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"I've fought demons all my life...why is mine any different?" Blast's tone was ice and stone. "they will die all the same...under my boot."

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Once everybody was on a chopper, they lifted off back to base. Kane took a small photo out of Autumn Rain, his beloved girlfriend. He closed his eyes and held the picture to his heart. "It's been too long...."

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Wolf took his mask off, his right eye was closed shut, he placed a hand over it. "You helped give me this new power, now I will train myself to protect my comrades and you."

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Wolf smiled and layed his hand on Blasts shoulder, "We protect each other. By the way, I have made arrangments for Kane and I to go on leave for awile, and old friend of mine is going help us train our wolf forms to combat the Northern Wolves." He explained calmly.

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"you will have to continue my training when you get back, you may be able to fight the stronger of your kind...but even that, will not stop a guardian." Blast said calmly "Trax and his pack has obviously proved that they are the strongest. but simply learning and getting stronger won't get you very far, my time with the TRINITY taught me that. You will need my help and you will learn how to kill something that was designed to destroy you, only then...will Trax be bested. if he is death himself as you said, just think what would happen with a superior wolf and a guardian's help...the things you can accomplish, you would cheat Mr. Death himself."

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"You fail to see the true threat here." Kane suddenly interjected. "This petty squabble is nothing compared to what Slipknot is doing. He has managed to tame the parasite, and before we know it, annihilation of all life could be upon us. We would be nothing but more mindless creatures in the parasite's horde."

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Blast looked over at Kane. "and who do you think I am, a simple dog killing machine? You fail to realize that the guardians were created from a secret inquisition, Purge the unclean and burn the heretics. Do you not think boy?" he scowled at Kane "your news is granted indeed grave yes, but what you need to learn is to control your fear and rage before anything to be done and right now we need to eliminate the smaller competition before they get ideas to join your friend's cause. A marine like you should know how that tactic works"

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"Tactics be d@amned, what sane person puts a pack of werewolves and a rogue guardian over the END OF LIFE ITSELF?!?!" Kane said, visibly irritated. "None of this will matter if we are all parasites! Slipknot grows thousands of them every day!"

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"We wont be much help if we're not trained enough to deal with them in the first place, if you feel you need to stay then you can, but I need to go. I have to be at full strength if I'm going to face Trax in battle." Wolf explained turning away.

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Blast rubbed the sides of his head. "someone with some sense...This will give me time to prepare, how long will you be gone." Blast asked Wolf.

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"Six months." Wolf told, he longed for a chance to see Luna but they couldnt waste anymore time, "Blast, tell Luna I'm sorry, she wont like it that I just up an left."

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"don't worry yourself of such things...you aren't dead, no need for apologies." Blast said as he looked out the window and saw Canterlot in sight.

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"Probably not, thou six months can change alot, I'm sure she wont change too much. I for will come back a different person all together." Wolf explained restlessly.

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Kane didn't say anything else, his mind was swimming with thoughts. He was worried about so many different things. How could they stop Slipknot? Was the Northern Wolves and the rogue guardian really more important? What would be in store for him when he left with Wolf?

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The choppers landed on the platforms, Wolf hopped out and stretched his arms, "Dont worry Kane, what ever happens, we face it as a pack. Our own pack." He said as if to answer the questions Kane had been thinking.

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Blast hopped out of the chopper. "try not to separate yourselves from the team...you may be a pack, but we all in this together. Don't forget that." he said walking to the debriefing room.

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