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The war between equestria(Sign up in ooc)

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(Nope it's just that I thought he would be a little more careless :D)

Midnight put on an extra boost of speed, leaving behind a small trail of midnight blue. At the last second she turned her head a little and noticed that they came in at a tie.

"Shoot! So close!" she laughed and did a little loop.

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((when it comes to anything, sky is just like"who cares what the hell happens?" but when it comes to flying, he is like "kill or be killed" though it's his fav thing to do))

Sky laughed at the tie, though he knew he would have won if he hadnt given the head start, though he wasnt about to let foe know that.

"Good race, your still pretty fast" He said as he did a triple flip and landed at cloudsdale

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(Lol, cool attitude.)

She smiled and hovered in the air, not daring to get to close to Cloudsdale. I may have a friend, but I still have secrets.

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Midnight let out a long breath.

"I've been bullied on Cloudsdale because of my wings. They haven't really helped me fly fast, but they did help me stay quiet."

She nodded towards her wings, which did not have regular pegasus feathers but owl's feathers.

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Sky laughed at how ridiculous she was being, she had just raced him and they had tied, anypony who could do that was a good flyer

"You just tied in a race with me, not everypony can do that. and why would people bully you about your wings anyway?"

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Midnight shrugged.

"My dad and mom were really fast fliers in their young days. They have high expectations for me."

She looked down on a small house and waved to Fire.

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((thats because celestia, sadly, isnt being played right now))

Twilight was flying to cloudsdale when she noticed to pegasi have a race. It made her happy that, even in this time if civil war, ponies were still trying to have fun. She laughed and continued on her way to cloudsdale

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sky looked down and saw fire as well though he didnt wave, there was no way he would see them up here

"My parents couldnt give a dam about me, they left twi's empire and went into celestias, they though her rule was better and they hated me" he said, remembering his **** parets

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Midnight flew away and plopped down onto a cloud, watching the sun rise. She heard 4 nightingale notes ring, signaling the break of dawn.

I'll best be going. I made a friend in the war, who knows who else I'll meet? The Fire pony from Celestia's Kingdom seems rather, nice, so does Lilly...

She flew back to her new home in the Everfree forest, in the roots of a gigantic willow tree.

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Sky woke up and noticed that midnight was gone and the sun had risin. He laughed and dashed down to ponyvile hoping to get lucky and score some food, he was starving. He ran into a food merchant and got some free hay fries, it pays to know pony's

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Midnight fluttered onto a branch on the willow tree. She sat behind a curtain of leaves, thinking. Her eyes darted back and forth and she realized what was wrong.

I'm hungry.

(:D suspense ish)

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((dont make the suspence to long, the food will go cold :P))

Sky felt hungryer then usual and managed to get a sun flower smoothie as well, though he had to promise to leave them alone for the rest of the day. Well thats ok, its not like he has to never come back. He walked into the everfree forest to take a little trip to a water fall in the forest. Once their he sat down and ate his food, leaving the smoothie until last

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Midnight tossed a few coins onto the counter and got her hay-fries. She flew back to the Everfree forest, waved to Sky over at the waterfall, and went back to her perch in the tree.

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Midnight reached into a small hollow spot in the trunk and pulled out a little bit of cheese. She threw it into the sky and watched as some Everfree creature jumped up and snatched it in its jaws.

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Midnight leaned against the trunk and began to hum a little song that her mother used to sing to her when she was little. She relaxed at the thought of it and closed her eyes, but swayed her tail left and right to show that she was not asleep.

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