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Crimes Irony (Private)


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Blast got up and raised the RPG, aimed at the gate, Blast fired the rocket as it went zooming by. The rocket soon hit the gate creating a big explosion, Blast then took up his M60 and started unloaded tons of lead at the enemy while slowly advancing. "we are Oscar Mike, we will have the ring secured in 20 Mikes!" he called through the radio.

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Blade unloaded on the enemy guards, round after round of his SAW ripping everything in sight apart. Soul quickly slammed another magazine into his M4 and began to fire at the guards.

Headshot crawled out from the wreckage and looked around. He found his sniper and quickly grabbing it, inspecting it to see if it was still working. He sighed when he found that it hadnt been damaged. "Everyone alright?" He called, looking around for his teammates.

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Wolf rose from the rubble, he gave a quick roll of his shoulders before he started digging through the rock. After lifting a slab up he found Dazzle unconscious, Wolf pushed the rock aside and picked her up. "Shes outcold, wheres Radz?" He asked roughly.

The compound was buzzing with activity as the mercs began setting up and fired at the enemy.

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Radz was still in her tree unloading on the guards with her sniper, pegging each one at a rapid pace with precision. she started laughing in a sadistic manner "I'm up here!" she called out loading another mag into the rifle.

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"Strong tree." Wolf remarked as he looked up the hill and noticing the tree was sticking out by its roots.

"Send out the Chimeras!" An order was shouted out among the chaos. Suddenly five giant red beast were sprinting up the hill towards the recon group.

"Oh goody, Headshot take her and go, I'll hold them off." He said as he quickly handed Dazzle over to him. He looked up to Radz, "Radz, give me cover fire on the Chimeras, their skin is tough but It'll hurt and slow them down." He yelled up to her. Wolf walked towards them, drawing his sword and grabbing an M9, "Here kitty kitty, lets play Catch the Wolf." He said before charging at them.

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Headshot suddenly found himself holding the unconscious body of Dazzle. He stood there for a moment before rushing her away from the area and setting her down in a safe area. He looked around and found a slightly elevated area and looked down his scope and saw in the distance the assault team pinned down.

Blade and Soul were trapped under heavy fire. Blade took a grenade from his belt while Soul fixed his grenade launcher on his M4. They nodded to each other and lauched their grenades towards the enemy, taking down a good number of enemies.

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Wolf ran towards the Chimera, he fired a couple shots before jumping off a large rock and spun over the first one. As he landed he quickly parred with anothers tail, he fired two rounds at its face before side stepping anothers tail-slam. Wolf jumped high into the air, using his wings as boost, "That cover fire would be real handy lass." he said over the com to Radz.

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"just loading up the big boys." Radz replied loading Armor Piercing rounds into her sniper. Then loud cracks were heard as the bullets hit the Chimeras.

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The Chimeras were taken aback by the rounds, they closed their eyes and tried to block the shots with their tails. Wolf fell onto one and drove his sword into its back, the beast screamed in pain, he then withdrew the sword and jumped off. Wolf parred with the Chimeras paws and held it up so that its back was facing Radz. "Radz, aim for the' wounds from ma sword, and be quick about it' lass. Their stronger than they' look." He remarked as he felt the weight of the beast bearing down on him, the other Chimeras were advancing onto him.

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Radz aimed her rifle at the Chimera, the world slowed down around her. She sucked in some air and held her breathe as the scope steadied on her target. "fire." she whispered to herself before pulling the trigger. and in a split second, the Chimera fell in front of Wolf.

Blast was making his push onto the gate, he threw some grenades that softened up the defenses. after a minute or so, they stormed into the gate giving the guards everything they got."

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Wolf nodded his approval before he pivoted to dodge and slice the attacking Chimera, firing a few rounds before backflipping over a charging Chimera. He landed on its back and drove his sword once again into its back and leaped off for Radz to finish. Wolf turned as heard a swishing sound behind him, but was too late to deflect as the tail smashed him away against a rock. He leaned to his side to dodge another strike, as the scorpion-like tail hit the rock Wolf swung his sword down and severed the tip off. The Chimera yowled in pain and growled at Wolf with glowing red eyes, Wolf picked up the stinger and growled back at the Chimera with an almost animal like growl.

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In the distance, Headshot was taking out more of the enemy combatants. He focused on ground troops because he didnt have the high powered bullets on him that could kill the Chimera's.

Blade and Soul made a break for the compound that the ring carrier had fled to. They began to set explosives on the wall.

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Blast kept up the fire and slowly advanced to the Carrier's corpse "we found the ring, I repeat, we found the ring, how copy?" he said over the radio.

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Blade and Soul covered Blast as he got the ring. Soul did a headcount to make sure the whole squad was still in tact. Killjoy, Thunderstrum, Blade and Blast were all present.

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"We copy, make for the rendezvous at the opposite side of the hill," Wolf replied as he struck down the last Chimera with the detached stinger to the throat. "Miss Yearling is down and needs medical atten-..... Ack!" A sword grazed the right side of his mask, cutting through the metal and kevlar, scarring over his eye. A knee bolted into his stomach and then a foot slammed into his face sending him tumbling over the rocky ground. A female figure stood over him, a fur-lined cloak hid her face and went down to her calves.

A beeping sounded from the lower trunk of the tree Radz was in, 3 seconds counted down.

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Radz hear the beeping and looked "oh shi-" The tree blew up sening Radz flying and hitting the ground with a thud. radz just laid there unconscious with some shrapnel wounds.

Blast took the ring and put it in his pocket "Lets move!" he called out as he started heading back to the evac site.

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Headshot heard the blast and quickly scooped up Dazzle. He hurried over to where he heard the blast and found Radz unconscious as well. "Great." he said to himself. "I need some help over here. Radz is knocked out now too." he said through the radio, setting Dazzle down and checking Radz's vital signs.

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Wolf looked up to see the female figure, his eyesight was blurred from the initial attack, he couldnt make out who was standing before him. But a chilling familiar voice brought him up to speed, "Hello Wolf, my my, arent you just a sight for sore eyes. Did you miss us?"

"Help wont be coming pup." A deep voice sounded from behind as the tip of a barrel was pushed into the back of Headshots head. A winged stallion was behind him, holding a large sniper rifle up to the back of his head. A dark brown mask with a brown colored tribal wolf head like Wolfs covered his head. Another pegasus landed behind Radz and Dazzle, his mask was blue with a darker blue tribal wolf head. He held two MP5's in his hands, four foldable tomahawks were stacked on his back. "I'd listen to him too." The Blue mask one said coldly.

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Blast and his team were almost at the rendezvous blasting their way through. "we will be there in 1 mike, how copy?" there was no answer "I repeat, almost to the target location, how copy!?"

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The Brown masked one spun his rifle around and jabbed Headshot in the back of the head, "Should have listened."

Wolf struggled up, "Echo? Is that you, what are you-" He was cut short as Echo round house kicked him in the head sending him further down the hill. "Paybacks's a B@#$% Wolf." She said sourly. "So we're taking some insurance with us. And dont worry, they'll be well taken of."

"So flip a coin on who gets to carry two?" The Brown masked one said jokingly to the Blue masked one as they tied the three unconscious people in bindings.

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