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My Little Pony: Battle of the Ponies.


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Cirrus nodded, and pulled out another arrow. She raised the bow and stood there for a minute, trying to focus on the target. Once she had a complete focus on it, she released the string. The arrow hit a few inches away from the bullseye

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Sky smiled, he was impressed, it was a good shot

"Great shot" Sky said as he congratulated her

"You might already know this, but in the games you might not have time to do that exact technique as it sometimes takes awhile, to be able to quick shot with a bow you will need to find the easyiest way shoot for you" Sky said in a bit of a ryme though this was not intentional

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Sky grinned, he wanted to practise archery again, though in a harder setting. Well, may as well. Sky walks over to the archery course and grabs a bow and a quiver, then he walks over to the melee combat zone. He sets combat bots at 25, which was five more then he had arrow's for, and he set them for the hardest difficulty. He went and stood at the standing areain the middle of the group.

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I laugh gently as Sky walks away. "So, Cirrus. Do you need help with anything else? If you need help with daggers, go to Starlight, and I... Well... I'm good at..." I put a hoof to my chin and think for a moment. What was I good at? Then I remember what I was always getting scolded at for doing in my home town. I quickly pick my head back up. "I'm good at a sword. So, if you need help with that, tell me." I laugh again as I gallop towards the swords, and I pick up the heaviest one, which to me is a light a feather. I set the bots to 30, and set the difficulty on the hardest level I could. I walk into the middle of the practice area for swords and wait for the bots to come out so I may decapitate them. Everypony knows their main hard-drive was stored in their eyes.

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Starlight went into the bot pods, and set the difficulty to 47. She got ready, and took out daggers. She started to throw at least on at each bot that ran at her. She must've killed almost 20 Bots before she grew tired and stopped.

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After Starlight finished, she continued at the same difficulty again. She didn't stop this time until she killed each and every bot.

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I take a few steps back and drop my sword, turning to take a break. I sit down and watch the other ponies.

"When will we actually start the games?" I asked to mostly myself.

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She was finished and was walking off, She walked past Rose, "In two days." She said walking off, her score was still on the pod. 'Level 47, Score 96/100'

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I look at my pod, and it reads 'Level 30, Score 100/100'. I smile at it and get more comfortable. A nap doesn't sound bad right now... I consider walking back to my room to take a nap.

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Cirrus looked around. She spotted a group of stormclouds huddled in the corner of the room and grinned. She flew up, pulling one of the clouds away from the group, and moved it near a group of bots. She stood on the cloud, waiting for the right moment. As soon as one of the bots moved, she jumped. A bolt of lightning shot out of the cloud, directly hitting one of the bots. Cirrus laughed and flew down to the ground.

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((Guys, i will not be on often much anymore, please dont go crazy))

Sky was ducking from every bot. His difficulty was at maximum, which was a straight 100. He was using a bow against 30 bots and he only had 20 arrows. Sky ducked as one of the bots slashed at him. Sky quickly shot a arrow straight into the bots stomach. The bot fell. Sky quickly dogged a few more blows, shooting arrows as he did so. As sky side stepped from a slash, he felt a near hit on his head. He quickly flapped his wings and did a back flip, landing behind the bot who had struck. He snapped its neck. Sky stood there shooting arrows until he had none left. There was still 9 bots left. Sky smiled as he sprinted up and kicked down two. He dogged a sword slice and snapped the attacker neck. Sky noticed another two so he grabbed the sword from the bot he had just killed and threw it at one of the two, it hit threw the head. Sky took out 8 of them, but he had forgotten about the ninth. He felt a searing pain as one landed a direct blow on his shoulder. He screamed in pain as he pulled a knife from his belt and stabbed the last bot. Sky fell over, gasping in pain

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Sky fell over, whimpering in pain. His shoulder was brused bad and was also bleeding a lot from the force of the impact. He cryed out as he hit the ground, the 'thud' crushing his wound a bit more. He felt like he had broken a bone, again. Sky managed a smile as he realized the bone wasnt broken, just insanly brused, a bit chipped and a small crack. He also wimpered as he relized this

"Ah, stupid 30th bot" He joked

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Starlight looked at Sky and ran towards him forcing the pod to open. She ran at him, "Are you alright," She asked, "How did you do this?"

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