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Camp Half Blood (Rp thread)


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Sky saw one of the pony's swing his sword in the most predictable fashion, he was doing a double dash strike. Sky waited until he had gitten close which was when he kicked the sword out of his hand and strikes taking out the attacker.

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Sky saw the smoke and knew that fire had just helped him out, alot. Sky quickly moved threw the smoke taking out blue by blue. Sky saw one pony who was aiming a bow at fire. Sky knew fire was able to dodge arrows, he could. Sky quickly ran back to the flag as the smoke started to clear. As sky got back there he saw about ten pony's running from one side and three from the others. The four pony's on the red who were already there stepped out and got ready to fight. Sky pulled both swords out again and did some warm ups with them while he waited for the attack to start. He really wished that fire would jump out of that tree and help them in this melee

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Fire saw an arrow coming her way. She jumps from branch to branch and shoots a paralysis arrow at the blue archer. Sky still needed help so she said to herself "I have to save Sky". She pulls out her greek fire arrow and shoots it at the ground. She hopes Sky would get the message because the fire instantly started to spread around the red flag

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Sky saw the fire and quickly flapped his wings and started to fly. Sadly, the red's there were earth pony's so they got burned. Ten of the blue's did the same as sky and dashed to attack sky mid air. Sky was serious now

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Fire needed to know the position of the blue flag so that the game can be stopped and her team mates won't suffer. She shoots a few paralysis arrows at the blue soldiers and jumps down from the trees. "You guys alright? You need to get under cover"

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Sky saw a guy with a spear come at him, he had a idea. Sky grabbed the spear and disarmed the blue then threw the spear at some blue's. After he did that he flew into the air and checked for the flag, he noticed a battle was happening up here as well. Sky knew it would behard for even him to get threw that mess, Sky flew back to the ground

"No, the fight is to intese up their, but i have a vauge idea" Sky said as he laned on a pony then cut down another

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((Well, hope neveria is on soon, time for her and me to have our rematch))

Sky nodded and sprinted towards where he expected the flag was. He didnt really have time for combat o he just slipped threw undetected until he came to the flag. Sky kept his eye on every area this time, no doubt that trickster was going to try and sneak up on him

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Sky felt the pain of the shield smashing into hi. Sky let the bash carry him as he flipped and landed on all hooves. Sky put one hoof behind his back and drew both swords. As sky placed one in his other hoof, he took up a fighting stance, she may be a better thinker and stratigest when it comes to most things, but when it comes to battle sky always triumps

"I was more ready this time, ready for a rematch?"

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Midnight blocked a few of Sky's attacks with her shield but got a few cuts along her arm. She pushed him away with her shield and kicked him back, then smashed the hilt of her blade onto his shoulder, doing it gently enough so that it would only hurt but not injure him. She did a few quick slices and backed away to the flag. Angling her ears, she heard the thundering of hooves as the blue team advanced towards the red's flag.

"Well, I hope this'll be a tie."

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"Great! More blues" Fire thought as she and her team of reds battle to keep the flag safe. Fire shoots her paralysis arrows at most of her targets so that they cannot get up. "We can do it! Team red!" Fire shouted as she shot more blues. "Come on Sky!" She thought as she continued to shoot at blues

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Sky felt the shield and the hilt hard, it hurt but not as much as you would have thought. Sky heard the hooves thundering.

"Well, looks like i need to stop playing mr nice guy" Sky said as a joke as he rushed midnight. He did a quad attack, using one blade to do a side attack, one blade to do a thrust, one hoof to trip and his wings to create a gust to force her down. His plan was to force her to the ground where he would be able to disarm her and get to the flag. This move was a hard one to predict and a even harder one to block but sky knew that midnight would either just surrender or she would find a way out, daughter of athena

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