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Crimes Irony (Private)


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Black slid a file down to the end of the table for Blast, "You have until sunset, take this time to read over the arms dealers files. Wolf devised the assault plan so pay attention, all of you." He told them before walking out. Wolf stepped to the head of the table and unrolled a giant plastic sheet on top covering half of the table. "Gather around and we can begin." Wolf said with a smirk, he set a small device on the sheet which opened up a holographic image of the compound and its outlying area. Dazzle stood up in awe at the sight.

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Wolf grinned at their amazement, he pointed at two highlighted postions, one on the side of the hill facing the compound. The other was near the road leading to the front gates. "There are two drop points, Blast, you and your assault team will await the signal here." He said pointing at the road. "Headshot, Radz, and I along with Miss Yearling, will be dropped on the hill overlooking the compound. Once we confirm the arms dealer has the ring. Blast and his team will light them up and recover the ring, we'll provide cover fire from the hill. Any questions?" He finished with a wink at Dazzle. She glared at him before nodding that she understood the plan.

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Headshot had an "awwwww yeah" look on his face. Blade was expressionless, just simply nodding to confirm he understood the task. Soul also nodded. "We'll be ready. Not a time I can remember an arms dealer being difficult to deal with."

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Blast just left the room as Wolf got done explaining the plan. He hated that a criminal was working with him not only that but a spec ops like Blast. A pony who dishonored his brothers and himself for personal interests.

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Wolf went back to his room just two hours before their departure. He stood looking at his bed, there lay his Barrett and black compound bow. He studied the two weapons, deciding which one he'd take, finally settleing with his bow. It'd be harder to steady and fire from long distance but he was confident in his skill and experience with it. "You think fireing a bullet at 700 yards is hard, try using the opd school method." He told himself, wondering how confused the rest of them would be when he brought a bow case instead.

Dazzle sat memorizing what the ring looked like in her own room, remember its cut and size. A small tactical knife and a small caliber pistol were set on her bed. "I'll use that Headshot characters scope to confirm the legitamacy of the ring."

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Blast had everything already packed before the briefing. He decided a rifle would better suit this mission as the M16A3 with a ergo grip, holo sight, fore grip and bayonet. Ponies usually criticize Blast for using the out dated M16, but Blast trusted no weapon more.

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Soul packed his gear and readied his M4. Blade, a cigarette in mouth, was nearby gathering magazines for his M249 SAW, as his love for heavier weapons was deadly. Headshot polished his sniper rifle in childlike wonder, it was like his kid.

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Radz was field stripping an SL9 making sure it was clean and ready for this mission. She put an 8x scope with canted rail with an ACOG attacked to it. Radz always enjoyed the G36 platform, they never let her down.

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Wolf strapped on his gear, a tactical vest with with various ammo and throwing knives, a quiver of 2 dozen arrows and combat military sword were crossed on his back. He grabbed his mask and put it on, his tone held no humor to it as if the mask gave him another identity. "Show time."

Dazzle grabbed her knife and gun and holstred them as she ran out the door heading to the landing pad.

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Blast thought for a moment "might as well...just got today" he said looking at his M16 "maybe next time." opening his closet and smirked. Blast walked out to the helipad wearing Heavy armored assault gear wielding a Classic M60 machine gun. The helmet was thick steel with a metal face cover (if you played army of two, it is like that)

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((Yea, thats like the same with Wolf but more like Deathstroke from DC comics))

Wolf walked out onto the pad, two helicopters were there waiting, one for each landing zone. Dazzle came out after Wolf, "How well will we be protected?" She asked him curiously. Wolf glanced over his shoulder, "Lets put it this way, it would have to pretty noticeable for anything to give our position away. So no bright colors or shiny objects." He said before walking over to the pilots and talking with them. Dazzle frowned and went over to Headshot, "So are you the other sniper?"

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"Great then Im going to use your rifle sight to confirm the rings legitimacy, any problem with that?" She asked intently. Wolf looked at Blast and waved his hand for him to come over to him and the pilots.

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Wolf still wore his mask, his blue eyes practically glowed through the eye-slits, "The pilots are ready, You and your assult team will take helio1, once at the drop be prepared for confirmation of the ring. Then its your party. From our latest scans they dont have any heavy weaponry so it should easy in, easy out. Whats your plan for breaching the gates?" He asked with a stone cold tone.

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Headshot looked at his rifle. "I'm sorry baby, I love you." he whispered to it. "Fine, you can use it." Soul and Blade approached the aircraft. "I hate flying." Blade said under his breath.

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Dazzle giggled, "You dont have to break up with, I just need to use the scope when we get there."

Wolf held his hands up in gesture saying "I'll take your word for it". He had one last word with the pilots before sending them to their helies. He walked up to Dazzle and Headshot, "Wheres Radz at, we're about to leave, we'll be riding in heli 2." He gestured with his thumb to the chopper behind him. Dazzle gave him a blank stare before heading to the helicopter.

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Wolf got up in to the chopper and then held his hand out for Dazzle, She thought about it at first just got in with out accepting the gesture. Wolf pulled his hand back and cocked his, "Alright wheels up lets go." He said ignoring the fact he just turned down. Once everyone was in they lifted off and headed towards the compound.

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