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My Little Pony: Battle of the Ponies.


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I stretch out my wings and sigh out of releaf that she hadn't said anything. I gently knock on Sky's door, blushing the whole time. "Up and at 'em, sleepy head."

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Sky walked to his door and opened it, but blushed hard when he saw it was rose, and to top it off, it was even more visable because of his ocean blue coat. Sky was tounge twisted from the night before and coulnt talk

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Starlight was already in her jump suit, she had her battle axe handle under her wing. She had daggers strapped to her hind thigh directly on the left. She had her targets, she conjured see through swords, stabbed into the ground. Her blue aura made the swords blue. There were about ten right behind her. she looked at Stormchaser, and gave a slight smile. She waited for her command to attack the decoys.

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Firestorm was actually already up and wating for the others. "how do they expect to survive if they can't get up early and be ready to go at a moment's notice?" he thought to himself smirking, when he saw everyone come in he stood up and waved to them "well took you guys long enough." he said chuckling.

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Sky blushed more and more as she said every word, he was taken back a bit, he hadnt been expecting this. His tounge got tied again, he couldnt even move his mouth, he was just shocked at the suddenness of this

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As Starlight heard her command to attack, She closed her eyes and lifted each 'Ghost' sword behind her, she quickly opened her eyes, they were glowing white. Each sword hit the decoy perfectly. This surely was a useful attack...

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Sky was still to nervous to talk, nd to shocked. Instead of talking or anythign, he blushed as he walked past rose, he didnt know what they were, for all he knew they were just friends, though the night before kept playing in his mind. Sky walked to a wall and sat down, starting to think about his life, this might be one of the last times he could freely

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"You know what? I think I will just go." I say and I gallop out of Sky's room. Stupid stupid filly. I keep saying in my head over and over. I walk outside to clear my mind.


((Well, isn't he a Killjoy! :lol: ))

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Sky saw rose run out of the room. He just sat there. After four minutes he got up, still with a visalbe blush, and started walking towards the pratise room. He was still contemplting his life

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Starlight was still training, throwing daggers here and there, casting deadly spells, She just didn't stop. She was working herself quite hard.

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I walk into the training room, ignoring the fact that Sky is there. I pull backan arrow with my teeth and let it fly, hitting almost the center, just off by a teensy bit. "Drat." I curse under my breath before shooting a few more times. 3 more arrows until I finally hit the center, and I am overjoyed. I smile and happily stomp my hooves before continuing.

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Sky restocked his arrow's and walked out to the melee range practise area. He set up the program so that he was surrounded. Sky waitied for the timer to finish, then he started quickshottign every pony. He dogged blows from the pratctise bots and fired of his arrow's, always getting a heart or a headshot. He was dogging and punching hard, shoting and stabbing with a arrow. As he took out the second last one he pulled his last two arrow's out of his quiver and shot them into the last one, one arrow threw the heard, the other threw the head. Sky just sighed as he went to restock his arrow's, leaving a massive mess behind him

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Starlight was near them, and she was going crazy. Each time a dummy came up, she threw her dagger at them. Usually hitting them in the head perfectly. She knows survival skills as well, and identifying plants/creatures through out the forest.

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Sky, once he had done archery, started doing some of his survival skills. He knew how to craft custom bow's and custom arrow's with nothing more then a sharp knife. He also knew how to start a fire and how to cook food well, with him being a hunter and all.

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