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Crimes Irony (Private)


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Kane still had Kavek pinned to the ground, glaring at him after tearing part of his chest to shreds. He put a single claw on top of his head and looked into his eyes. "Worthless......" he growled before using his brute strength to rip off Kavek's head. He held it in the air and roared viciously.

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Wolf nodded with a look of appraisal, "You did well, lets go meet up with Blast." He growled before turning to head back towards Blast.

((Drill weekend and graduation, wont be back till monday, and I'll probably close on this thread next week.))

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Blast was still sitting against the wall looking at his knife engraved with words saying "I will walk though the fog as I welcome death." Blast thought back to the time it all happened. ((flash back time.))

The sounds of screams and roars echoed through the thick metal hallways. "The facility is overrun, you have to get out of here!" a woman with black hair yelled at Blast. Blast growled "I'm not leaving you here to die, you are coming with me...alive!" he replied grabbing her hand. They sprinted to the far side of a hallway where the walls have been demolished and lead to the outside. "we are almost-" the woman was cut off when large Black claws went through her body. Blast's eyes filled with anger and went to attack this large wolf. He made an incredibly large gash into the wolf's chest but didn't have enough time to dodge the counter. The massive wolf swung and dug one of his claws into the left side of Blast's face destroying his eye, Blast put his hand against his left eye holding in the pain "please...go...live to fight another day, it's ok. I will walk through the fog." she said pulling the pins from a couple of grenades. "as I welcome death, I will feed to the fire these shards of soul." she said as the grenades went off causing a massive explosion blowing Blast away. Blast got up and looked back at the burning ruin, he closed his eyes. "let Solaris take you home...and may you guide me." was all he could say before walking off. ((end Flash back))

Blast couldn't help but shed a single tear for the woman who sacrificed her life just so he could live. "Sabre...It should have been me." he whispered gripping the knife tightly.

((ok monday it is))

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(( And I'm back, Killjoy, are plannin on having an old fling come back?))

Wolf walked back towards Blast, his arms behind his back still in wolf form, "It would seem our enemies come from both sides, and our past un-buries itself." He asked in a smooth growl.

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Kane slowly returned to normal. He stumbled and fell to his knees for a moment, disoriented from the transformation. He slowly got up and grabbed his weapon off the ground and approached Blast and Wolf.

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((well he and her were close...she won't be coming back, she is dead.))

Blast looked over at Wolf but said nothing. he looked at the ground for few seconds before standing up and walking away "we're done here..." he said quietly.

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"no, everyone is dead...the leaders have escaped." Blast replied. Thunder's team regrouped with Blast, Radz came in soon after. "call in the evac Wolf." Blast ordered.

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Wolf transformed into his human form before showing himself, he pressed his hand to his ear, "This is Wolf, we are ready for pick up, rendezvous at the roof in 5."

"This is chopper 1, rendezvous on the roof top, see you in five." A voice came back. Wolf held a thumbs up to Blast.

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Rad looked over at headshot "more than you, you were too worried about your rifle breaking getting a scratch on it." she said, the pickings were tough since there were only 20 men in the building, and most of them were killed by the assault team. She managed to kill six, granted she might have stole a few from Thunder's team but it was whatever to her.

Blast nodded to Wolf. "lets get up there then." he said heading for the stairs.

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The rest of the team showed up and regrouped. Kane noticed Blade approach. "Blade.....I need a favor from you than I never thought I'd ever ask in a million years.....can I have a cigarette?" Blade was a little taken aback by this, but understood how much stress he was just put through and nodded, taking one out of his pack and giving it to him, lighting it for him. Kane took a large draw and blew the smoke out.

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Blast looked at his watch. The chopper could be heard in a distance as it approached the LZ. The two choppers landed on the roof. Thunder and the team stepped onto one as Blast stepped onto the other.

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Blast just glanced at Wolf but didn't say anything as he turned to look out the window. "this might be more than I can handle, The northern Wolves...and now another Guardian." he thought to himself.

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A familiar face was nearby, eavesdropping before they got on the choppers. "Northern Wolves....Another Guardian.....and the annihlation of life itself...." Slipknot said to himself, his evil grin appearing in the darkness before he left the scene.

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Wolf felt a shiver run down his spine, he smell the air of overwhelming danger around them, "We need to become stronger so we can fight our demons, and only our own can defeat them." He said with a sigh of intent calm.

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