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Saving Nature (interest check~)

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Would anypony be interested in a roleplay where Equestria's flora and fauna is dying/declining, and a group of ponies come together to try and figure out why?

Essentially, some dark force has put the alicorn Gaia (who is basically mother nature in this scenario) into a deep slumber and is sapping the life force of Equestrian's natural state.

The group of ponies will travel to the center point of the devastation, (with a few little hitches along the way of course!) which is basically a giant oak tree in the middle of the land, where they will confront whatever it is that's causing the trouble.

Rules for this RP (if it goes ahead)

I'm limiting playable races to pegasi, earth ponies, unicorns, deer, crystal ponies and dragons, with the exception of Gaia who I will be playing for a short time, and I'd ask we keep characters per person to just 2.

I'm also hoping for more than on sentence posts pleaase~

If you'd like to join fill out the character sheet in a response below:

Pony Name:



Supplies (if any)

Short bio/description:

Also if you have any suggestions or questions then feel free to contribute or ask!

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