wrong side...another guardian would have proved useful or our cause." Maelstrom said. Blast narrowed his eyes "I wasn't made to butcher innocent people just to get what I deserve. you're cause is foolish and with no meaning." he said coldly. Maelstrom gritted his teeth "our cause to let the nation know why 198 fathers, sons, and husbands died ten years ago...all they got was a meaningless letter and money as compensation! their families will never know how their loved ones died that day." he said. Blast looked at him "and you expect to achieve that goal by holding hostages and committing atrocities everywhere you go? call me ignorant but I don't think that is the best way to go about spreading the deep dark secret of the government." he replied. Maelstrom smirked "there are no hostages...if there were, we would have killed them by the time you rolled through the window. All we wanted was to get someone from the press on live T.V and say what is needed to be said. You think we are just some gang? there are hundreds that believe in the injustice and betrayal done to the lost guardians. I ran away from the battle so they won't be forgotten!" he scowled. Blast huffed "would be a noble cause if you weren't so blind...do you think people will believe that mystical creatures killed the Soldiers, and do you think they will believe that their sons, husbands, and fathers were Chemically augmented super soldiers?" he asked. Maelstrom suddenly rushed and did a spun kick into Blast's face sending him flying. "then I'll have to get proof." Maelstrom said quietly before Blast rushed and was near Maelstrom in a split second. Blast then punched Maelstrom in the gut before roundhouse kicking him into the floor.

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Kane roared and delivered a violent punch to Kavek. He then proceeded to grab Kavek by the chest, sinking his claws deep into him. With all his strength, he rended the flesh from his chest, blood and tissue and muscle littering the ground.

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Kavek stumbled backwards, a grinding sound of gears and wires sounded from him, "The flesh and blood is not real, technically I'm not even alive right now." Kavek swung his arm with a mechanical sound and uppercutting Kane through the ceiling. He turned around swinging another punch but the hit was caught by Wolf, "I've killed worse than you." Wolf said before slicing off Kaveks right arm and punch him away underneath the hole in the ceiling where Kane had gone through, "Finish him."

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Maelstrom quickly got up and tried to slice Blast up his chest but was blocked. Maelstrom then hit Blast with a heavy right hook making Blast stumble back. Blast popped his neck and rushed Maelstrom as they clashed in a series of kick and punches, they were quite equally matched. it would seem there would be tie but Maelstrom rolled away. "none of us will win this fight...there is no use in staying here any longer. we will meet again Paladin..." he said whistling loudly before flipping out of a window and was gone. Crimson and Cezura heard he whistle and lowered their weapons and retreated. They were soon out of the area without a trace. Thunder smirked "leaving so soon...it was just starting to get interesting." he said getting up and stretching. Blast sat down and leaned against the wall "I remember you now...we will meet again...Dead man." he said to himself. Blast put his knife away and sighed "I need a vacation..."

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