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Slaughter of the Soul (Private) (Hiatus)

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Soul came across Killjoy in the halfway. "Well, you don't look like a manticore malled you today." He smirked and gave a small laugh, but quickly stopped when it started to hurt. "Ugh, did they make you go to rehab for injuries in the Solar Army? Because this is some Minotaur sh!t."

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"no...the Doctors knew better than to pull me off the field of battle." Killjoy replied "Also B|tching about rehab won't make the process go any quicker."

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"That's easy for you to say. You aren't the one having to do it." Soul said rolling his eyes. He looked out at the rising sun. "I hope that I can get all of this mess over with soon. I don't want to be sitting around for long."

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"Again, that's because the doctors knew better than keep me away from a battle, if you were like me and had a horrid reputation known through the entire military, you wouldn't going through this rehab." Killjoy said "an for a pony who was in the Republic, I never thought following rules was in your nature."

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"what any soldier does when nothing bad is going on...absolutely nothing..." Killjoy replied. "Never told me that the Nightwatch was a slower job than the Solar army,"

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Soul wanted to respond, but a nurse came from the infirmary and put a hoof on Soul. "It's time for your rehab, Mr. Soul. Come with me." Soul groaned and followed the nurse. "Well, if you need me I'll be killing myself." he said in despair as he left.

Chaos trekked through the forest alone, his followers all dead and him being all that remains of the Order of Tirek. He had severe injuries and a weakened horn. "Gone....it's all gone.....but they have yet to see the full effect of the nightmare......"

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Killjoy chuckled as Soul left, his misery was slightly funny to her. She just looked out a window peering out into the horizon, part of her wished to see a horde of enemies, doesn't matter who, running down the hills to attack Canterlot. This quieter life style was started to get to her.

((again, I apologize for not posting, been busy lately.))

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Celestia walked by and saw Killjoy near the window. "Morning, Killjoy." She said in her usual sweet tone. "How are you?"

((It's cool. I haven't been very active lately either.))

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Killjoy looked at Luna "Bored...I don't think I will ever get used to not being in battle everyday, standing around isn't something I do...I'm usually driving my sword into some poor fool in the battlefield at this time." She sighed "thought it would all be the same in the Nightwatch, except all the battles are at night...Couldn't be anymore wrong."

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((Celestia, not Luna. lol))

"Another time will come, Killjoy. You're a young mare, there will be plenty of time for battle in your career. Anyways, that's not what I found you to say...." Celestia said, putting a hoof on Killjoy. "I just wanted to thank you once again for rescuing me...and more importantly, for rescuing my sister. I haven't seen her this happy in years." she finished with a smirk and a sly wink. "I must be going, take care Killjoy dear." She said as she walked away.

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((I meant Celestia....mind mind saw Celestia on the post, then again I was really tired lol))

Killjoy knew what Celestia was hinting at and tried very hard not to blush. she then watched Celestia walk walk off and sighed as she looked back out the window "I was just doing my duty..."

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Some hours later Soul came back out from the infirmary. He gave an annoyed sigh and proceeded on. "That was so stupid that listening to that Derpy Hooves mare sounds like a college lecture."

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A guard ran up to Killjoy "Captain, Luna wants you in the throne room." he said soluting then walking off. Killjoy headed over to the throne room. A guard also walked up to Phalanx and Huntress "you two are wanted in the throne room." he said.

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Phalanx and Huntress looked to each other with concern before turning and heading that way. Some strange feeling began to stir in Phalanx, as he had a feeling something was terribly wrong.

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Killjoy made it to the throne room. Luna saw killjoy walk in"once the other two are here, I'll brief you on your mission." she said with some sorrow in her tone.

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"I did...Chaosweaver seems to not know when he is beaten, he just destroyed a small town not far from here.." Luna said looking to Phalanx. "He destroyed the town of Trotsdale..."

((took me a minute to come up with a name, I don't think it's a bad name.))

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Phalanx, who had been holding his spear and shield, dropped them both to the ground with a loud clank. He fell to his knees as a few tears formed. "Trotsdale.....everypony is dead?" He asked weakly. Huntress figured out that Phalanx must have been from their and gasped to herself, feeling her own sources of hurt for Phalanx's home.

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Luna closed her eyes and sighed "I'm sorry Phalanx, but I have to send you on this mission...you three are the only ones capable of hunting down Chaosweaver and ending him. Find Chaosweaver and when you find him...Killjoy...show him the fear of death!" she said sternly

Killjoy nodded and turned to Phalanx "get up...now is the time for vengeance...mourn later. repay death with death. Stallion up soldier, we a creature to destroy." she said sternly. Killjoy was never good with feels and never really knew what comforting was, she sometimes got it right, but not so much in this case.

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"Make it four, Princess." A voice said. Soul stood in the doorway fully suited up, tossing his bandages to the ground. "To hell with this rehab nonsense, if there is one thing I learned in the Republic, it's that the best way to heal a wound is to make it a callus." Phalanx walked up to Soul with tears in his eyes, but a tough and determined look on his face. "Glad to have you, brother." He said, locking hooves with Soul.

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