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Crimes Irony (Private)


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"Buisness conference, heading to saddle arabia to give them advice and oversee their crime task force. In other words I'll be out for awhile." Black explained as he straightned up his tie. "We leave tomorrow, so get a good nights rest cause we'll be hiking most of the way." Wolf told him.

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Blast raised an eyebrow "well tell those ponies that we will beat them into shape if they don't meet your expectations." he said to Black

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Blast smirked "hmmm didn't know kittens knew how to fight." he said tauntingly. "anyway, the operation was...semi successful, there wasn't any hostages in the first place...just madmen wanting attention. all but one of the leaders escaped." he said.

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"Well the one...wasn't really alive to begin with...he was an android." Blast said sighing. "even if we did keep him alive, he would have deleted all his memory and or fried his mainframe before we got him here."

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Blast was silent for a moment "well..." he wasn't sure how to tell Black, He's already told two people about who he really is, now taking a huge risk by telling three. Just knowing the name Project TRINITY would get you killed in the blink of an eye. Blast looked at his team "what ever I say does not leave this room...any rumor will get you ALL killed..." he said with a bone chilling sternness in his tone warning everyone. "The leader and I are from something called Project TRINITY, and you all know about Wolf and Kane. Project TRINITY was a utmost top secret Program. Ten years ago mankind had a Shadow war with the Werewolves...a stupid war that we could not win, until two years of fighting a Secret Inquisition made a certain compound that when injected into the body...make the person unlock %100 of human potential. reaction time are now in the hundredths of a second, strength five times a normal human being. We were made to fight the creatures of dark. Things larger than us. the only reason I am here was because two years ago when the full force of the werewolf horde put siege to our outpost and over ran our defenses in a week. All Guardians died except for two...Me...and Maelstrom. His goal is to bring light the such a dark secret and wants to bring the government what they deserve for hiding the deaths of 198 husbands, sons and fathers." his voice turned agitated at the end, even though Maelstrom was a psycho, he still felt enraged by the lies and that the families will never know about their loved ones.

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Wolf figured Maelstroms intentions were, in a way, justified. But still, the world isnt ready for the discovery of his kind, or the knowledge of Blasts biological upgrade. Black played it off like he knew about it, nothing ever surprises him anymore. "Then we must brace ourselves for the coming storm then. For now I must be off, cant miss my flight. See you all in a few months or so." Black said waving as he walked out. "Then we'll keep watch for them then, what ever they throw at us we can beat it. Kane, we need to pack and then hit the sack, long ass hike tomorrow remember." Wolf said reminding Kane of their journey.

((I leave tuesday so i might be rushin it.))

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((Last post for awhile, its been awesome guys cant wait to get back. Going out with a bang, literally.))

Wolf entered into his room and threw his gear off, he put his mask on the stand and stripped down to his boxers before sliding into his bed. His mind raced with all the events that happened and all that was to come, he thought about it all as he starred at the ceiling with his hands behind his head. The moonlight shone upon his mask making the marking glow shades of silver.

((and we all know what happens then ;) see ya in late September bros.))

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((Didn't I tell you Trax *pulls out tazer* that i formed a monopoly on Luna...you're lucky you are going away for a while...that's ok. I'll just wait...and so will my little friend. *sparks go flying* I warned you Trax...and you didn't listen...))

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  • 3 months later...

((You let me have Luna in Blood Harvest because the stories were linked. Trax, if you insist on this, keep it on a down low. because I might just make Killjoy do some things.))

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((So where exactly did we leave off? I remember Wolf and Kane went off to train their werewolf powers and the squad was preparing to fight werewolves and Slipknot unleashed a parasite. And Blast is like master chief or something.))

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((why can't we just stick to our original waifu's? I have Luna, Trax has Octavia, and Metal has Twiliy and just keep it like that? Would make things easier Trax...And make rules that their will be no further Waifu stealing unless the person says it is okay. My grip is firm on Luna, Take Celestia or something.))

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