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Tips for those who aren't artistically inclined


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I was wondering if any of you DA/artistic ponies and bronies could give a few pointers on drawing for those of us who aren't artistically inclined.

I've been trying to get into drawing for a while now, and I just haven't been that great. I know that it takes years of practice and just time in general to be any good, but I was wondering I there were any tips I could get for drawing ponies, or even drawing in general.

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I think one of the best things you can do is just doodle. Go out with a paper pad and a pencil and draw what you see. There is no right or wrong, because we all see the world in a different light. But drawing from observation is a great way to get started. Don't fuss on small details either. Look at objects and see them for the bigger over all shapes and forms that they are. That is one mistake a lot of people make. They want to start drawing but they get so hung up on the little details that the over all image ends up being less than they expected. There are also a lot of helpful tutorials on DA, and a good old standard anatomy book is a great reference for any artist. I know you can get animal speific ones as well. Asa for ponies, if you're trying to emulate FiM's style, simply watch an episode, paused it here and there to see the angles and character movement. Then work from observation and draw what you see. It won't be perfect the first time, and it may take a lot of practice, but you'll start to find your own knitch and style. Personally I have a sketch book that I just scribble ideas in. They all look blocky and rough, but it's just to get my ideas on the page. If you were to look at that then my polished finished images, you would think two different people did them. Just remember to take your time.

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"Don't fuss over small details" Gee... that's a though one

A drawing teacher once told me: "let your eyes go cross for a moment to see everything blurry. It makes all the small details vanish and the main shapes stand out. Draw those, and then once you have that down, go back and start picking out the details."

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A drawing teacher once told me: "let your eyes go cross for a moment to see everything blurry. It makes all the small details vanish and the main shapes stand out. Draw those, and then once you have that down, go back and start picking out the details."

That's honestly really great advice.

The best way to learn is breaking things down into shapes. Simplify it and add the details later. When I'm drawing I tend to make a giant mess, then slowly refine it down to something presentable.

But then again, I learned to draw from Lion King coloring books, so you may or may not want to listen to my advice.

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I think you have a good start there. It looks a lot better than my first pony sketch did. I think a good way to look at the ponies over all is in circles. I would suggest trying to sketch out the whole body first then go back and do the eyes, hair, and other details. It's a good way to see the proportions and a lot of times you'll find that one part may be off. At least if you haven't filled anything in yet, it's not like you have to erase a lot of work.

I did also find this: Wonderful Reference

I think it shows a great break down on how to proportion out the bodies.

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hi hi

Anyone can learn how to draw with effort, when kids are little they'll draw anything without a care if it is accurate, but most people hit a stage where they get frustrated when they can't draw as well as they would like and stop. The trick is to not get discouraged and keep trying and eventually you'll get past that stage.

One of my favorite artists who's been a big inspiration for me didn't start drawing until she was going into college and after 3 years of hard work was producing amazing stuff.

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I generally can't draw things well as a rule, but I find these ponies rather easy and quick to draw...and they actually end up looking okay!

The biggest help I got was taking screenshots from episodes and printing those out as references for body shape, leg length, hair, eyes, head shape, etc. It helps a lot and got me started very fast. Also try using shapes rather than starting from nothing- I use 3 circles, for the head and 'shoulders'(they don't really seem to have them that prominent so this one doesn't matter so much) and hips/butt.

Unlike everything else I draw, the legs are the easiest part.

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